Competitive exam at the university of RuseState matriculation exam or State exam for acquiring a professional qualification
1BulgarianBulgarian and Literature
3History of BulgariaHistory and Civilization
4Economic Geography of BulgariaGeography and Economics or Entrepreneuership
5ChemistryChemistry and Environmental Protection
6BiologyBiology and Health Education
7Informatics and Information TechnologyInformatics or Information Technology
8General technical trainingPhysics and Astronomy or Acquiring a Professional qualification


1. As a grade from a competitive exam in the relevant discipline, the grade from a state matriculation exam taken after 01st January, 2008 and the state exam for acquiring a professional qualification under Art. 132, para. 3 of the Preschool and School Education Act enacted under the terms and conditions of the Vocational Education and Training Act after 01.01.2022.

2. The candidate who has passed the state matriculation exam can take the relevant competitive exam and then the higher grade will be considered.

Formation of the mark for the specialties of technical and agrarian sciences

SpecialtyMarks from examsMarks from the diploma Formation of the ballMax
1Agricultural machinery and technolgiesSelectable 1BulgarianMathematics2А+B+C24
2Management and service of the techniqueSelectable 1BulgarianMathematics2А+B+C24
3Air conditioning, hydraulics and gasificationSelectable 1BulgarianMathematics2А+B+C24
4Agricultural engineeringSelectable 1BulgarianMathematics2A+B+C24
5Mechanical engineeringSelectable1BulgarianMathematics2A+B+C24
6Management of the quality and metrologySelectable 1BulgarianMathematics2A+B+C24
7Materials science and technologySelectable 1BulgarianMathematics2А+B+C24
8Industrial engineeringSelectable 1BulgarianMathematics2А+B+C24
9Civil engineeringSelectable 1BulgarianMathematics2А+Б+В24
10Еlectrical engineering and electrical equipmentSelectable 1BulgarianMathematics2А+Б+В24
12 Electrical engineeringSelectable1BulgarianMathematics2А+B+C24
13Computer control and automationSelectable 1BulgarianMathematics2А+B+C24
14Internet and mobile communicationsSelectable 1BulgarianMathematics2А+B+C24
15Computer systems and technologiesSelectable 1BulgarianMathematics2А+B+C24
16Information and communication technologiesSelectable 1BulgarianMathematics2А+B+C24
17Transport equipment and technologiesSelectable 1BulgarianMathematics2А+B+C24
18Automotive engineeringSelectable1Bulgarianматематика2А+B+C24
19Technology and transport managementSelectable 1BulgarianMathematics2А+B+C24
20EcologySelectable 2Bulgarian2А+2B24
21Crop productionSelectable 2Bulgarian2А+2B24
22BiotechnologiesSelectable 2Bulgarian2А+2B24
23Food technologySelectable2Bulgarian2А+2B24
24Chemical technologiesSelectable 2Bulgarian2А+2B24
25Industrial managementSelectable 3BulgarianMathematics2А+B+C24



    1. "Elective 1" means candidate student exam in: Bulgarian language, informatics and information technologies, mathematics and general technical training or the corresponding assessment by SME/ DIPPK;
      2. "Elective 2" means candidate student exam in: Bulgarian language, biology, chemistry, informatics and information technologies, mathematics and general technical training or the corresponding assessment by SME / DIPPK;
    2. "Elective 3" means candidate student exam in: Bulgarian language, foreign language (English), history of Bulgaria, economic geography of Bulgaria, informatics and information technologies, mathematics and general technical training or the corresponding assessment by SME / DIPPK;
      When forming the competitive score, the grades from the diploma in mathematics, Bulgarian language, chemistry and biology are taken from the compulsory preparation of the diploma for secondary education (from the second high school stage). If such a grade is missing, it can be replaced with a grade from a candidate student exam in the relevant subject.
      Formation of ball for non-technical majors
    SpecialtyMarks of examsMarks of diplomaFormation of ballMax ball
    Bulgarian 1+2А230
    2EconomySelectable 3BulgarianMathematics2А+В+D24
    3Business managementSelectable 3BulgarianMathematics2А+В+D24
    4Public administrationSelectable 3BulgarianMathematics2А+В+D24
    5Digital management and innovationsSelectable 3BulgarianMathematics2А+В+D24
    6Combating crime and maintaining public orderSelectable 3Bulgarian 2А+2В24
    7Еuropean and international cooperationSelectable 3BulgarianMathematics2А+В+D24
    8Elementary school pedagogy and foreign languageEnglish or BulgarianBulgarianForeign language2А+В+D24
    9Pedagogy of teaching Bulgarian and foreign languagesEnglish or BulgarianBulgarianForeign language2А+В+D24
    10Preschool and primary school pedagogyHistory or BulgarianBulgarian 2А+2В24
    11Social pedagogyHistory or BulgarianBulgarian 2А+2В24
    12Bulgarian and historyHistory or BulgarianBulgarian 2А+2В24
    13Social activitiesBulgarian, history or biologyBulgarian 2А+2В24
    14Pedagogy of learning in mathematics and informaticsSelectable 4BulgarianMathematics2А+В+D24
    15Pedagogy of learning in physics and informaticsSelectable 4BulgarianMathematics2А+В+D24
    16Software engineeringSelectable  4BulgarianMathematics2А+В+D24
    17Computer sciencesSelectable  4BulgarianMathematics2А+В+D24
    18Financial mathematicsMathematics or IITBulgarianMathematics2А+В+D24



      1. "Elective 3" means a candidate student exam in: Bulgarian language, foreign language (English), history of Bulgaria, economic geography of Bulgaria, informatics and information technologies, mathematics and general technical training or the corresponding assessment by SME/ DIPPK;
      2. "Elective 4" means candidate student exam in: Bulgarian language, informatics and information technologies, mathematics and general technical training or the corresponding evaluation by SME/DIPPK;
      3. When forming the competitive score, the grades from the diploma in mathematics, Bulgarian language and foreign language are taken from the compulsory preparation from the diploma for secondary education (second high school stage). If such a grade is missing, it can be replaced with a grade from a candidate student exam in the relevant subject.

        For the specialty of Law, candidates are accepted under the conditions of Art. 68 of the Law on Higher Education, as the grade from the state matriculation exam in Bulgarian language and literature is mandatory. When forming the competitive score of candidate students whose secondary education diploma was issued before the introduction of state matriculation exams in 2008 and who do not have a grade from a state matriculation exam in Bulgarian language and literature, the overall success of the secondary education diploma is taken as the score. The candidate exam in the history of Bulgaria is mandatory. 
        Formation of the prom for majors in the fields of public health and health care
      SpeciatyMarks from examsMarks from diploma

      Formation of the ball





      1KinesitherapyBiologyBulgarianBiologyPhysical education or motor culture2А+B+C+D30
      2Occupational therapyBiologyBulgarianBiologyForeign language2А+B+C+D30
      3NurseBiologyBulgarianBiology 2А+B+C24
      4MidwifeBiologyBulgarianBiology 2А+B +C24
      5Physician assistantBiologyBulgarianBiology 2А+B+C24


      Note: When forming the competitive score, the grades from the diploma in Bulgarian language, foreign language, chemistry, biology and physical education are taken from the mandatory preparation from the diploma for secondary education (second high school stage). If such a grade is missing, it can be replaced with a grade from a candidate student exam in the relevant subject.