1. ​​Application form (Sample copy) addressed to the Rector of the University of Ruse for studying in a given program. 
  2. Photocopy of the high school diploma.
  3. High school mark sheet.
    The minimum average grade in the subjects of the secondary school diploma, which are relevant for the course for which the person is applying may not be lower than 62 percent of the maximum grade according to the grading system of the country in which the secondary education was obtained.
  4. A certificate from the Regional Department of Education (RDE) in the city of residence or in the city of Ruse for recognized secondary education with recalculated grades in individual subjects according to the six-point grading system;
  5. Medical certificate issued by a registered medical practitioner no later than one month prior to the date of application;
  6. A document certifying proficiency in Bulgarian at level B2 according to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages issued by a higher education institution in the Republic of Bulgaria - for candidates who will not be undergoing a Preparatory language course;
  7. Copy of citizenship documents and declaration of identity of names - for applicants with dual citizenship, one of which is Bulgarian;
  8. Photocopy of the passport (the page with your full name, written down in Latin, date and place of birth);
  9. Six recent photos – (3,5х4,5).


  1. The documents, specified in items 2, 3 and 5 should be translated and legalized;
  2. The documents must be translated into Bulgarian and notarized on the territory of Bulgaria or at the Bulgarian embassy in the relevant country;
  3. Legalization of the documents has to be in accordance with the provisions of the international treaties of the Republic of Bulgaria with the country in which they are issued, and in the absence of such treaties - according to the general procedure for legalization, translation and certification of documents and other documents. If necessary, you can consult with us at the e-mail address: [email protected] or with an official at the consular offices of the Republic of Bulgaria;
  4. For the citizens of the Republic of Turkey, the documents mentioned in points 2, 3 and 5 need to be certified only with an Apostille by the District Governor (Vali) of the place of residence.


Please, send all documents required for your application to the following address:

University of Ruse
International Students Directorate
8 Studentska Street
7017 Ruse