Professional field - 3.3. Political science
International Cooperation and European Projects
Depending on the type of previously acquired higher education, the course includes different periods of training:
- for graduates "Bachelor" or "Master" in the professional field 3.3. Political Science - 2 semesters, part time training;
- for graduates "Bachelor" or "Master" in other areas of higher education - 4 semesters, with the possibility of recognition of courses in the first two semesters, part time training.
Two-semester program offers a narrower specialization in the field of international cooperation through the acquisition of knowledge and skills in international and national security, international conflicts, international organizations, international negotiations, diplomatic service and protocol, international dimensions of organizational culture and professional ethics, communication practices in international cooperation and others. Specialized training in European programs and projects is added to their profile pragmatic and very topical dimension, which guarantees the success of their professional realization in various spheres and organizations and dynamic multicultural environment.
First and second semester of the four-semester program includes disciplines such as history of international relations, international relations and foreign policy, European integration, institutions and decision-making in the European Union, European law, common EU policies and others. English language teaching is enhanced. In the third and fourth semesters educational content is completely identical to that of the two-semester Master's program.
Master program training ends with a thesis defense and graduates receive qualification "Master of International Cooperation and European projects."
Career opportunity: Graduates can be implemented in the departments of international cooperation in organizations from the private, public and NGO sectors, as experts and consultants in international organizations, chambers of international cooperation agencies and consultants working in international development programs and others.
Professional Field - 3.7. Administration and management
Master of Business Administration (MBA)
Master course is oriented towards professional competence for the experts in the field of business management. This training meets the ever-growing demand for managers capable to effectively manage business organizations and business activities in a dynamic economic environment determined by the increasing requirements and opportunities within the European Union by multivariance investment and increasing business risk, markets globalization, high level competition, intensive communications and new information technologies.
Depending on the type of previously acquired higher education, the course includes different periods of training:
for BA in Business Management - full-time, part-time and distance learning training, two semesters;
for BA graduates in higher education 3. Social, Economic and Legal Studies - part-time training, 3 semesters;
for BA graduates in another area of higher education (outside 3. Social, Economic and Legal Studies) - part-time training, 4 semesters.
Course content: Economics and management - Macroeconomic policy, Innovation policy, Capital markets and investment management, Financial institutions, Controlling, Organization of management, Asset management in business, Corporate security and more. Methods and technologies for research - Analysis and evaluation of management decisions, Business simulations and analysis, Heuristic approaches to management, Management tactics and more.
Career opportunity: Masters in "Business Administration" can works as managers at various levels, as experts in company management, as auditors, as human resources managers and experts with analytical and monitoring functions in the administration.
European Project Management
Masters Course aims to build professional competence to create and manage regional and business development projects in industry and agriculture. It is designed to meet the needs of experts with practical skills in the initiation, planning, execution and monitoring of projects for regional development and business in the EU and Bulgaria.
Depending on the type of previously acquired higher education, the course includes different periods of training:
- for BA in Business Management or Public Administration - two semesters, part-time training;
- for BA graduates in Engineering, Law or other areas - four semesters, part-time training.
Course content: Program factors and funds for projects - Euro integration; regional policy and structural funds; sustainable development of the industry and rural areas; planning regions and others. Identifying and formulating project ideas - theory of investment business projects; resource management ensuring production; practical project development. Management and monitoring of the projects - planning and management of procurement procedures; budgeting and financial management of projects; performance management projects; writing master thesis and others.
Career opportunity as: Managers and experts in project management in consulting companies; Professionals and project managers in industry, municipal and regional government and non-government departments. Officials in managing authorities, intermediate bodies and other departments for management and monitoring of projects under the operational programs financed by the structural and agricultural funds.
Entrepreneurship and Innovation
The training is oriented towards professional competence of the expert level for starting a small business in economic, political and institutional changing environment, to initiate changes in existing small and medium enterprise (SME), management of institutions to support SMEs. This training meets the needs of the deployment of individual initiative and entrepreneurship spirit for detection of market niches and challenges in various spheres of social and economic life.
Depending on the type of previously acquired higher education, the course includes different periods of training:
- for BA in Business Management or Public Administration - two semesters, part-time training;
- for BA graduates in Engineering, Law or other areas - four semesters, part-time training.
Course content: Basic courses in Economics and Management (for students who have completed Engineering, Law or other areas). Specialized courses: Introduction to Entrepreneurship, Business Models for Entrepreneurs, Creative and Intellectual Property Management, Sales Management in SMEs, Production and Operations Management in SMEs, SME Financing, Innovation Policy, Business Evaluation and others.
The curriculum and educational programs are developed with teachers from the Netherlands, Germany, and Slovenia and reflect modern views in the field of entrepreneurship and innovation. The educational experience of Harvard University (USA) has been used.
Career opportunity as: Masters in Entrepreneurship and Innovation can work as: entrepreneurs with their own businesses; employees who undertake business ventures in existing small and medium enterprises (SMEs); employees in organizations and institutions supporting entrepreneurship and innovation in SMEs at the regional and municipal levels of territorial administration; in the state administration; in regional, national and public organizations; in NGOs and civil society institutions; in consulting agencies and companies for public and private services.
Professional orientation of the course Entrepreneurship and Innovation is to:
- starting a small business in economic, political and institutional changing environment;
- initiating changes in existing small and medium enterprise (SME);
- management of institutions to support SMEs.
