9th June 2021

Crystal Prizes for the Best paper were conferred at the Innovative Youth EXPO


In the final session Best Paper "Crystal Prize", held during the Innovative Youth Expo participated students, PhD students and young researchers – winners of their respective Faculties student sessions. Their papers were in English and so were the presentations they made face-to-face and online.


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9th June 2021

Fifth Innovative Youth EXPO was held at the University of Ruse


Today the Fifth Innovative Youth EXPO was held within the frame of the 23rd Spring Science Fest at the University of Ruse. This is a joint initiative of the Academic Management and the Student Council of the University, under the patronage of the Minister of Education and science, who sent an address of congratulations. The event started at 11.30 with words of welcome by the Rector, Cor.Mem. Prof. Hristo Beloev, DTSc, who wished the participants success and work in a face-to-face environment. Among the official guests of the event were: the Mayor of Ruse Municipality, Mr. Pencho Milkov and Vice-Mayors, the Governor of Ruse region – Mr. Borislav Bulgarinov and Vice-governors, the Governor of Razgrad region – Mr. Ivan Genchev, and his Vice-governor – Mr. Nayden Kusov, the Vice-governor of Silistra region – Mr. Mincho Yordanov, the Vice-chair person of the National Representation of Student Councils – Mr. Stanimir Boyadviev, representatives of the Ruse University Body of Rectors, business, public institutions, students and high school students.


 The participants were greeted by the Mayor and the Governor, as well as the Vice-Chairperson of the National Representation of Student Councils and finally, Prof. Diana Antonova – Vice-rector for Research, introduced the programme of the EXPO and also extended her greetings.



The Fifth Innovative Youth EXPO started with an extravagant fashion show entitled Мovid-19 Pro Fashion in red and black, with clothes designed by the students of the High school of fashion Design in Ruse. It was followed by presentations of over 250 participants in 38 teams, which had exhibited their projects on 38 stalls. Among them were high school students – winners in national competitions such as School companies ,,BioFoam"  and ,,KafEco"from the High school of Mathematics, Ruse; Gaming club „Zenith" from the German Language High School in Ruse – winner of the competition "Be a Young Entrepreneur, organised by "Bulgarian Entrepreneur "journal and Ruse Municipality; the joint teams of the English Language School and the Faculty of Business and Management – Entrepreneurship Module under the projects „Cooking Masters", „FarinaFlo" and „FutureHow"; the student teams of the Faculty of Public Health and Healthcare, which has created the student film "Kinezitherapy after Covid -19"; Agrarian and Industrial Faculty - with 3D models of objects designed by students from Industrial Design, and an almanac – "Remarkable plant species in the University Botanical garden", compiled by students and lecturers from the degree programme of "Plant Growing". The Exhibition "130 years of European spirit in the educational work in Silistra (1890-1913)", organised by the University Branch Research and Educational Laboratory Cultural and Historic Heritage. The activities of the 5D ALLIANCE – laboratory in digital, layered energy-aided innovative technologies and the 5D ALLIANCE – research laboratory Low carbon mobility and intelligent transport systems.



During the exhibition, the prizes of the university Public Speaking in English Contest Inspire were conferred by the head of the Department of Foreign Languages, Sen. lecturer Elitsa Georgieva. The first – year student in Bulgarian language and History, Michaela Georgieva, won the First prize with her presentation The Four Colours of Modern Education and the Grand Prix was won by Nikolay Raykov from the degree programme Informatics and Information Technologies in Business, on the topic The evolution of Smartphone.


The participants were greeted by the dancers from the University Folk Dancing group Harmony.

5-6 June 2021

International Conference with the special participation of His Excellency Christoph Eichhorn, the Ambassador of Federal Republic of Germany in Bulgaria, organised by BRIE held at the University of Ruse

On 5-6 June in the halls of Kaneff Centre, the University of Ruse an international conference was held, with the special participation of His Excellency Christoph Eichhorn, the Ambassador of Federal Republic of Germany in Bulgaria, organised by the Bulgarian-Romania Interuniversity Europe Centre (BRIE). The title of the conference was DIVERS. The conference was organised within the framework of the annual Danube school under the slogan „Danube, Inclusive, Value-based, Emphatetic, Responsive Society".



