"Angel Kanchev" University of Ruse is an autonomous state higher school. It was
transformed with a Decision of the People's Assembly of 21 June 1995 and is a
successor of the higher technical school, established in Ruse on 12.11.1945.
The University of Ruse "Angel Kanchev" is the only University in Ruse, Razgrad, Silistra and Vidin areas. This meets the internationally established indicator of "one university per one million population". The University of Ruse has established itself as a driving force and a guarantor for the development of the regions it serves. The University of Ruse is the largest university and an academic leader on the territory of the entire cross-border Bulgarian-Romanian region along the Danube River and makes the most of its geographical location in the cross-border Bulgarian-Romanian region and the Danube area. It has proven an authority among its international partners from these regions and has won a leadership positions in the terms of the number of the cross-border projects implemented, as well as the number and the scale of the organized cross-border and transnational initiatives.
The University of Ruse is the only higher education institution in Bulgaria that has been a member of the Danube Rectors' Conference for more than 30 years. It is a regular member of an authoritative international organizations:
- An Association of the European universities (ЕUА);
- The conference of Rectors of the universities from the Danube countries (DRC);
- The Visegrad University Association (VUA) – A co-founder; Dubrovnik Interuniversity Centre;
- The Balcan University Association (BUA) – A co-founder,
- An University Agency of Francophonie (AUF).
The University of Ruse is a part of the Consortium of the universities that have joined the 16 + 1 initiative / Educational cooperation between the 16 countries of the Central and Eastern Europe and China.
In September 2018, the University of Ruse signed the MAGNA CHARTA UNIVERSITATUM and was accepted into the family of over 900 leading universities in the world.
The University of Ruse offers a wide range of majors in eight faculties and three branches: The Agrarian and Industrial Faculty, The Faculty of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering, The Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Electronics and Automation, The Faculty of Transport, The Faculty of Business and management, The Faculty of Natural Sciences and Education, The Faculty of Law, The Faculty of Public Health and Healthcare, The Silistra Branch, The Razgrad branch, The Vidin branch.
The University of Ruse forms the Academic Danube Axis with its affiliates in Silistra, Ruse and Razgrad, to which it has declared its readiness to join a fourth affiliate in Taraklia, Moldova as a result of the transformation of Taraklia State University "Grigoriy Tsamblak" and after signing an agreement between Bulgaria and Moldova.
The University of Ruse "Angel Kanchev" teaches in the following 7 areas of a higher education: • Field 1. Pedagogical sciences: professional directions - 1.2 Pedagogy and 1.3 Pedagogy of training in…; • Area 3. Social, economic and legal sciences: professional areas - 3.3 Political sciences, 3.4 Social activities, 3.6 Law, 3.7 Administration and management and 3.8. Economy; • Field 4. Natural sciences, mathematics and informatics: professional directions - 4.5 Mathematics and 4.6 Informatics and computer sciences; • Field 5. Technical sciences: professional fields - 5.1 Mechanical engineering, 5.2 Electrical engineering, electronics and automation, 5.3 Communication and computer engineering; 5.5 Transport, shipping and aviation, 5.6 Materials and materials science, 5.7 Architecture, construction and surveying, 5.10 Chemical technology, 5.11 Biotechnology, 5.12 Food technology, 5.13 General engineering; • Area 6. Agricultural sciences and veterinary medicine: a professional direction 6.1 Plant breeding; • Area 7. A Health care and sports: professional areas - 7.4 A Public health and 7.5 A Health care; • Area 9. A Security and a defense: A professional direction 9.1 A National security.
The University of Ruse offers a higher education in two educational and qualification degrees Еducational Qualification degree "bachelor" and "master" (a full-time, a part-time and a distance learning) and in the educational and scientific degree "doctor" (a full-time, a part-time and an independent form of study). The University of Ruse "Angel Kanchev" attracts the interest of the prospective students from the different regions and a various age groups as a multidisciplinary higher education institution.
The strategic priorities of the University are as follows:
- preparation of students for work in the conditions of strong competition on the labour market and expanding the scope of training;
- development of the intra-university system for quality control in education;
- development of the staff and research potential;
- implementation of a set of activities in the field of European integration and international relations;
- building up of a well-organised university system, flexible with respect to the external conditions, with modern facilities and information database.

