1 December 2016, Thursday
Laos expresses readiness for cooperation with Bulgaria in the field of environment
The Deputy Minister of environment and water, Ms. Atanaska Nikolova and the Minister of natural resources and environment of Laos, Mr. Sommad Folsena, discussed the possibilities for signing a memorandum for cooperation in the field of environment. They met in Ruse at the 5th Dialogue for sustainable development within the Cooperation initiative Danube Mekong. The topic of this year's forum is "The water nexus in the third decade".
"Bulgaria has been an active participant in the partnership Asia-Europe. Such platforms for cooperation are of great significance for the exchange of experience and the sustainable development of the countries, said deputy minister Nikolova. The focus of the annual seminar is environmental protection and green growth. This year it is hosted by the University of Ruse.
In his welcome address, the Chairperson of the Municipal Council in Ruse, SOR MEM Prof. Hristo Beloev, put an emphasis on the contacts to be established at this forum and their future development. „The good relations, which we have been developing with our Vietnamese partners from the twin city Can Tho, provide one more opportunity for cooperation and exchange of ideas in the field of water nexus and twinning of cities:, said he. The Rector of the University of Ruse, prof. Velisara Pencheva, encouraged the participants in the seminar to be the "ambassadors" of the academic spirit of Ruse all over the world.
Sustainable water resource management is a key factor both for the improvement of the quality of life and for the balanced social and economic development of th
24 November 2016, Thursday
A Chinese language classroom opened at the University of Ruse
Students from the degree programme European and Global Studies at the University of Ruse will have their classes in Chinese language in the specialized classroom, equipped by Confucius Institute, Sofia. It was opened by the directors of the Confucius Institute, prof. Ge Zhiqiang and assoc. prof. Aksinia Koleva, the Rector of the University of Ruse – prof. Velizara Pencheva and the Chairperson of the Assembly General and the Municipal Council – COR MEM Prof. Hristo Beloev, DSc and representatives of the Chinese Embassy in Sofia.

In her opening address, the Rector, prof. Pencheva, pointed out that the classroom provides the opportunity to all students of the University – over 9000, to get acquainted not only with the Chinese language, but also with the culture. The library, which has over 1000 volumes of study and interactive materials, can be used by the citizens of Ruse as well, added the Rector.

The relations between Bulgaria and China have been revived and we are happy that this is the fourth such classroom, which the Confucius Institute has opened in the country. These rooms are not only in Universities but also in high schools, said assoc. prof. Koleva.
Chinese has been taught at the University of Ruse for four years, by native speakers. At the moment, more than 20 students from the scientific field Political sciences study Chinese.

Besides serving as a Chinese language centre, the Confucius classroom will be used as a "bridge" between the Bulgarian and the Chinese culture, which is one of the main tasks of the Confucius Institute in Sofia. The Directors of the Institute prof. Zhiqiang and assoc. prof. Aksinia Koleva, were awarded with the Crystal sign of the University of Ruse while the teacher of Chinese at the University of Ruse, Hong Haiju, received an address of gratitude.

After the opening ceremony, the Second Festival of the Chinese culture stared in Kaneff Centre. There were participants from Sofia and Ruse, who demonstrated tai chi softball, wu shu, and traditional Chinese dresses. There were unique performances of Chinese songs and dances by Bulgarian singers and dancers and a Chinese singer sang the Bulgarian song "Oblache le byalo".
14 November 2016, Monday
Participation of the University of Ruse in the annual meeting of the Danube Rectors Conference /DRC/
'From 9th to 12th November, 2016, the Rector of the University of Ruse, Prof. Velizara Pencheva, PhD and the Vice-rector, Prof. Juliana Popova, PhD participated in the annual meeting and the Assembly General of DRC, held in the Danube University in Krems, Austria.
The authoritative international organization, which has a definitive voice in the higher education space in the Danube region was founded in 1983, and the University of Ruse is а long-time member, as well as the only Bulgarian University in it. In the period 2010-2012 the Presidency of this organization was held by the University of Ruse and its then Rector, COR MEM Prof. Hristo Berloev, DSc.

The annual meeting of DRC in Krems had as a topic „Vision-Knowledge-Prosperity. Contributions of the universities to the good practices and the challenges of the European Strategy for the Danube Region".
During the first day of the event, an Awards Ceremony was held for conferring the Danubius Awards in two categories – for a renowned scholar from the Danube region and for young scholars. In the first category the award was conferred to Prof. Ingeborg Fialova from the Czech Republic, who is a scientist in the humanities. In the second category, one young scholar from each of the 14 Danubian countries was awarded. Bulgaria was represented by Rossitsa Yaneva, PhD, who has defended her science degree in the field of geography at the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences. In 2014 and 2015 the Danubius award was conferred to representatives of the University of Ruse - Assoc. prof. Daniel Lyubenov from the Dept. of Transport and Strahil Karapchanski, PhD from the Dept. of European Studies and International Relations, Deputy Mayor of Ruse Municipality.

The Award ceremony was opened by the President of the Republic of Bulgaria, Mr. Rossen Plevneliev, who highlighted the role of our country in the implementation of the European Strategy for the Danube Region.
The annual DRC conference was opened on the second day by Johannes Hann, PhD – European commissary on the policy for territorial cooperation and expansion of the EU and Erhard Busek, PhD – former Vice Chancellor of Austria, DHC of the University of Ruse. In a conversation with Prof. Pencheva, Dr. Hann expressed his satisfaction from the visit to the University of Ruse in 2010 for the opening ceremony of Building 2, and Dr. Busek accepted the invitation for a lecture to the students of the University of Ruse.

The Conference was organized in three panels, dedicated to the role of the Danube Universities and DRC for the development of the European Strategy for the Danube region. The presentations of Mrs. Charlina Vicheva – vice director general of the Joint Research Centre with the European Commission and prof. Miroslav Veskovich – expert in the same centre.
Two strategic projects for the implementation of the Danube strategy were highlighted – Danube-Inco.net and Danube: Future, in which the University of Ruse is a key partner. The name of our University was mentioned numerous times in the presentations of the panelists, which confirms the international prestige of our Alma Mater and its important role in the Danubian space.
During the third day, the Assembly General of DRC was held, in which the Rector of the University of Ruse, prof. Pencheva, voted for the Report of the organization for the previous year, the plan for the following year and the election of the new President of DRC – the Rector of the Danube Univewrsity of Krems – Fridrich Faulmacher. The next DRC meeting will be held on 8-10 November 2017 at the University of Zagreb, Croatia.
10 November 2016, Thursday
Work visit to the Slovak Agrarian University in Nitra, Slovakia
The Chairperson of the Assembly General of the University of Ruse – COR MEM Prof. Hristo Beloev, DSc and the Vice-rector on Education, Prof. Plamen Kangalov were on a work visit at the Slovak Agrarian University in Nitra, Slovakia. They participated in the sessions of the Scientific Council of the Technical Faculty for electing a professor. COR MEM Prof. Hristo Beloev, DSc is one of the reviewers of the research work of the lecturer at the University of Nitra Assoc. prof. Pavel Findura, PhD. The other two reviewers are Prof. Ian Mareček from the Czech Agrarian University in Brno and Prof. Vladimir Krochko, from the University of Nitra. Members of the panel were also Prof. Plamen Kangalov from the University of Ruse, Prof. Ian Turan from the University of Novi Sad, Serbia, Prof. Vladimir Yura from the Czech Agrarian University in Prague. The Chairperson of the panel was Prof. Zdenko Tkach, Dean of the Technical Faculty of the University of Nitra.

The Technical Faculty of the University of Nitra has a long-standing contact with the University of Ruse and the Agrarian and Industrial Faculty, and COR MEM Prof. Hristo Beloev is a DOCTOR HONORIS CAUSA since 2009 of the Slovak Agrarian University.
„I can call the Slovak Agrarian University my University because I have been here more than 30 times. My first visit was in 1981 as a student. Then in a few successive years (1982 – 1985) I visited the University to sign agreements for exchange of student internships and work placements. After a short break after 1989, the contacts between our universities were restored in 1996 and since then we have developed numerous joint activities – work on common projects; joint textbooks, books, monographs and publications; participation in scientific conferences and workshops; publishing a joint scientific journal; exchange of students, PhD students and lecturers", commented COR MEM Prof. Hristo Beloev, DSc.

Future joint initiatives have been discussed at a number of meetings with the Board of Rectors of the Slovak Agrarian University, the Dean's team and Heads of Departments of the Technical Faculty. During discussions with long term partners from academia in the Czech Republic, Poland, Ukraine and Serbia, who were also in Nitra a joint participation in a project under Horizon 2020 has been agreed on. Another common activity would be the formation of joint research teams for solving specific problems.
9 November 2016, Wednesday
A student from the University of Ruse wins an award from CLAAS Foundation
The diploma thesis of Nikolai Atanasov, a student in the University of Ruse, impressed the panel of the competition, announced by the Foundation of one of the largest agricultural machinery companies CLAAS. CLAAS Foundation gives awards to outstanding students from all over the world, who study in the field of agriculture and engineering. In this year's edition of the competition, Mr. Atanasov won one of the five First international student awards in the section Bachelor engineering diploma thesis.
At the ceremony in Germany, Mr. Nikolai Atanasov was conferred the award personally by Mr. Helmut Claas (DHC of the University of Ruse since 2006) and was greeted by the Head of the Foundation, Mrs. Silvia Locks.
The diploma thesis in the field of agricultural machinery on the topic of "Applying Precise Agriculture in Horticulture and Livestock Farms" was awarded a certificate and financial prize to the amount of 2000 Euro. The prize has a world significance and means successful career path for its bearer.
28 October, 2016, Friday
Students Celebrated the World Occupational Therapy Day
Students from the University of Ruse celebrated the World Occupational Therapy Day. The young people studying in this degree programme organized the celebration of their professional holiday in front of the Faculty of Public Health and Healthcare building at 97 Aleksandrovska str. The students informed the passers-by about the profession „occupational therapist", handing them some promotional materials made by them. Four students from the Higher School of Occupational Therapy ETOS in Osnabrück, Germany took part in the celebration. They are in Ruse for a four week internship under the Erasmus + Programme.

