ECTS Coordinator of the Faculty "Business and Management"

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Lyudmila Mihaylova, e-mail: [email protected], office: 2B.415, тел. +359 82 888 518

ECTS Info Pack 2013-2020

Bachelor Programs

Industrial Management 

ECTS Info Pack 2013-2020

Bachelor Programs

European and Global Study (in English)

Business Management ECTS_BM_Bak_2014_ENG.pdf

Public Administration ECTS_PA_Bak_2014_ENG.pdf



Industrial Management ECTS_IM_Bak_2014_ENG.pdf

Euro-Atlantic and Global Security​

Master Programs

International Cooperation and European Projects​
Master of Business Administration (MBA) 2 semesters ECTS_BA_Mag_2019_Eng.pdf
Master of Business Administration (MBA) 3 semesters ECTS_BA_Mag_2019_ENG - 3 semesters.pdf
European Project Management ECTS_MEP_Mag_2014_ENG.pdf
Entrepreneurship and Innovation ECTS_PI_Mag_2014_ENG.pdf
Corporate Marketing
Industrial Management
Industrial Management and Marketing
European Studies and Regional Cooperation (in English)

European Studies and Public Administration​ (in English)

ECTS Info Pack - 2004-2012