Around 10 000 students and doctoral degree students study in state-of-the-art study halls and research laboratories, spread on 67 490 sq m (of which over 13 000 sq m in the newly built school building -2, officially opened in 2010). The teaching staff consists of 382 highly qualified full-time lecturers, of whom 40 professors, 160 associate professors and 322 PhD lecturers. A great number of renowned specialists in different spheres of knowledge also teach part-time at the University. Student residences and facilities for sport and leisure are provided for all students willing to use them.

Teams from "Angel Kanchev" University of Ruse participate in the implementation of over 250 multi-lateral and bi-lateral international agreements in the field of science and education, of which over 200 are under the Erasmus Progrtamme. Furthermore, there are agreements with partners from about 40 countries from Europe, Asia and America under 20 international programmes for cooperation. The annual number of lecturers, administration, students and doctoral students, participating in international training and practical forums is between 450 and 520, with student mobilities growing continually. Every year between 70 and 100 students travel under the Erasmus programme only.
The mission of the University of Ruse reflects the 78-year academic tradition of the University and the modern trends for the development of a higher education in the conditions of globalization and a competitive market of educational services with an orientation towards the transfer of a knowledge, an experience, technologies and innovations of a high scientific and applied value, in the mandate programs of the academic leadership for the periods: 2016 - 2019; 2020 - 2023; 2024-2027, in the Development Policy of the University of Ruse, as well as in a number of the European program documents regarding to the development of the European Area for an Education and Research. These documents, as well as the new status of the University of Ruse as one of the research higher schools in Bulgaria, predetermine the main priorities and tasks of the academic leadership and the academic community of the university, finding a concrete expression in the following directions:
• A high quality of education for students, doctoral students and specialists through a comprehensive application of the competence approach and an interdisciplinarity in a curricula and programs in order to guarantee a successful professional realization on the national and European labor market, the career development and the continued qualification.
• A benchmark of the university's research and innovation activity with the best national and international practices through a continuous growth of innovative developments and publications indexed in a globally recognized databases.
• Ensuring conditions for the top scientific achievements and a transfer of a know-how in accordance with the needs of the national economy and the regional ecosystem.
• Accelerated digitization of the educational process, the research activity and the management processes at the university.
• A continuous intensive development of the university's academic staff in each of its accredited professional areas, ensuring an academic continuity and the conditions for the establishment of the scientific schools.
• A confirmation of the influence and the role of the University of Ruse as an authoritative and a reliable international partner with an ever-expanding network of the partner institutions on a global scale, with a leadership positions in the implementation of projects with the European funding and prestige in the European Education and Research Area.
• A development and an improvement of the internal university system for the management of the quality of the education, the research and the academic staff as a powerful tool for harmonizing the university systems.
• A continuous renewal and improvement of the technological and informational resources of the university in order to ensure the most optimal and stimulating conditions for a modern educational process and an innovative research activity.
The indicated priority directions in the development of the University of Ruse, as well as the dynamics in the national and European environment for higher education, predetermined the following highlights in the mission and the vision of the university in the period after the last institutional accreditation:
• A development of the University of Ruse as a driver and a guarantor for the sustainable development of its adjacent regions and a factor in the planning and the implementation of the policies based on the knowledge economy;
• A more and more complete confirmation of the University of Ruse as a leader in the Bulgarian-Romanian cross-border region and the Danube area.
• A confirmation of the University of Ruse as a fourth-generation university, distinguished by its open innovation system and a full synergy with the local and regional ecosystem;
The poly-functionality of the university through the achievable priorities and measurable goals, the provision of a modern knowledge and a practical skills; an integration of scientific, research and educational processes, a strong orientation towards the scientific applied research, an investment in infrastructure for the knowledge and innovation, an authoritative, a reliable and internationally recognized partnership, an expertise, a teamwork and professionalism, a dialogue and tolerance for differences in the approaches and solutions.
The development of the university as an open innovation space is evidenced by the infrastructure complexes of the Centre for Excellence and the Centre for Competence in the field of ICT, built during the accredited period. The University's newly established Research Institute for Technology and Innovation also has its leading place as a center for a scientific research.