The World day of Occupational Therapy is 27th October, marked for the first time by the World Federation of Occupational Therapists, (WFOT) in 2010. Since then, it has become an important date in the calendar of the specialists, practicing this profession. WFOT includes 92 national organisations, united in their efforts to develop the profession and promote the activity of the organization on a local, national and international level.

The University of Ruse is a pioneer in introducing the degree programme of Occupatio0nal Therapy in Bulgaria. Supported by the |Association of the Bulgarian Occupational Therapists (ABOT) – member of the World Federation, the University of Ruse is active in the promotion, consolidation and development of Occupational Therapy as academic subject, field of research and professional practice on a national level.

Adolf Meyer, a renowned psychiatrist and one of the founders of occupational therapy, defines it in this way: "Our role is to provide opportunities, not to prescribe treatment. Everybody should have the opportunity to work, to produce, to plan and to create…..."
26 October, 2016, Wednesday
Sixth mobility programme 26-30 October, 2016 in Bulgaria under Project 544573-TEMPUS -1-2013-1-BG-TEMPUS-JPHES "Modernising Universities in Uzbekistan" MATcHES
The mobility programme under the project MATcHES (of the TEMPUS Programme) was held from 26 to 30 October, 2016 at the University of Ruse included 21 representatives of the academic institutions of Uzbekistan. The participants are representatives of the Engineering Technological Institute in Buhara, Uzbekistan; the Engineering and Pedagogical Institute in Karshi, Uzbekistan; the Namangan Engineering and Pedagogical Institute and the Committee for Coordination of Science and Technology in Tashkent, Uzbekistan, with the University of Ruse as a lead partner. In view of the high achievements of the First Mobile Programme at the University of Ruse (July 2016), the European Commission issued a specific approval for the organization of a second Mobility Programme in Bulgaria.
The purpose of Project MATcHES is to modernize the Universities in Uzbekistan in compliance with the European reforms (the Bologna process in particular), thus contributing to achieving economy, based on sustainability, knowledge and innovation. To strengthen the knowledge triangle: education – research – innovations, through local, regional, national and international cooperation.
The presentations were organized in 4 days and included detailed description of the University of Ruse and its academic activities for strengthening the relations "University – Business". Vice-rectors, deans and directors from the University of Ruse presented in an attractive way their sectors and units. All the presenters emphasized the opportunities for the Uzbec universities through their cooperation with the University of Ruse.
The laboratories, furnished by companies, such as Schneider Electric, Siemens, as well as the were of particular interest for our guests from Uzbekistan. They also visited the Regional information centre in Ruse and learned about their activities and the possibilities for funding the relation "University – Business".
They visited the Study Production Plant, where assoc. prof. Tihomir Todorov acquainted them with the opportunities for commercialization of scientific achievements.
The final presentation was by assoc. prof. Daniel Pavlov – Director of the Entrepreneurshiop Centre of the University of Ruse. He presented the master degree programme in Entrepreneurship and Innovationbs, as well as some projects in this field such as Start it smart; Startent; Jump Project; Startup Factory, etc.
At the Regional Information Centre the guests were acquainted with the opportunities for funding of the relation "business-university through Operational Programmes.
Members of the Uzbec delegatoion participated in the Scientific conference of the University of Ruse Учените with their papers.
The work team of the University of Ruse is led by the coordinator of the project – assoc. prof. Daniel Pavlov, with the participation of prof. Diana Antonova – Vice Rector on Research, assoc. prof. Pavel Vitliemov – Vice dean on research and personnel development of the Faculty of Business and Management, pr. Assistant Svilen Kunev, PhD, Irina Kostadinova, PhD
e regions, mentioned in her address Deputy minister Nikolova. She shared with the audience the successful experience in international cooperation, concerning management of the river Danube.
The three-day seminar has been organized by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Ministry of Environment and Water, the University of Ruse "Angel Kanchev", the European External Action Service and the European Commission. Representatives of 6 European and 8 Asian countries participate in the forum.
The main goal of the initiative is the enhancement of interregional cooperation Asia-Europe. The topics discussed covered water nexus, green growth, water resources, nutrition and transnational areas.
6 October 2016, Thursday
The Honorary DHC of the University of Ruse Ignat Kanev celebrating his 90-th Birthday
„Becoming a Somebody" is the title of his autobiograpgy
Today, Ignat Kaneff, DHC of the University of Ruse celebrates his 90-ieth birthday. The Canadian construction mogul and benefactor was in Bulgaria on the eve of his personal celebration, to meet his relatives and friends. His birthday party was in Ruse. Mr. Kaneff chose to receive his 150 guests in the space of Kaneff Centre – a building erected with his donation.
On the day of his personal celebration, he received congratulatory addresses from His Highness, the Metropolitan of Ruse, Naum, the MPs Plamen Nunev and Krasimir Karakachanov, the governor of Ruse region assoc. prof. Stefko Burdjiev, the Mayor of Ruse, Plamen Stoilov, the Rector of RU, prof. Velizara Pencheva, Mr. Plamen Bobokov, the Mayor of Borovo Municipality, heads of institutions, relatives and friends. The President, Mr. Rosen Plevneliev and the Prime Minister, Boyko Borisov sent congratulato0ey addresses. The celebration was led by the Chairperson of the Municipal Council of Ruse and Chairperson of the Assembly General of the University of Ruse, COR MEM Prof. Hristo Beloev, DTSc.
On behalf of the University management, the Rector, Prof. Velizara Pencheva, expressed her gratitude for the support Mr. Kaneff has given to the higher school and assured him of the respect of the academic community. „Your life story is a kind of guidebook helping a person to reach even farther than his dreams. Your strong will, unbeatable spirit and constant readiness to help the others are signposts, which you have followed on your road to success@, said prof. Pencheva.
The biography "Becoming a Somebody" in which Ignat Kaneff shares his life with the writer Steven Nidgick, was published in a limited edition in the eve of the anniversary. The guests at the party received a copy signed by Mr. Kaneff.
The book starts with acknowledgements to COR MEM Prof. Hristo Beloev for their long-standing friendship and Mr. Kaneff shares that he has been instrumental in publishing the book in Bulgarian. Ignat Kaneff expresses his personal gratitude to the lecturer of English at the University of Ruse Milena Popova for her enthusiasm and many hours of hard labour to translate the book into Bulgarian.
„My causes are education and health care", said Mr. Kaneff in front of journalists and mentioned that he was still thinking of supporting another project in Ruse.
30 September 2016, Friday
Entrepreneurship training gaining popularity in the University of Ruse
Students from the two faculties of the University of Ruse – Business and Management and Transport are developing business plans, which are required for the application package for the TECHNOSTART project for encouraging the innovation activities of young people in Bulgaria, announced by the Ministry of Economy. The ideas approved on a national level will receive up to 10 000 Euro as grants.
In the course of their studies at the University of Ruse, students are actively engaged in entrepreneurship – they visit companies, organise surveys, work on assignments, given to them by managers from the region. Besides the Master degree programme in "Entrepreneurship and Innovations", additional master classes are organised in the University regularly, which keep gaining popularity.
In the Master degree programme in "Entrepreneurship and Innovations", the whole study process has been organised under Felder's model, where students are consulted about their business intentions. This Master degree is preferred by those willing to start their own company – individual, family or joint venture, by those who have already started their business, as well as those working in organisations, supporting SMEs in Bulgaria. For students with previous degree in business, the Master programme lasts two semesters while for those, who have graduated from other fields of higher education, the duration is four semesters. The course of study is part-time, paid and is held on weekends.
The entrepreneurship courses are designed for students not only from the Business and Management Faculty, but also from other faculties. In recent years they have become really popular due to the non-traditional forms of instruction and the opportunity to meet visiting businessmen. During the last course in eco-entrepreneurship, which finished last summer, three of the teams presented their developments on using wind energy, planting essential oil-yielding crop and consultancy in the field of environmental corporate social responsibility. Signing for the new master class in eco-entrepreneurship is by 2 October and the organisers are the faculty of Business and Management and the Institute for Studying Societies and Knowledge with the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, supported by the Institute of Environmental studies (Heidelberg) and the Federal German Ecological Foundation (DBU).
28 September, Wednesday
Ignat Kanev in the University of Ruse: „You can rely on me!"
The Canadian construction tycoon and benefactor, DHC of the University of Ruse, Ignat Kaneff visited the University and met the academic management. During the walk around the building of the University, Mr. Kaneff saw the Poster exhibition of pictures from events that took place in the Grand lecture Hall of Kaneff Centre, built with his generous donation. „I am glad that so many young people come to this Centre and you are using the facility for various purposes!", exclaimed Mr. Kaneff when he saw the pictures from the visit of the First Deputy Chairperson of the EC Frans Timmermans, from the international competitions in Informatics, the University forums and the theatre performances.
„The University received a gift, which consolidated its place among the higher schools in Bulgaria and abroad", said the Chairperson of the Assembly General of the University of Ruse and Chairperson of the Municipal Council – COR MEM prof. Hristo Beloev.
The realisation of the students and moments from the history were the highlights of the presentation, given by the rector of the University, prof. Velizara Pencheva. In his turn, Mr. Kaneff gave an example with the Bulgarians who graduated in the field of Informatics and immigrated to Canada. Only for the last 15 years the electronic systems of five of the biggest banks and hospitals have been managed by Bulgarians, said he. „It makes me happy to see that we are no worse than other nationalities because our universities provide education, which prepares young people to work anywhere – in Europe and in America", said Mr. Kaneff.
At the end of the meeting with the academic community, he received the plaquette dedicated to the 70th Anniversary of the University of Ruse and stated: „You can always rely on me!".
The exposition "Chronicles of Growth", which shows the history of the higher school and exhibits mo0menrts from the visits of Mr. Kaneff in Ruse was an emotional flashback. „I am happy that my name is next to the names of scientists with academic titles and politicians of global scale!", said he, looking at the poster with the holders of the title DHC of the University of Ruse.
27 September 2016, Tuesday
Students from the University of Ruse will be developing a prototype of town car, driven by a hydrogen cell
Students from four faculties of the University of Ruse will be developing a prototype of town car, driven by hydrogen. They are planning to participate in the next Shell Eco-marathon Europe, which will be held in London again. According to experts, it is in the class of hydrogen-driven town car prototypes where the biggest hardships and challenges should be overcome by the young engineers. With this new prototype, the University of Ruse will be participating in Shell Eco-marathon 2017 with one more team but in a different category.
The idea was born several months ago after the young people became part of research teams under different student mobility programmes and participated in conferences, dedicated to environmental protection issues in various European cities. Representatives of the Transport Faculty, the Faculty of Electronics, Electrical Engineering and Automation, the Agrarian and Industrial Faculty and the Faculty of Business and Management will be working together under a joint project for participation in competitions for vehicles, using alternative energy sources. With the help of lecturers from different departments, the students will try to create an automobile, driven by alternative energy and meeting the traffic standards in Europe.