Cor. Mem. Prof. Hristo Beloev, DTSc, President of the Board of BRIE opened the conference with a paper, entitled Cultural diversity of BRIEfollowed by the presentations of prof. Krasimir Martev, PhD, Director of International Students Directorate, TheCultural Diversity of the University of RuseAssoc.prof. Mimi Kornazheva, PhD, Director of BRIE and academic supervisor of PhD students in Political Studies – United in DiversityManagement of language Policies in EU; Eva Parvanova, alumna and assistant in BRIE, PhD in Political Studies -  Linguo-cultural communities and Separatism in the EU; Andrea Radu, PhD, BRIE alumnus from Romania and advisor to the Minister of Internal Affairs of Romania – Cultural Minorities in the Danube Region; Prof. Penka Angelova, DPhSc, Chairperson of Elias Canetti Society – The Cultural Heritage of Elias Canetti.  


The afternoon session included presentations of Master degree students from BRIE and PhD students in Political Science, related to the cultural diversity of Ruse and the region. The first day ended with an interesting role play If I Were You, prepared by Political Science PhD students and improvisation group ViZHna!, led by Ivaylo Nenov and Iliyan IlkovIt presented some controversial situations with some of the "diverse" members of our society. 


The second day was dedicated to the special participation of His Excellency Christoph Eichhorn, the Ambassador of Federal Republic of Germany in Bulgaria. He met the Body of Rectors of the University of Ruse. The Rector, Cor. Mem. Prof. Hristo Beloev, DTSc, presented the international activities and priorities of the University. Opportunities for expanding the cooperation between the higher school and German educational institutions were discussed. H.Ex.Eichhorn was conferred with the sign of the University of Ruse.


Later, H. Ex. Eichhorn presented to the youth audience of the conference his vision for United Europe. PhD students, and high school students participated in the discussion, named attractively "Same bed – Different dreams? German- Bulgarian discussion about Europe".

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At the end of the conference the participants visited Canetti's Home, the Jewish club Shalom, the Armenian Church and the Said Pasha Mosque.


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For contacts: Assoc. Prof. Mimi Kornazheva, PhD, Director of BRIE, tel.: 0888 411 953

June 2021

Memorandum for cooperation between the University of Ruse and "Mircea cel Batran" Naval Academy, Constanta, Romania

Today, 4.06.2021,  a delegation from "Mircea cel Batran" Naval Academy, led by its Rector – Superintendent naval captain Alecu Toma, Ph, accompanied by Assoc. Prof. Colonel Catalin – Vice-rector for international programmes and Captain Marius Cucu – Head of International Relations visited the University of Ruse. Our university was represented by the Rector, Cor. Mem. Prof. Hristo Beloev, DTSc, who is also a DHC of the Naval Academy and the Vice-rector for internationalisation and communication policy – Assoc. prof. Desislava Atanasova, as well as Prof. Nikolai Mihailov, PhD – also a DHC of the Academy.


                The opportunities for deepening the cooperation between the two higher schools were discussed and a Memorandum for Cooperation and Partnership was signed. The document envisages the development of cooperation in a wide range of areas, with education and science being in the priority list.


                In the field of education, the document states the following activities: cooperation for development of interdisciplinary education; improving the quality of using information technologies and digital means in teaching and research – exchange of experience and good practices; upgrading the electronic platforms and other advanced educational technologies for teaching and assessment of the results; developing joint syllabi, including some in foreign languages; joint participation in university networks; sharing of educational and information resources.


                 In the field of science, research and innovations, agreements were reached on the following: joint work, including: research and innovation activities at a national and international level; participation in projects under regional and transborder programmes for cooperation and joint scientific journals; organisation of national and international scientific forums; joint teaching and supervising of PhD students and supporting the career development of young and established scientists.

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For more informationAssoc. prof. Desislava Atanasova, PhD Vice-rector for Internationalisation and Communication Policies tel.: 0888 983 334


31 May  2021

Winners of the Inspire Speaking Contest, 2021

The Foreign Languages Department would like to send a big thank you to everyone who participated in our contest and helped make it a success!

Here are the big winners!

