Project "Ruse Research University"

financed by the European Union - NextGenerationEU, through the National Plan for Recovery and Sustainability of the Republic of Bulgaria, under contract BG-RRP-2.013-0001-C01, for the implementation of investments under the Mechanism for Recovery and Sustainability for "Creation of a network of research higher schools in Bulgaria - 2", under the pillar "Innovative Bulgaria", Component 2 "Research and innovation", Investment 1 (C2.I1): "Program for accelerating economic recovery and transformation through scientific research and innovation".

Start 08.04.2024; Еnds: 30.06.2026

Total value: 12 000 000 lv

Strategic program

The vision of the Strategic Research and Innovation Development Program defines the University of Ruse "Angel Kanchev" as an internationally recognized research university with a significant contribution to the development of the European Research Area through the development of an innovation-stimulating environment for conducting interdisciplinary research with the potential for technology transfer, internationalization and commercialization of scientific products in support of resource-efficient, balanced and responsible socio-economic development of globally connected communities.

The pragmatic dimensions of this vision are related to:

  • Institutional support for the implementation of scientific research in directions in sync with world trends with high added value in terms of achieving the goals of sustainable development and the transition to a green and blue economy;
  • • Development of digital and mechatronic integrated solutions for intelligent management of territories, systems, processes and data, based on fundamental and scientific-applied research in accordance with the multidisciplinary profile of the university;
  • ·       Stimulating the free exchange of knowledge, experience and scientific achievements of research teams under conditions of equality, regardless of gender, race, religion, ethnic origin and social status, through the transfer of know-how and technologies, internationalization and ethical, lawful multiplication of the scientific results of the scientific groups.


For the implementation of the  University of Ruse Strategic Program, a management and administrative structure has been created, the functioning of which is regulated by independent regulations for the activities of the research university.

There are two management levels in the structure – a Steering Committee responsible for the overall management of the program and an Advisory Board performing monitoring and advisory functions to ensure the compliance of scientific results with research objectives.

Scientific fields and scientific groups

Through the implementation of the Strategic Research and Innovation Development Program, research is supported in all 7 areas of higher education developed at the University of Ruse, with an emphasis on those whose research and publication activity shape the profile of the University of Ruse internationally, as well as those , for which the support creates a prerequisite for interdisciplinary research with the potential to reach high scientific results.

A total of 7 scientific groups were formed in three integrated directions to work on the implementation of the Strategic Program.

Research and development of ICT based solutions for digital transformation and security of processes and systems

NG 3.1.1 Digital systems and technologies for sustainable smart agriculture (Smart Agriculture)

Theme: Conducting fundamental and applied scientific research to create models of cyber-physical systems (technologies) for monitoring and management of processes and systems (objects) in intelligent agriculture and to reduce negative impacts of conventional and innovative agricultural techniques on eco-systems and their resources. Study of the applicability and reliability of a method for determining the electromagnetic conductivity of the soil, etc.

NG 3.1.3. Intelligent cyberphysical systems and technologies for the generation and visualization of spatial objects and processes

ThemeConducting research in the fields of 3D technologies, unmanned aerial vehicles, robotic systems, computer vision, neural networks, artificial intelligence, cyberphysical systems, methods of mathematical analysis and modeling of the processes of generating two-dimensional images and multidimensional models; Analyzing and improving the existing and creating new methods for the digitization of objects and processes and applying the obtained results in various subject areas; Creating new methods and approaches for storing and processing visual information and for distributing this information through virtual, augmented and mixed reality technologies; Development of approaches for object detection and determination of their characteristics based on multi-sensor data and by combining the results of the analysis of visual images, spectrophotometric and hyperspectral characteristics and data; Research and analysis of data processing algorithms and methods in cyber-physical systems, study of sound, gesture, smell and taste modalities and their features and analysis, study and modeling of human-machine interactions. NG 3.2.1. Intergrated intelligent security management systems
ThemeThe activity will focus on the analysis and development of intelligent research tools for modeling the behavior of the population and response services to human-induced or natural threats that threaten life, property or the environment and require a significant and coordinated response. The program focuses on exploring the possibilities of developing intelligent ICT-based solutions and analytical tools for emergency risk management and on developing scenarios for the prevention of natural and man-made disasters.

Research of systems, objects, processes, phenomenon, technologies and innovations for a fair and sustainable green society

NG 3.1.5. Digital energy systems 4.0

ThemeThe main goal of the scientific group is aimed at developing a methodology for optimizing the operation of hybrid systems (HS) from RES in the utility sector.        

  • NG 3.1.6 Mathematical modelling, innovative business models and social innovation

ThemeResearch and development of new, efficient numerical methods and algorithms for solving direct and inverse problems from biomathematics, financial engineering, ecology. Research on mathematical models in population dynamics and in neurobiology, model problems for the spread of invasive species in population biology, mathematical models of neural dynamics under different synaptic connectivity. Different parameter regimes at excitatory and inhibitory synapses will be investigated. It is intended to study and model natural and anthropogenic phenomena and to propose interdisciplinary solutions. The scope also includes statistical analysis and contributions to existing methods and practices for modelling, analyzing and simulating data and practice processes. The program of the scientific group also includes: development of innovative and adaptation of new business models for the Utility sector through the use of new and/or rapidly entering technologies; research, analysis and assessment of the potential to transform traditional processes and functions in business and the public sector to introduce social innovation; researching the possibilities for the transfer of social innovations from the tertiary sector to other sectors of the economy; development, testing and verification in a simulation environment of new conceptual models for providing social support with a focus on individual needs of a specific target group; developing, researching the effects, compatibility and testing of assistance models and methodologies for good management of public policies in selected pilot sites at the local and regional level in crisis contexts for decision-making with a high degree of social significance; exploring the potential for hybridization and digital transformation of traditional management models and processes to generate innovative management structures and methods for quality management, resource efficiency and competence adaptation of human resources.

Fundamental and applied scientific research in mechatronics and new technologies

NG 3.1.2. Sustainable transport mobility
ThemeScientific research is aimed at formulating theoretical and scientific-applied theses for possible transformations and integrations of traditional, hybrid and alternative solutions to achieve a significant ecological and energy-efficient effect in the development of existing transport systems. A specific focus is the relationship between the introduction of alternative energy sources in transport and increasing the reliability and safety of the systems, including the social projections of decarbonization. A significant contribution of the scientific group is planned in the development of conceptual models and methodologies for the intelligent management of transport systems operating in various specific and dynamically changing environments.

NG 3.1.4 Digital, layered, energy assisted innovative technologies and models

ThemeThe program will develop: (1) a complex of innovative technologies and means for designing, researching and implementing digital ecologically clean technological systems and models; (2) modern materials corresponding to the developed complex of technologies possessing specific engineering characteristics. Synergistic development of innovative materials and technologies is foreseen, which will contribute to the realization of fast and efficient cycles of implementation of mechatronic systems, industrial and machine-building technologies, as well as creation and development of virtual architecture for simulation research in the field of cutting tools, research and evaluation of conceptual and real models and processes for engineering objects and systems in virtual and augmented reality; research and/or adaptation of new and existing technological assistive solutions for industrial processes based on intelligent computer systems integrated in a human-machine interface;


Head of the Management Committee    Acad. Hristo Ivanov Belov, DScEng

tel. (082) 888-588; e-mail: [email protected]

Deputy Head of the Management Committee for Operational Management of the Strategic Program  Assoc. Prof. Desislava Atanasova, PhD

tel. (082) 888-249; e-mail: [email protected]