During the meeting with the Body of Rectors, Ivan Hristov, PhD from the Department of Transport shared that during the latest forum on "green" automobiles in the Dutch city of Antwerp, one of the hottest topics was the use of hydrogen as energy source. A survey conducted among young people up to 34 years old in the European countries has shown that using electrically driven vehicles is a way of preserving the environment.
The students from the University of Ruse have a concept for a new development and have already obtained the support of the Body of Rectors. In the near future tasks will be distributed among the members of the multi-disciplinary team. The hydrogen-driven Town car prototype will be developed with the aim to take part in competitions, but it will be equally important for it to meet the traffic requirements in Europe – i.e. to have headlights, windscreen wipers and at least two doors.
Some of the lecturers, who will be working with the students have some experience in Shell Eco-marathon and are ready to share not only their knowledge, but the practical experience they have gained as well. Among them is assoc. prof. Georgi Hristov, from the Faculty of Electronics, Electrical Engineering and Automation, who foresees that in some years, electrically driven and hybrid automobiles will be quite common.
According to a document, adopted in 2011 – White Book – Road map for a single European transport area towards a competitive transport system with efficient use of resources, by 2030 the automobiles using conventional fuels should be reduced twice. The goal is to have logistics practically free of carbon dioxide in the big cities in Europe by 2030. The automobiles with ICE should be gradually phased out in the cities, says the White Book.
13 September 2016, Tuesday
Teachers from Moldova attended training at the University of Ruse
23 students studied Bulgarian during their summer practice
Students from high schools and five of their teachers from Kishinev, Tvardica and Kayrakliya were on a study trip to the University of Ruse. The students had their summer practice in Bulgaria and had additional classes in Bulgarian while their teachers attended a course for improving their qualification. At the end of the week they will all obtain their certificates.
The visit of the group to the University of Ruse is part of the programme for implementation of Decree 103 of the Council of Ministers for providing education to Bulgarians abroad. In the course of 10 days the teachers had the chance to exchange valuable experience and knowledge with lecturers from the University of Ruse, to listen to lectures and discover the historical sights of Ruse. The students, in their turn, had their schedule of classes in Bulgarian language, taught by lecturers from the University, as well as a colourful cultural programme, including visits to museums.
The guests from Moldova were present at the official opening of the academic school year at the University of Ruse. During their meeting with the Rector, prof. Velizara Pencheva, the teachers shared their wonderful impressions from the city, the University of Ruse and their emotional acquaintance with the mascot RUmen.
Six students from Moldova will start their studies at the University of Ruse under Decree this year. The Ministry of Education has doubled the places in universities for youn
14 November 2016, Monday
Participation of the University of Ruse in the annual meeting of the Danube Rectors Conference /DRC/
'From 9th to 12th November, 2016, the Rector of the University of Ruse, Prof. Velizara Pencheva, PhD and the Vice-rector, Prof. Juliana Popova, PhD participated in the annual meeting and the Assembly General of DRC, held in the Danube University in Krems, Austria.
The authoritative international organization, which has a definitive voice in the higher education space in the Danube region was founded in 1983, and the University of Ruse is а long-time member, as well as the only Bulgarian University in it. In the period 2010-2012 the Presidency of this organization was held by the University of Ruse and its then Rector, COR MEM Prof. Hristo Berloev, DSc.

The annual meeting of DRC in Krems had as a topic „Vision-Knowledge-Prosperity. Contributions of the universities to the good practices and the challenges of the European Strategy for the Danube Region".
During the first day of the event, an Awards Ceremony was held for conferring the Danubius Awards in two categories – for a renowned scholar from the Danube region and for young scholars. In the first category the award was conferred to Prof. Ingeborg Fialova from the Czech Republic, who is a scientist in the humanities. In the second category, one young scholar from each of the 14 Danubian countries was awarded. Bulgaria was represented by Rossitsa Yaneva, PhD, who has defended her science degree in the field of geography at the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences. In 2014 and 2015 the Danubius award was conferred to representatives of the University of Ruse - Assoc. prof. Daniel Lyubenov from the Dept. of Transport and Strahil Karapchanski, PhD from the Dept. of European Studies and International Relations, Deputy Mayor of Ruse Municipality.

The Award ceremony was opened by the President of the Republic of Bulgaria, Mr. Rossen Plevneliev, who highlighted the role of our country in the implementation of the European Strategy for the Danube Region.
The annual DRC conference was opened on the second day by Johannes Hann, PhD – European commissary on the policy for territorial cooperation and expansion of the EU and Erhard Busek, PhD – former Vice Chancellor of Austria, DHC of the University of Ruse. In a conversation with Prof. Pencheva, Dr. Hann expressed his satisfaction from the visit to the University of Ruse in 2010 for the opening ceremony of Building 2, and Dr. Busek accepted the invitation for a lecture to the students of the University of Ruse.

The Conference was organized in three panels, dedicated to the role of the Danube Universities and DRC for the development of the European Strategy for the Danube region. The presentations of Mrs. Charlina Vicheva – vice director general of the Joint Research Centre with the European Commission and prof. Miroslav Veskovich – expert in the same centre.
Two strategic projects for the implementation of the Danube strategy were highlighted – Danube-Inco.net and Danube: Future, in which the University of Ruse is a key partner. The name of our University was mentioned numerous times in the presentations of the panelists, which confirms the international prestige of our Alma Mater and its important role in the Danubian space.
During the third day, the Assembly General of DRC was held, in which the Rector of the University of Ruse, prof. Pencheva, voted for the Report of the organization for the previous year, the plan for the following year and the election of the new President of DRC – the Rector of the Danube Univewrsity of Krems – Fridrich Faulmacher. The next DRC meeting will be held on 8-10 November 2017 at the University of Zagreb, Croatia.
10 November 2016, Thursday
Work visit to the Slovak Agrarian University in Nitra, Slovakia
The Chairperson of the Assembly General of the University of Ruse – COR MEM Prof. Hristo Beloev, DSc and the Vice-rector on Education, Prof. Plamen Kangalov were on a work visit at the Slovak Agrarian University in Nitra, Slovakia. They participated in the sessions of the Scientific Council of the Technical Faculty for electing a professor. COR MEM Prof. Hristo Beloev, DSc is one of the reviewers of the research work of the lecturer at the University of Nitra Assoc. prof. Pavel Findura, PhD. The other two reviewers are Prof. Ian Mareček from the Czech Agrarian University in Brno and Prof. Vladimir Krochko, from the University of Nitra. Members of the panel were also Prof. Plamen Kangalov from the University of Ruse, Prof. Ian Turan from the University of Novi Sad, Serbia, Prof. Vladimir Yura from the Czech Agrarian University in Prague. The Chairperson of the panel was Prof. Zdenko Tkach, Dean of the Technical Faculty of the University of Nitra.

The Technical Faculty of the University of Nitra has a long-standing contact with the University of Ruse and the Agrarian and Industrial Faculty, and COR MEM Prof. Hristo Beloev is a DOCTOR HONORIS CAUSA since 2009 of the Slovak Agrarian University.
„I can call the Slovak Agrarian University my University because I have been here more than 30 times. My first visit was in 1981 as a student. Then in a few successive years (1982 – 1985) I visited the University to sign agreements for exchange of student internships and work placements. After a short break after 1989, the contacts between our universities were restored in 1996 and since then we have developed numerous joint activities – work on common projects; joint textbooks, books, monographs and publications; participation in scientific conferences and workshops; publishing a joint scientific journal; exchange of students, PhD students and lecturers", commented COR MEM Prof. Hristo Beloev, DSc.