Professional Field - 3.8. EconomicsCorporate Marketing
Master course is aimed at building professional competence to implement the marketing tools at expert level.
Course content: Implementation of the marketing concept and modern marketing methods and techniques for managing the product portfolio (brand management), sales management and merchandising, customer relationships management, integrated marketing communications, implementation of marketing controlling; The essence of strategic marketing approach, management, consulting and expert doctrine of marketing in different structures of the business sector; The use of economic-mathematical and statistical methods for marketing analyses and forecasting; Using of application software for processing of market information and research, product management, sales, prices, promotions and other; Business management by marketing plans for production and sales, relationships creating and stimulating; marketing plans and programs developing.
Career opportunity: Graduates of Corporate Marketing can work as specialists and marketing managers, marketing researchers and analysts, diagnostics and sales of corporations, heads of advertising and research agencies, experts in corporate marketing problems, solutions and projects. A significant part of them successfully work in private business.
Professional Field - 5.13. General Engineering
Industrial Management
Master course is aimed at graduates with previously acquired higher education in "Technical Sciences". That qualifications meet the modern needs of managers capable of operating in a globalized economy, a significant business risk, rising resource prices, significant competition, wider use of information technology.
This master course can be covered by students with bachelor's degree in the field of: Mechanical Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Electronics and Automation, Communication and Computer Engineering, Transport, Materials and Material's Science, Chemical Technologies, Biotechnology, Food Technology, General Engineering. The training is part-time, with duration of three semesters.
Course content: Law and economic knowledge: Commercial and labor law, Economics of enterprise, Finance and Investment, Management Accounting and Control, Marketing; Management: Fundamentals of Management, Production and Innovation Management, Human Resources and Quality, Logistics, Project Management; Information Technology: Business Information Technology.
Career opportunity: Master of Industrial Engineering can work in the business sector and public administration as managers of small and medium-sized enterprises or as experts in the departments for management of production, logistics, sales, marketing, after-sales service and quality, management of human resources, consulting firms, credit departments of banks, insurance companies, etc., as well as to startup and manage their own business.
Industrial Management and Marketing
Master course is oriented towards professional competence of experts in enterprise management in industry and services. Educational degree "Master in Industrial Management and Marketing" meet the ever-growing need for adequate management in terms of the global economy, increasing competition and dynamically changing market environment, as well as the need to restructure and increase the efficiency of the industrial sector and its integration into the European Economic Area.
The training is full-time, two semesters for students with a bachelor's or master's degree in "Industrial Management", "Management of Industry", "Economics of Industry" (industry) or treated as such.
Course content: Economics - strategic marketing, market research, controlling and corporate analysis, product policy business economics. Management - modern concepts in management, supply-chain management, crisis management in business. Systems for quality management and Master's thesis workshop.
Career opportunity: Masters in Industrial Management and Marketing can work as managers or executive managers of micro, small and medium-sized enterprise; Managers of functional units in production, logistics, marketing, distribution and sales; in engineering, consulting and commercial companies and organizations; in the credit departments of banks; in the field of public administration. They can startup and manage own business.
Master Courses in BRIE (Bulgarian-Romanian Interuniversity Europe Center) |
European Studies and Regional Cooperation (in English)
The curriculum is designed according to the up-to-date requirements of the European higher education area - European Credit Transfer System, modularized courses, diploma supplement. The interdisciplinary content, its organization, didactic concept and assessment are tailored to fit the competences of the European Affairs Professional:
Politics and Policies: European Integration, Common Policies of the European Union
Economics and Management: International Economics, Economic and Monetary Union, European Management, Regional and Cross-Border Project Management.
Administration and Law: Comparative Public Administration, European Institutions and Decision-Making, European Law.
Culture and Civilization: European Civilization, European History, Comparative Cultural Studies.
Transferable skills: Quantitative Methods of Regional and EU Analysis, Teamwork and Leadership.
Language and communication skills: German, Bulgarian, Romanian, Intercultural Communication, Professional Communication.
International lecturers from BRIE partner universities conduct their courses either in English or in German.
Studies are provided with up-to-date academic facilities at the University of Ruse - renovated premises at the campus of University of Ruse, new specialized library, computer resources, intranet and internet, copying and printing services.
Summer school at European Union Institutions in Brussels is organized by BRIE to cover latest developments of European integration between the second and the third semester.
Third semester at a partner university in Germany - Chemnitz University of Technology, European University Viadrina Frankfurt (Oder) and University of Regensburg welcome students with successful academic performance.
The degree Master of European Studies is conferred by University of Ruse. As a result of a successful accreditation of the degree by the German Accreditation Agency ACQUIN ( graduates are also awarded a BRIE-certificate by the German partner university.
The degree holders have excellent career prospects Europe-wide both at the public and the private sector either in governance of supranational, national or sub-national institutions, or in the management of multinationals and other companies dealing within and with the European Union.
European Studies and Public Administration (in English)
Post-graduate four-semester full-time European Studies and Public Administration program for international students, starting 11th October 2010.
The curriculum is designed according to the up-to-date requirements of the European higher education area - European Credit Transfer System, modularized courses, diploma supplement. The interdisciplinary content, its organization, didactic concept and assessment are tailored to fit the competences of the European Affairs Professional.
Additional Information about BRIE:, tel. +359 82 82 56 67, Fax: +359 82 82 56 62, Е-mail: [email protected]