Future joint initiatives have been discussed at a number of meetings with the Board of Rectors of the Slovak Agrarian University, the Dean's team and Heads of Departments of the Technical Faculty. During discussions with long term partners from academia in the Czech Republic, Poland, Ukraine and Serbia, who were also in Nitra a joint participation in a project under Horizon 2020 has been agreed on. Another common activity would be the formation of joint research teams for solving specific problems.
9 November 2016, Wednesday
A student from the University of Ruse wins an award from CLAAS Foundation
The diploma thesis of Nikolai Atanasov, a student in the University of Ruse, impressed the panel of the competition, announced by the Foundation of one of the largest agricultural machinery companies CLAAS. CLAAS Foundation gives awards to outstanding students from all over the world, who study in the field of agriculture and engineering. In this year's edition of the competition, Mr. Atanasov won one of the five First international student awards in the section Bachelor engineering diploma thesis.
At the ceremony in Germany, Mr. Nikolai Atanasov was conferred the award personally by Mr. Helmut Claas (DHC of the University of Ruse since 2006) and was greeted by the Head of the Foundation, Mrs. Silvia Locks.
The diploma thesis in the field of agricultural machinery on the topic of "Applying Precise Agriculture in Horticulture and Livestock Farms" was awarded a certificate and financial prize to the amount of 2000 Euro. The prize has a world significance and means successful career path for its bearer.
28 October, 2016, Friday
Students Celebrated the World Occupational Therapy Day
Students from the University of Ruse celebrated the World Occupational Therapy Day. The young people studying in this degree programme organized the celebration of their professional holiday in front of the Faculty of Public Health and Healthcare building at 97 Aleksandrovska str. The students informed the passers-by about the profession „occupational therapist", handing them some promotional materials made by them. Four students from the Higher School of Occupational Therapy ETOS in Osnabrück, Germany took part in the celebration. They are in Ruse for a four week internship under the Erasmus + Programme.

The World day of Occupational Therapy is 27th October, marked for the first time by the World Federation of Occupational Therapists, (WFOT) in 2010. Since then, it has become an important date in the calendar of the specialists, practicing this profession. WFOT includes 92 national organisations, united in their efforts to develop the profession and promote the activity of the organization on a local, national and international level.

The University of Ruse is a pioneer in introducing the degree programme of Occupatio0nal Therapy in Bulgaria. Supported by the |Association of the Bulgarian Occupational Therapists (ABOT) – member of the World Federation, the University of Ruse is active in the promotion, consolidation and development of Occupational Therapy as academic subject, field of research and professional practice on a national level.

Adolf Meyer, a renowned psychiatrist and one of the founders of occupational therapy, defines it in this way: "Our role is to provide opportunities, not to prescribe treatment. Everybody should have the opportunity to work, to produce, to plan and to create…..."
26 October, 2016, Wednesday
Sixth mobility programme 26-30 October, 2016 in Bulgaria under Project 544573-TEMPUS -1-2013-1-BG-TEMPUS-JPHES "Modernising Universities in Uzbekistan" MATcHES
The mobility programme under the project MATcHES (of the TEMPUS Programme) was held from 26 to 30 October, 2016 at the University of Ruse included 21 representatives of the academic institutions of Uzbekistan. The participants are representatives of the Engineering Technological Institute in Buhara, Uzbekistan; the Engineering and Pedagogical Institute in Karshi, Uzbekistan; the Namangan Engineering and Pedagogical Institute and the Committee for Coordination of Science and Technology in Tashkent, Uzbekistan, with the University of Ruse as a lead partner. In view of the high achievements of the First Mobile Programme at the University of Ruse (July 2016), the European Commission issued a specific approval for the organization of a second Mobility Programme in Bulgaria.
The purpose of Project MATcHES is to modernize the Universities in Uzbekistan in compliance with the European reforms (the Bologna process in particular), thus contributing to achieving economy, based on sustainability, knowledge and innovation. To strengthen the knowledge triangle: education – research – innovations, through local, regional, national and international cooperation.
The presentations were organized in 4 days and included detailed description of the University of Ruse and its academic activities for strengthening the relations "University – Business". Vice-rectors, deans and directors from the University of Ruse presented in an attractive way their sectors and units. All the presenters emphasized the opportunities for the Uzbec universities through their cooperation with the University of Ruse.
The laboratories, furnished by companies, such as Schneider Electric, Siemens, as well as the were of particular interest for our guests from Uzbekistan. They also visited the Regional information centre in Ruse and learned about their activities and the possibilities for funding the relation "University – Business".
They visited the Study Production Plant, where assoc. prof. Tihomir Todorov acquainted them with the opportunities for commercialization of scientific achievements.
The final presentation was by assoc. prof. Daniel Pavlov – Director of the Entrepreneurshiop Centre of the University of Ruse. He presented the master degree programme in Entrepreneurship and Innovationbs, as well as some projects in this field such as Start it smart; Startent; Jump Project; Startup Factory, etc.
At the Regional Information Centre the guests were acquainted with the opportunities for funding of the relation "business-university through Operational Programmes.
Members of the Uzbec delegatoion participated in the Scientific conference of the University of Ruse Учените with their papers.
The work team of the University of Ruse is led by the coordinator of the project – assoc. prof. Daniel Pavlov, with the participation of prof. Diana Antonova – Vice Rector on Research, assoc. prof. Pavel Vitliemov – Vice dean on research and personnel development of the Faculty of Business and Management, pr. Assistant Svilen Kunev, PhD, Irina Kostadinova, PhD
e regions, mentioned in her address Deputy minister Nikolova. She shared with the audience the successful experience in international cooperation, concerning management of the river Danube.
The three-day seminar has been organized by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Ministry of Environment and Water, the University of Ruse "Angel Kanchev", the European External Action Service and the European Commission. Representatives of 6 European and 8 Asian countries participate in the forum.
The main goal of the initiative is the enhancement of interregional cooperation Asia-Europe. The topics discussed covered water nexus, green growth, water resources, nutrition and transnational areas.
6 October 2016, Thursday
The Honorary DHC of the University of Ruse Ignat Kanev celebrating his 90-th Birthday
„Becoming a Somebody" is the title of his autobiograpgy
Today, Ignat Kaneff, DHC of the University of Ruse celebrates his 90-ieth birthday. The Canadian construction mogul and benefactor was in Bulgaria on the eve of his personal celebration, to meet his relatives and friends. His birthday party was in Ruse. Mr. Kaneff chose to receive his 150 guests in the space of Kaneff Centre – a building erected with his donation.
On the day of his personal celebration, he received congratulatory addresses from His Highness, the Metropolitan of Ruse, Naum, the MPs Plamen Nunev and Krasimir Karakachanov, the governor of Ruse region assoc. prof. Stefko Burdjiev, the Mayor of Ruse, Plamen Stoilov, the Rector of RU, prof. Velizara Pencheva, Mr. Plamen Bobokov, the Mayor of Borovo Municipality, heads of institutions, relatives and friends. The President, Mr. Rosen Plevneliev and the Prime Minister, Boyko Borisov sent congratulato0ey addresses. The celebration was led by the Chairperson of the Municipal Council of Ruse and Chairperson of the Assembly General of the University of Ruse, COR MEM Prof. Hristo Beloev, DTSc.
On behalf of the University management, the Rector, Prof. Velizara Pencheva, expressed her gratitude for the support Mr. Kaneff has given to the higher school and assured him of the respect of the academic community. „Your life story is a kind of guidebook helping a person to reach even farther than his dreams. Your strong will, unbeatable spirit and constant readiness to help the others are signposts, which you have followed on your road to success@, said prof. Pencheva.
The biography "Becoming a Somebody" in which Ignat Kaneff shares his life with the writer Steven Nidgick, was published in a limited edition in the eve of the anniversary. The guests at the party received a copy signed by Mr. Kaneff.
The book starts with acknowledgements to COR MEM Prof. Hristo Beloev for their long-standing friendship and Mr. Kaneff shares that he has been instrumental in publishing the book in Bulgarian. Ignat Kaneff expresses his personal gratitude to the lecturer of English at the University of Ruse Milena Popova for her enthusiasm and many hours of hard labour to translate the book into Bulgarian.
„My causes are education and health care", said Mr. Kaneff in front of journalists and mentioned that he was still thinking of supporting another project in Ruse.
30 September 2016, Friday
Entrepreneurship training gaining popularity in the University of Ruse
Students from the two faculties of the University of Ruse – Business and Management and Transport are developing business plans, which are required for the application package for the TECHNOSTART project for encouraging the innovation activities of young people in Bulgaria, announced by the Ministry of Economy. The ideas approved on a national level will receive up to 10 000 Euro as grants.
In the course of their studies at the University of Ruse, students are actively engaged in entrepreneurship – they visit companies, organise surveys, work on assignments, given to them by managers from the region. Besides the Master degree programme in "Entrepreneurship and Innovations", additional master classes are organised in the University regularly, which keep gaining popularity.
In the Master degree programme in "Entrepreneurship and Innovations", the whole study process has been organised under Felder's model, where students are consulted about their business intentions. This Master degree is preferred by those willing to start their own company – individual, family or joint venture, by those who have already started their business, as well as those working in organisations, supporting SMEs in Bulgaria. For students with previous degree in business, the Master programme lasts two semesters while for those, who have graduated from other fields of higher education, the duration is four semesters. The course of study is part-time, paid and is held on weekends.
The entrepreneurship courses are designed for students not only from the Business and Management Faculty, but also from other faculties. In recent years they have become really popular due to the non-traditional forms of instruction and the opportunity to meet visiting businessmen. During the last course in eco-entrepreneurship, which finished last summer, three of the teams presented their developments on using wind energy, planting essential oil-yielding crop and consultancy in the field of environmental corporate social responsibility. Signing for the new master class in eco-entrepreneurship is by 2 October and the organisers are the faculty of Business and Management and the Institute for Studying Societies and Knowledge with the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, supported by the Institute of Environmental studies (Heidelberg) and the Federal German Ecological Foundation (DBU).
28 September, Wednesday
Ignat Kanev in the University of Ruse: „You can rely on me!"
The Canadian construction tycoon and benefactor, DHC of the University of Ruse, Ignat Kaneff visited the University and met the academic management. During the walk around the building of the University, Mr. Kaneff saw the Poster exhibition of pictures from events that took place in the Grand lecture Hall of Kaneff Centre, built with his generous donation. „I am glad that so many young people come to this Centre and you are using the facility for various purposes!", exclaimed Mr. Kaneff when he saw the pictures from the visit of the First Deputy Chairperson of the EC Frans Timmermans, from the international competitions in Informatics, the University forums and the theatre performances.
„The University received a gift, which consolidated its place among the higher schools in Bulgaria and abroad", said the Chairperson of the Assembly General of the University of Ruse and Chairperson of the Municipal Council – COR MEM prof. Hristo Beloev.
The realisation of the students and moments from the history were the highlights of the presentation, given by the rector of the University, prof. Velizara Pencheva. In his turn, Mr. Kaneff gave an example with the Bulgarians who graduated in the field of Informatics and immigrated to Canada. Only for the last 15 years the electronic systems of five of the biggest banks and hospitals have been managed by Bulgarians, said he. „It makes me happy to see that we are no worse than other nationalities because our universities provide education, which prepares young people to work anywhere – in Europe and in America", said Mr. Kaneff.
At the end of the meeting with the academic community, he received the plaquette dedicated to the 70th Anniversary of the University of Ruse and stated: „You can always rely on me!".
The exposition "Chronicles of Growth", which shows the history of the higher school and exhibits mo0menrts from the visits of Mr. Kaneff in Ruse was an emotional flashback. „I am happy that my name is next to the names of scientists with academic titles and politicians of global scale!", said he, looking at the poster with the holders of the title DHC of the University of Ruse.
27 September 2016, Tuesday
Students from the University of Ruse will be developing a prototype of town car, driven by a hydrogen cell
Students from four faculties of the University of Ruse will be developing a prototype of town car, driven by hydrogen. They are planning to participate in the next Shell Eco-marathon Europe, which will be held in London again. According to experts, it is in the class of hydrogen-driven town car prototypes where the biggest hardships and challenges should be overcome by the young engineers. With this new prototype, the University of Ruse will be participating in Shell Eco-marathon 2017 with one more team but in a different category.
The idea was born several months ago after the young people became part of research teams under different student mobility programmes and participated in conferences, dedicated to environmental protection issues in various European cities. Representatives of the Transport Faculty, the Faculty of Electronics, Electrical Engineering and Automation, the Agrarian and Industrial Faculty and the Faculty of Business and Management will be working together under a joint project for participation in competitions for vehicles, using alternative energy sources. With the help of lecturers from different departments, the students will try to create an automobile, driven by alternative energy and meeting the traffic standards in Europe.

During the meeting with the Body of Rectors, Ivan Hristov, PhD from the Department of Transport shared that during the latest forum on "green" automobiles in the Dutch city of Antwerp, one of the hottest topics was the use of hydrogen as energy source. A survey conducted among young people up to 34 years old in the European countries has shown that using electrically driven vehicles is a way of preserving the environment.
The students from the University of Ruse have a concept for a new development and have already obtained the support of the Body of Rectors. In the near future tasks will be distributed among the members of the multi-disciplinary team. The hydrogen-driven Town car prototype will be developed with the aim to take part in competitions, but it will be equally important for it to meet the traffic requirements in Europe – i.e. to have headlights, windscreen wipers and at least two doors.
Some of the lecturers, who will be working with the students have some experience in Shell Eco-marathon and are ready to share not only their knowledge, but the practical experience they have gained as well. Among them is assoc. prof. Georgi Hristov, from the Faculty of Electronics, Electrical Engineering and Automation, who foresees that in some years, electrically driven and hybrid automobiles will be quite common.
According to a document, adopted in 2011 – White Book – Road map for a single European transport area towards a competitive transport system with efficient use of resources, by 2030 the automobiles using conventional fuels should be reduced twice. The goal is to have logistics practically free of carbon dioxide in the big cities in Europe by 2030. The automobiles with ICE should be gradually phased out in the cities, says the White Book.
13 September 2016, Tuesday
Teachers from Moldova attended training at the University of Ruse
23 students studied Bulgarian during their summer practice
Students from high schools and five of their teachers from Kishinev, Tvardica and Kayrakliya were on a study trip to the University of Ruse. The students had their summer practice in Bulgaria and had additional classes in Bulgarian while their teachers attended a course for improving their qualification. At the end of the week they will all obtain their certificates.
The visit of the group to the University of Ruse is part of the programme for implementation of Decree 103 of the Council of Ministers for providing education to Bulgarians abroad. In the course of 10 days the teachers had the chance to exchange valuable experience and knowledge with lecturers from the University of Ruse, to listen to lectures and discover the historical sights of Ruse. The students, in their turn, had their schedule of classes in Bulgarian language, taught by lecturers from the University, as well as a colourful cultural programme, including visits to museums.
The guests from Moldova were present at the official opening of the academic school year at the University of Ruse. During their meeting with the Rector, prof. Velizara Pencheva, the teachers shared their wonderful impressions from the city, the University of Ruse and their emotional acquaintance with the mascot RUmen.
Six students from Moldova will start their studies at the University of Ruse under Decree this year. The Ministry of Education has doubled the places in universities for young people of Bulgarian origin from the countries Moldova, Ukraine, Macedonia, Serbia, Montenegro, Albania, Romania, Kazakhstan.
18 August 2016, Thursday
High degree of loyalty of the students from the University of Ruse reports the International survey Trendence Graduate Barometer
For five years in a row, the University of Ruse gets involved in the international survey Trendence Graduate Barometer (TGB), which studies the opinion of students from over 1000 universities in the world on the efficiency of their education in terms of their future career prospects and priorities.
Trendence is a leading research institute in Europe, specialised in research and marketing of the labour market, holding annually the survey Trendence Graduate Barometer among 500 000 students. In TGB's 2016 survey 23 countries took part: Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Great Britain, Germany, Greece, Denmark, Ireland, Spain, Italy, the Nethеrlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Russia, Turkey, Finland, France, Hungary, the Check Republic, Switzerland and Sweden.
In the 2016 survey, 282 students from all degree programmes at the University of Ruse took part, with 36,2% studying in the field of Technical Sciences while 33,2% - in the field of Administration and Management, and that of Economy.
The results from the survey shed light on the opinion of the Ruse students on a number of issues, related to the satisfaction from their studies, their self-assessment of the knowledge and skills acquired, as well as their expectations for their future professional realisation.
The satisfaction of the students surveyed from the quality of education in the University of Ruse is impressive: 92,7% express satisfaction from the professional skills they acquire, while 82,9% - from the availability and accessibility of study materials. 82% of the participants in the survey are satisfied by the didactic skills of their lecturers and the opportunities provided by the programmes for international exchange. 80,3% are pleased with the technical equipment and facilities in the University, while 72,7% - with the internships offered.
The young people demonstrate high level of self-evaluation, concerning the soft skills acquired at the University, which have a great impact on their career realisation, namely: reliability, mobility, social competencies, ability to work under stress, aspiration for excellence, etc.
The survey results show that 91,6% of the students surveyed would recommend the University of Ruse to their friend and relatives, while 42,9% of them would continue their education here in the subsequent educational degree.
The expectations of the students in Ruse for their future career realisation are of particular interest. According to them, the qualities which they would appreciate most in their future employer are the opportunities offered for personal development and good career perspectives, improvement of their qualifications, sense of job security, successful management style, etc.
68,4% of the surveyed at the University of Ruse have identified as their career priority the specialization in the professional field of their studies. For 64,7% it is a goal to start work immediately after graduation, while 75,8% seek indefinite employment. Nearly 54% are ready to work on strategic assignments and 53,3% would like to start work in a small or medium-sized enterprise. The results related to the preference of the Ruse students for the location of their job are also worth mentioning. 26% plan to work in the region of their studies, 30% - in the region, where they were born, 29,2% share that they are going to work in Bulgaria, without specifying where, while 14,4% would seek professional reali8sation abroad.
A significant percentage of the students surveyed /59,8%/ feel that they are optimally prepared for their career, thanks to their education. According to 51% of them, it is more important to find personal realization than to earn money, while 43,3% would accept lower salaries if they think the job offered is suitable for them.
It is a positive trend that 51,1% of the Ruse University students surveyed have entrepreneurial attitude – they consider starting their own company while they are still students or straight after graduation.
26 July 2016, Tuesday
Lighting installation for stimulating plant growth demonstrated at a conference in Budapest the University of Ruse
A conference and exchange for technology transfer in bio economy gathered scientists from 16 countries in the Hungarian capital Budapest. The Conference ""Support of developing partnerships in bio-based economy in the Danube region through tri-lateral cooperation" was part of the project Danube-INCO.NET, with the Bulgarian partner led by COR. MEM. Prof. Hristo Beloev, DTSc, under the 7th Frame Programme of the European Commission. About 130 participants from academic communities, industry, state and public institutions from Albania, Austria, Belgium, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, the Czech Republic, Germany, Hungary, Moldova, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia, Sweden, Ukraine and the UK, together with representatives of the European Commission, coordinators and members from priority areas 2 (Energy), 6 (Biodiversity. Landscape, quality of air and soils) and 8 (Competitiveness) of the EU Danube Strategy (EUSDR), took part in the event.
The University of Ruse "Angel Kanchev" supported the participation of the manager of "Variant Ruse", Ltd, Mr. Venelin Angelov, who presented an innovative development Русенският университет „Ангел Кънчев" подкрепи участието на управителя на „Вариант Русе" ООД – г-н Венелин Ангелов, който при голям интерес от присъстващите, представи иновативна разработка „Lighting installation for intensive growth of vegetables in greenhouses", protected by utility model, developed by a team led by assoc.prof. Nadezhda Evstatieva and "Variant Ruse".
In-depth studies are conducted in this area at the University of Ruse by assoc. prof. Evstatieva and a team from the company "Variant Ruse", Ltd., who have developed a system with LED light bulbs. The system provides advantages for the so called multi-layer plant growth and internal lighting, where the light sources are vertically placed among the plants, in order to increase their number on a limited area. An additional advantage is the fact that no pests can reach the plants, hence no chemicals are needed for plant protection during the period of their growth. Thus the plants are completely harmless and can be consumed even without washing.
The light source developed takes into consideration the fact that plants turn towards light and in nature it can be in any direction, so the artificial light is close to the daylight. The technology is related to complete substitution of daylight by artificial light, for complete control of the climate (cultivation without daylight).
LED light bulbs, developed within the utility model, offer flexibility for different needs. If we wish to improve the vegetation, we use only blue diodes and the red ones may be used for improving the fruit yield or flower growing. Both aspects of growth can be improved if a combination of red and blue diodes is used. To reduce dependability on power from the mains, a RES is used.
14 June 2016, Tuesday
Farmers and scientists discuss soil conservation in Bulgaria

70 participants – farmers, representatives of companies offering equipment and services in the field of agriculture, scientists and representatives of institutions, discussed the conservation of soil diversity and soil health in Bulgaria. The forum was opened by the vice-rector of the University of Ruse – Prof. Juliana Popova. Welcoming words were extended by COR MEM Prof. Hristo Beloev, Chairperson of the Municipal council and of the Assembly General of the University of Ruse; Stanimir Stanchev – vice-governor of Ruse region and Violeta Nedeva – programme director of agriculture in the America for Bulgaria" Foundation.

The Project "Preserving Bulgaria's soils", funded by "America for Bulgaria" Foundation is implemented by the University of Ruse for the duration of 4 years (until September 2018). Its goal is to encourage local farmers to adopt new technologies for soil treatment and thus, to reduce their losses due to fast destruction of the Bulgarian soils, due to climate change and inappropriate treatment.

The latest research shows that many farms, particularly in northern Bulgaria, lose more than 5 tonnes of soil per hectare annually due to water and wind erosion. The tendency for such losses is growing with the intensive ploughing, the use of heavy machinery and inappropriate methods of tilling.
The two American speakers - Prof. Harold van Es and Brian Goggin, shared their experience with the participants, talking about soil health and some economic aspects of implementing the new technology for soil preservation.

Harold van Es is a scientific advisor in the project. He is a professor in soil and water management, former Chair of the department of Soil and plant sciences with Cornell University, USA. He was elected President of the American Society of Soil Scientists and agronomists.
Brian Goggin has rich experience in agriculture, managing projects for technical assistance in agriculture and as an Agricultural attaché in agriculture with the American Embassy in Sofia from 2001 to 2006.
For more information, see the project website: www.cbs.uni.ruse.bg.
13 June, 2016, Monday
International Academic Erasmus week at the University of Ruse
The University of Ruse is hosting the Third International academic Erasmus week. The events, which start today, have as their topic "The New Agenda of the European institutions for higher education". The forum was opened by the vice-rector in Education, Prof. Plamen Kangalov, who greeted the participants and wished them efficient work and useful meetings in Ruse and the University.

In the course of 5 days, 14 representatives of partner universities from Latvia, Turkey, Estonia, Germany, Great Britain, Spain, Slovenia, and Albania will exchange experience and good practices in different spheres of the Erasmus Programme. Two PhD students from China, who are currently studying at the University of Ruse are among the participants in the Erasmus week.

The vice-rector in European integration and international cooperation, Prof. Juliana Popova presented the agenda of the forum for the whole week. The meeting started with a presentation of the University of Ruse and the opportunities for studying in it. Later the guests will have a lesson in Bulgarian language and culture. The discussions on the main topic will be on Tuesday and Wednesday. The programme includes a tour of Ruse and participation in university sports event on Thursday.

The participants will discuss the development of new technologies, the globalisation of the economy and culture, the competition on the education services market, the cultural diversity in the context of the new agenda of higher institutions in Europe, where modernisation and internationalisation have no alternative.

8 June 2016, Wednesday
Tastes of Danube: Bread, Wine and herbs, shown in Brushlen
On 8 June 2016 in the tourist complex in the village of Brushlen The Union of pensioners 2004 from Slivo pole Municipality and the University of Ruse "Angel Kanchev", under the patronage of the Mayor, Mr. Valentin Atanasov, and with the cooperation of Slivo pole Municipality, organised an event under the project Tastes of Danube: Bread, Wine and herbs of the international Association Danube Networkers (DANET). Non-government organisations from countries along the Danube such as Germany, Austria, Slovenia, Slovakia, Croatia, Hungary, Romania, Ukraine, etc. take part in this project. They will presented their ideas and traditions for creating Danube bread, bread products and wine, and their role in the family, work community, holidays, religion, etc. An anthology of bread, a photography contest, an exchange of recipes and technologies, advertising of bread products and wine, stamps, posters, etc. will be organised.
In Brushlen, baking bread, using technologies from our childhood was organised. Rituals, showing the way of bread, starting from sowing of the grain, to putting the bread on the table for bringing the people closer were demonstrated. The competition with bread and wine tasting will contribute to the variety of the programme events.
The Governor of Ruse Region, Mr. Stefko Burdjiev, was present at the event, as well as the mayors of 5 municipalities of the region. There were guests from Bucharest - Prof, ion Secheleany and his wife, as well as representatives of the municipalities of Slivo pole, Ryahovo, Brushlen and Babovo. From the University of Ruse, Assoc. prof. Emilia Velikova, coordinator of the project for Bulgaria and member of the DANET Board was present and made a presentation about the project and the involvement of different organisations in it. There was an exhibition of bread and bread products and some prizes were distributed. A quizz for all the participants, related to the topic of bread, sent some of these products to the winning participants, who knew the answers to the questions.
The project Tastes of Danube: Bread, Wine and herbs will apply for European recognition. The last project, The Wanted Danube (http://thewanteddanube.eu/bilder-2) won for DANET two European prizes, awarded in Brussels and Berlin, European Citizen Prize - 2015 and the Europe Lilly Prize.
Photographs, books, posters and other project outcomes like bread and bread products and wine will be presented at the Danube Festival in Ulm, Germany, 1 - 10 July 2016.
This international project generates interest among the general public in the countries from the Danube region, and attracts the support of the local and national authorities. The national heritage gems of the different nationalities are preserved and an environment of cooperation, information exchange, and friendship is created between the people from this region.
See more on www.tastes-of-danube.eu
11 May, 2016, Wednesday
The Ambassador of the Netherlands talks to students from the University of Ruse
His Excellency, the Ambassador of the Kingdom of the Netherlands in Bulgaria, Tom van Oorschot, visited the University of Ruse "Angel Kanchev" for a second time this year. Invited by the University management, he led an interactive discussion with students from the Department of European studies and the Bulgarian-Romanian Interuniversity Europe Centre (BRIE) on the tоpic of "The challenges of the Presidency of the EU Council of Ministers for the Kingdom of the Netherlands".

His Excellency, Tom van Oorschot described the practical aspects of the Presidency and the priorities, which his country identified even before embarking on it. The three leading principles are related to helping the ordinary European citizens understand the policies of the EU, focusing these policies only on the crucial issues, and, last but not least, to encourage innovations and create new work places and economic growth.
The Netherlands chairs the EU Council of Ministers for the twelfth time, while Bulgaria is to chair it in 2018 for the first time.

The two main challenges for the Dutch Presidency are the migration crisis and the referendum in Great Britain. The Ambassador praised Bulgaria for its achievements in defending the outer borders of the EU. "Our task is to defend those who need defence, but the problems appear when these people mix with the economic migrants. This whole process was not understood by all member-states and some adopted internal national measures, which undermines the European tool for crisis action". Shared the Ambassador with the students.
Today, many of us, especially those who have not seen the atrocities of war, take the EU Project, thanks to which we live in freedom and cooperate, for granted, said the diplomat, but if we look at the world around us, we will become aware of this great achievement and realise that the Eurosceptics should think about history when they present their arguments.
After his diplomatic posts in Hungary and Turkey and his work for the Ministry of foreign Affairs, Mr. Oorschot has been an Ambassador in Sofia since 2013.
26 April 2016, Tuesday
Rear Admiral Vergil Chitac is the 42nd bearer of the Honorary title DOCTOR HONORIS CAUSA of the University of Ruse
The Rector of Mircea cel Batran Naval Academy, Constanta, Romania, Rear Admiral prof. Vergil Chitac is the 42nd bearer of the Honorary title DOCTOR HONORIS CAUSA of the University of Ruse. He was granted the honorary title for his contribution in the field of interuniversity cooperation. The ceremony was led by the Rector of the University of Ruse, prof. Pencheva.

„I am moved and deeply honoured by the title conferred to me by a most prestigious university not only in Bulgaria, but also in the European research and education space", started his talk prof. Chitac. "The time when the higher schools were closed systems and education was accessible to the elite only are long gone. Now we are facing the challenge to open the universities and to train people, who acquire serious knowledge and can cope with the new realities," said the rector of the Naval Academy in Constanta. In this context, prof. Chitac reminded the audience of the four pillars of education, according to Jacqueс Delors: Learning to know; learning to act; learning to live together; learning to be.

The Vice Rector for Education and research, prof. Diana Antonova, presented the professional life of prof. Chitac. His research activities include a long list of publications in national and international professional journals. He has participated in a number of educational and research projects and has six patented innovations.

Today's solemn act is an expression of gratitude of the academic community of the University of Ruse for the extremely active and fruitful cooperation with the Naval Academy Mircea cel Batran in Constanta. The two higher schools signed an agreement for cooperation, in 2010, and they have interacted actively ever since then, working on joint projects, exchanging students and lecturers, participating in conferences, etc.
25 April 2016, Monday
His Excellency Tom van Oorsschot, Ambassador of the Kingdom of the Netherlands: „I will be happy to meet the students of the University of Ruse"
The Ambassador of the Kingdom of the Netherlands, His Excellency Tom van Oorsschot, visited the University of Ruse and had a discussion with the Academic Body of Rectors. „I am extremely impressed by your University, after I was one of the participants in the citizens dialogue with the Vice Chairperson of the European Commission Frans Timmermans" were the first words of the visitor.

During the discussion with the academic management, the Rector, prof. Velizara Pencheva informed the ambassador that the University of Ruse has four bilateral agreements with universities in the Netherlands. We endeavour to be the leader in our region, so we offer a wide range of degree programmes from 23 professional fields. Besides, for the last 7-8 years, we have been working actively in cooperation with the business on practical training and internships and even on developing the training materials for our students, mentioned prof. Pencheva.

His Excellency Tom van Oorsschot was interested in the training in English at the University of Ruse. He declared his willingness to meet our students from different degree programmes and discuss with them interactively the challenges for the European Union in the light of the Dutch Presidency.
19 April 2016, Tuesday
The Chairperson of the University Senate of Vasile Alexandru University in Bacau, prof. Valentin Nedeff, meets with the academic management of the University of Ruse.
The Chairperson of the University Senate of Vasile Alexandru University in Bacau, and bearer of the honorary title DOCTOR HONORIS CAUSA of the University of Ruse, prof. Valentin Nedeff visited the University today. During the discussions with the Rector, prof. Velisara Pencheva, the opportunities for joint master degree programmes, research and PhD training were reviewed.

„It is a happy coincidence that we have similar scientific and professional interests with the Chairperson of the Assembly General of the University of Ruse, COR MEM Prof. Hristo Beloev. When I was Rector, he too was at the head of the University of Ruse. After two rector mandates, I am now Chairperson of the University Senate in Bacau, just like him.", said prof. Nedeff.

The guest conveyed the invitation of the Rector of Vasile Alexandru University to the academic management of the University of Ruse, for participation in the events, dedicated to the 55th Anniversary of the higher school in Bacau.
11 April 2016, Monday
Katarzhina Deda, Head of the Consular Department of the Republic of Poland, visited the University of Ruse

Grateful for the hospitality and the interest of the academic community to the exhibition „The Poles in and for Independent Bulgaria", the Head of the Consular Department of the Republic of Poland, Katarzhina Deda, came to meet the Rector of the University of Ruse, prof. Velizara Pencheva in person. "We will be glad to share more events like the exhibition because we have many initiatives that may be attractive for the academic community", said Ms. Deda.

In turn, the Rector, prof. Pencheva, stressed the fact that four lecturers at the University of Ruse e graduated in Poland. Together with Juliana Popova, Vice Rector for Euro integration and International Cooperation, prof. Pencheva presented the activities of the Bulgarian and Romanian Interuniversity Europe Centre. The bilateral Erasmus agreements of the University of Ruse and the contracts with the higher schools in Warsaw, Gdansk, Poznan and other Polish cities were also among the discussion topics.

The exhibition "The Poles in and for Independent Bulgaria" was exhibited on the campus of the University of Ruse and, in 10 days, the academic community had the chance to observe the 15 panels with photographs, text and facsimiles, which track the contribution of some Poles to the unification and the establishment of the Bulgarian state after the Liberation. The same exhibition will be set up tonight in the lobby of the Theatre building.
8 March, Tuesday, 2016
Erasmus+ Strategic Partnership
Project No: 2015-1-DE02-KA202-002527
The team of the Centre for Adult Education with the University of Ruse, led by Prof. Nikolai Mihailov, is the organizer of the second meeting under the project FairGuidance of the Erasmus+ Strategic partnerships Programme. The meeting will be held on 9 and 10 March 2016 (Wednesday and Thursday at 9 o'clock a.m. in room 1.322 in the Main building of the University of Ruse. Representatives of the eight partners under the project from Germany, Romania and Bulgaria, as well as Directors of Centres with the University of Ruse and representatives of the Labour Office - Ruse.
The main goal of the project is better integration of disadvantaged people (low educated, migrants, ethnic minorities, long-term unemployed and others) into the education system and on the labour market. In the course of the project, qualified consultants in the field of vocational education and job training will be prepared. Taking into account the specific needs of the end beneficiaries, they will facilitate not only their access to career orientation services, but also their transition to continuous education, training and professional realization.
Materials presenting good practices in the field of career consultancy will be discussed at the meeting. Collected in an online library, these materials will be used in the development of training courses for counsellors, helping those who are looking for a job. During the meeting, the partners will exchange ideas about the structure and content of the modules and will determine criteria for evaluation of the study materials. The first pilot course will be conducted in Germany with the participation of counsellors from the three countries.
The international partners are representatives of the Ministry of culture, youth and sport of Baden-Württemberg province, Germany, The Regional Employment Agency, Galati, Romania, TTG team training GmbH, Germany, coordinators of the project, Association St Spiridon, Galati, managing a Day care centre for disadvantaged people and two church organisations from Germany and Romania. Bulgaria is represented by the teams of the Centre for Adult Education with the University of Ruse and the Territorial organization of research specialists-Ruse. The varied experience and competence of the partners are a guarantee for the success of the project.
For more information:
Prof. Nikolay Mihailov – tel. 0888 539 388
19 February 2016, Friday
Opportunities for cooperation with higher schools in Belarus were discussed at the meeting of the academic management of the University of Ruse with the Ambassador, His Excellency Vladimir Voronkovich
The partnership agreement between the University of Ruse and the State Agricultural Academy of Belarus in Gorki is one of the agreements signed between higher schools in Bulgaria and Belarus. A total of 17 universities from both countries have such agreements, announced the Ambassador of the Republic of Belarus, His Excellency Vladimir Voronkovich during his visit to the University of Ruse.
The Rector, prof. Velizara Pencheva, presented the faculties and degree programmes at the University of Ruse. She also shared some of the experience, which the team of the University has in the training of international students and Erasmus students.
Two of the Vice Rectors – in Education, prof. Plamen Kangalov and in European integration, prof. Juliana Popova, as well as the chairperson of the General Assembly, COR MEM prof. Hristo Beloev, took part in the meeting.
His Excellency Vladimir Voronkovich invited the academic management of the University of Ruse to visit the State Agricultural Academy of Belarus and to participate in joint educational and research conferences, as well as to prepare syllabi. Some possible spheres of closer cooperation are agricultural machinery repair, business and management, and ecology.
The possibility or student exchange under Erasmus + from the academic year 2017/2018, as well as the training of students in joint Master degree programmes between the University of Ruse and higher schools in Belarus was discussed. Prof. Pencheva gave an example of good practice with the Centre for Continuing Education, which has conducted such an exchange for a given period.
Some of the paramount issues for the agriculture and ecology in both countries could be solved using the contacts with partner universities from Slovakia and the Czech Republic, said the chairperson of the General Assembly, COR MEM prof. Hristo Beloev. He promised to organise a meeting between teams from the University of Nitra (Slovakia), Brno (the Czech Republic and Gorki (Belarus) in Ruse, together with the Vice Rector prof. Plamen Kangalov. Issues related to recovery, repair and reliability of machinery will be discussed at this meeting, and scientific areas of common interest will be identified for future projects.
8 February 2016, Monday
Delegation from the Technological Academy at Rezekne met the Governing Body of the University of Ruse
Lighting projects, including LED, developed by scientists at the University of Ruse are of interest for a team of researchers from the Technological Academy at Rezekne, Latvia. Lecturers from the two higher schools cooperate in the field of engineering sciences and are in the process of expanding their partnership. It was discussed during the working meeting between the delegation, led by the Rector of the Technological Academy at Rezekne, Prof. Edmunds Teyrumnieks, and the academic governing body of the University of Ruse. New opportunities for joint research developments and training of students were shared during the talks.

The Latvian Higher School has developed technology for ultrasound processing of metal items, improving the mechanical properties of the material, announced the Rector, Prof. Teyrumnieks. On this basis, cooperation with some of the Faculties of the University of Ruse is possible. Moreover, the field trials are conducted in Bulgaria (in a German and Bulgarian joint company, based in Gabrovo).

The idea of developing a master degree programme that would allow students from the University of Ruse to study at the Technological Academy at Rezekne. An example was provided with an agreement signed between the Latvian higher school and a German university last September. The students, who graduate the Master degree course receive a German and a Latvian Diploma. If the University of Ruse is interested, it could join the agreement too, said the Rector, Prof. Teyrumnieks.

We have experience with two similar joint programmes, shared the Rector of the University of Ruse, Prof. Velizara Pencheva. One of them is established with the support of the German Rectors' Conference and is in partnership with the Academy of Economics in Bucharest, and the other is in Management of Quality and Metrology, in cooperation with Romanian and French universities.

Prof. Pencheva suggested working out a joint programme of the scientific conferences of the two higher schools and coordinating the participation of students and lecturers in them.
2 February 2016, Tuesday
The University of Ruse will have new Vice Rectors in Education, Research, Development, Coordination and Continuing Education for the next four years
Vice Rectors, Directors of Branches in Silistra and Razgrad, as well as directors of Directorates, Sectors and Centres were elected on 2 February by the new Academic Council of the University of Ruse.
Prof. Plamen Kangalov, PhDEng, who was the Dean of the Agrarian and Industrial Faculty, was elected Vice Rector in Education. Another new member of the Rector's team is Prof. Diana Antonova, PhD, who was Vice Dean in Research and Personnel Development of the Faculty of Business and Management. She will be in charge of Research and Development /R&D/. Prof. Plamen Daskalov, PhDEng was elected Vice Dean in Development, Coordination and Continuing Education while preserving his position as the Director of the Centre for Continuing Education. Prof Juliana Popova, PhD continues as Vice Rector in European Integration and International Cooperation. The Deputy Rector Valerii Gegov is also to keep his position, as well as the Secretary General – Assoc. Prof. Tanya Grozeva., PhDEng.

The Directors of the Branches in Razgrad and Silistra remain the same – Assoc. prof. Stanka Damyanova, DSc and Assoc. prof. Temenuzhka Buhcheva, PhDEng, respectively.
The Directorate on Quality of Education will be headed by Assoc. prof. Emil Trifonov, PhD; the Research Sector – by Assoc. prof. Danko Tonev, PhDEng; the Education Sector has as a Director Assoc. prof. Valentin Stoyanov, PhDEng. The University Sport Centre will be headed by Prof. Borislav Angelov, PhDEng; the Centre for Technology Transfer – by Assoc. prof. Teodor Iliev, PhDEng; and the Centre for Intellectual Property – by Assoc. prof. Todor Delikostov, PhDEng.
Besides the personal changes, the Academic Council supported the conception of the Rector, Prof. Velizara Pencheva, PhDEng for the following changes in the university structure:
To improve the efficiency of student admission, a new Sector is formed with the Vice Rector in Education, called New Students Admission, with a Director – Assoc. prof. Julian Angelov, PhDEng and a coordinator – Assoc. prof. Vyarka Ronkova, PhDEng;
For the organization of Master degree programmes and Student Practice at an institutional level, in the Education Sector there will be two coordinators – Assoc. prof. Margarita Teodosieva, PhD and Prof. Todorka Stefanova, PhD, respectively.
The position Coordinator of Publishing activity will be eliminated and tis activity will be managed and controlled by the Vice rector in Education through the Director of Education Sector;
There will be a Coordinator of PhD students, who will have the responsibility of organizing the admission and training of PhD students, and the information support of the work with them. This person will also be the Head of the PhD Centre. This position will be occupied by Assoc. prof. Galina Ivanova, PhD.
The Bulgarian and Romanian Interuniversity Europe Centre, the International Students Directorate, the Centre for Information and Computer Services and the remaining Centres will preserve their current Directors.
Project „Contemporary Methods for Training and Education Activities in Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Sources and Technologies"
Contract BG04-04-05-02-07
Project „Contemporary Methods for Training and Education Activities in Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Sources and Technologies"is funded within the frames of Programme BG04 under the financial mechanism of the European economic space 2009-2014.

The main goal of the project is to contribute to the successful implementation of the various financial instruments, directed to reducing energy consumption, increasing energy efficiency (ЕЕ) and sustainable development of energy production from renewable energy sources (RES).
The project target groups include:
- municipal and government officials from the Municipalities in the Danube regions;
- energy managers;
- experts;
- power engineers;
- individuals dealing with development of plans and projects on energy efficiency;
- individuals, performing audits.
The project team includes:
- distinguished lecturers from the University of Ruse„Angel Kanchev" in the fields of ЕЕ and RES;
- Eminent specialists form the company „Enkon Services" Ltd, specializing in the fields of EE and RES.
The duration of the project is from November 2015 to April 2016, with three types of activities:
- consultancy;
- visualization and publicity

Training will be held in the Municipalities of Vidin, Vratsa, Montana, Pleven, Veliko Tarnovo, Svishtov, Ruse, Razgrad, Tutrakan, Silistra and Dobrich. It is planned to conduct training of 300 municipal, regional and other officers, responsible for implementing measures for EE and RES. The topics covered, each with 6 academic hour duration include:
1) Energy management in buildings;
2) Energy standards;
3) Developing plans in accordance with the national legislature and the respective EU directives, related to measures in buildings;
4) Reporting the implementation of the action plans;
5) Possible measures for EE and RES in public transport;
6) Foundation of energy audits;
7) Contracts for energy efficiency;
8) Legislature in the field of energy efficiency and energy from RES;
9) Best practices concerning measures for energy efficiency of buildings;
10) Best practices concerning measures for using RES in buildings;
11) Solving case studies.

Consultancy activities of municipal, regional and other institutions' staff responsible for implementing measures for EE and RES includes:
- Providing consultancy services during the training;
- Providing distance consultancy service via e-mail and Skype, as well as scheduled consultancy;
- Providing specific consultations when solving more complex case studies.
It is envisaged to review, summarize and publish information, concerning current municipal plans and projects in the cities where training is conducted;
Publicity and visualization of the project according to a plan, including:
- Press releases;
- Information days in the cities of Razgrad, Silistra, Ruse and Montana;
- Providing wide media coverage of the project activities.
For more information about the goals, participants, team and project activities visit our web site at:
For contacts with the team you can use the information on the site:
or to write directly to:
[email protected]
Date: 18 January 2016, Monday
International forum „Innovations and creativity for life" gathered students from 7 European universities at the University of Ruse
The Faculty of Public Health and Health Care of the University of Ruse is hosting the international forum „Innovations and creativity for life". 54 students and 14 lecturers from universities in Belgium, Denmark, Lithuania, Finland and Great Britain will be sharing experience in the course of one week in Ruse.

The training is interdisciplinary and young people studying occupational therapy, computer sciences, business and information technologies, social work, engineering take part in it. The methods used by the forum participants has been developed by a team from the University of Olu, Finland. The lecturers have prepared interactive workshops, where students design and make an object with practical application, using available materials.

The module „Innovations and creativity for life" started in 2014, as an intensive Erasmus programme. Taking part in it, the students work in an intercultural environment and get the opportunity to find realization in the professional field of their choice of study. On the other hand, they acquire valuable experience in cooperation with colleagues from other countries and update their practical skills for working with people with disabilities.
The international forum „Innovations and creativity for life" will continue until 23 January and is held in room 2,203 from 9.00 to 16.30. On 19 January, the organisers from the degree programme "Occupational therapy" will organize "An Evening of Cultures", where participants from different countries will demonstrate specific customs. On 21 January, Thursday, at 17:30 in room 2.203, the hosts from Bulgaria will show some of the traditional rites of Babinden (the mid-wife's day).
Date: 12 January 2016, Tuesday
Prof. Velizara Pencheva, PhD is the new Rector of the University of Ruse
For the first time in the history of the higher school a woman takes the highest executive position

With 138 votes Prof. Velizara Pencheva, PhD was elected the Rector of the University of Ruse for the 2016-2019 mandate. For the first time in its 70-year history the higher school will be governed by a woman. Until now Prof. Pencheva was Vice rector on Development, coordination and continuous education at the University of Ruse.
„I realize that it will not be easy and the responsibility is extremely high, but I am certain that together we will achieve more success", said Prof.Pencheva minutes after the results of the voting were released.

At the General Assembly's meeting 261 representatives of the academic community cast their vote.
The new Chairperson of the General Assembly is COR MEM Prof. Hristo Beloev, who garnered 212 votes, and his deputy is Assoc. Prof. Anelia Manukova with 241 votes. The Chairperson of the Control Council in the new mandate is Prof. Vladimir Hvarchilkov, who was elected to this position with 219 votes. The members of the General Assembly of the University of Ruse also decided that the new Academic Council will consist of 45 members and the Control Council – 11.

In the beginning of the meeting, the former Rector, COR MEM Prof. Hristo Beloev reported the activities during his second mandate, focusing on the growth of the academic staff, deepening the international cooperation, the visibility of the university and the renovation of facilities.

The four candidates for the leading position, Prof. Mihail Iliev, PhD, Prof. Rossen Ivanov, PhD, Prof. Velizara Pencheva, PhD and Prof. Krasimir Enimanev, DSc presented their platforms and answered to questions from the audience, related to the future of the higher school.

The voting continued an hour and a half and each attendant had to make four votes – one for the Rector, one for the Chairperson of the General Assembly,DSc.
Date: 8 January 2016, Friday
The Center for Education of the Third Age organized a meeting on the topic of Bread and Wine
More than 80 representatives of pensioners' clubs from the Union of Pensioners Ruse – 2004 gathered in Kaneff Centre for a meeting on the topic of Bread and Wine, organized by the Centre for Education of the Third Age (CETA) with the University of Ruse.

Professor Nikolay Mihajlov, Director of the Centre, greeted all the participants and expressed his satisfaction with the joint work of the Centre and the Union of Pensioners on several European projects.

Assoc. prof. Emilia Velikova made a presentation on the results of the activities of CETA during 2015, and Assoc. Prof. Yoana Ruseva informed the attendants of the proposal by German partners for participation in a new European project with a working title "Tastes of Danube". This Danube project wants to motivate people of all generations, ethnic groups, social and educational backgrounds to take part. The focus is not only to enhance mutual knowledge and to find out more about traditions and values common to all countries. The focus is also to exchange experience and to meet – in real life as on the internet by pictures, skype, and videos. The participants get the chance to become acquainted to each other within a country or across the borders. Additionally, they get the possibility to create something as a team – an experience that fills the idea of an European identity with life. Finally, Milena Popova talked about the opportunities for training in 2016.

After the official part and the report on the Centre's activities, representatives of the pensioners' clubs displayed ritual breads and home-made wines, made by their members. The exhibition was also a competition. The jury, formed by representatives of the two organisations, found it hard to rank the exhibits, but after a serious debate, they picked the winner in the category "Ritual Christmas Breads" the pensioners' club in Sredna kula. The prize for home-made wines went to pensioners' club No.1.

The meeting continued with informal talks between the participants and tasting of the exhibits.