First Prize goes to Mihaela Georgieva for her presentation The Four Colours of Modern Education. Her inspiring speech and vivid presence won the hearts of the audience and the panel of judges.

Second Prize goes to Hristo Chukurov for his presentation Finding Talent in Education for great passion and personal involvement and interest in the topic he presented on.

Third Prize goes to Mario Nikolov for his presentation Five Ways Technology Is Changing the Automotive Industry for the Better for his tremendous enthusiasm and great public speaking skills during the competition.

We are proud to announce that there are also winners in several special categories:

Grand Prix for Excellent Presentation Skills goes to vNikolay Raykov for his presentation The Evolution of the Smart Phone. The panel of judges would like to congratulate Nikolay on his eloquence and enthusiasm.

Petar Stoilov receives our special prize THE GREAT INSPIRER.

Hristina Darakeva receives our special prize the Most Extensively Researched Presentation. Her well-researched topic and the logical order of ideas impressed the judges.

Selina Sindjo receives the prize A Presenter with Potential. Well-done Selina!

Kristian Dimitrov, Ivaylo Enchev and Daniel Nikolov receive the special prize Efficient Team Work. Working and presenting as a team is not an easy job and Kristian, Ivaylo and Daniel did really well!

Denis Assenov receives the special prize for the most Creative Presentation. The original way to present combined with ease of speech classified Denis among our winners.

Nikoleta Goranova receives the special prize for the most Captivating Presenter. It was a pleasure listening to you!

All winners will receive special prizes and certificates. We would like to thank the rest of the contestants and their excellent performance will be acknowledged with a certificate.

The prizes will be awarded during the Innovative Youth Expo on June, 9th. The ceremonies will begin at 11.30.

For more information: Sen. lecturer Elitsa Georgieva, Head of Dept. of Foreign Languages - 082-888-230

31 May  2021

Successful ending of the academic year at Confucius study hall of the University of Ruse

                On 31 May 2021 a solemn gathering marked the end of the academic year at the Confucius Study hall of the University of Ruse. The Rector of the University, Cor. Mem. Prof. Hristo Beloev, DTSc and the Vice-Rector in internationalisation and communication policies, Assoc. Prof. Desislava Atanasova, PhD attended the event.

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                The Rector Prof. Beloev, conferred the certificates for participation in the international competition "Chinese Language Bridge" to three students from the University: Hristina Krumova (Countering Crime and Maintaining Public Order degree programme at the Faculty of Law), Philip Petkov (European and Global Studies at the Faculty of Business and Management) and Karina Zavlieva (European and Global Studies at the Faculty of Business and Management). Recognition of the high achievements of the students from the University of Ruse in studying Chinese language and culture is the second place won by Hristina Krumova in the prestigious competition, which gives her the right to attend the final stage of the competition in China. At present, Hristina is expecting the approval of the Chinese government for a scholarship, which will give her the opportunity to study Chinese for a year at a prestigious Chinese University.

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                With true satisfaction and pleasure the Rector, prof. Beloev, also handed the certificates for the completion of the subsequent level of the course in Chinese language, organised annually at the University of Ruse as one of the traditional activities of Confucius Study hall. Among the successful course attendants are the lecturers from the University of Ruse Assoc. prof. Zornitsa Yordanova, PhD (Faculty of Law), Pr. Assistant Tsvetelin Georgiev (Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Technology) and Pr. Assistant Elena Ivanova (Faculty of Electrical Engineering Electronics and Automation).

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                At the end of the solemn event, Prof. Beloev conferred honorary diplomas to the two Chinese lecturers Uang Bing and Hu Yuan, whose four-year stay in Bulgaria is soon to be over. Thanks to their dedicated work and numerous initiatives, Confucius Study Hall at the University of Ruse, under the auspices of Confucius Institute, Sofia, serves as an example in Bulgaria of as a well-functioning hub for promoting the Chinese language and culture, as well as a working model of active Bulgarian – Chinese friendship and cooperation.

Date: 14 May 2021


The Chairperson of the Student Council of the University of Ruse – Stanimir Boyadjuev, was elected a member of the newly-formed Executive Committee with the European Student Union. He is an alumni of the Faculty of Law in the master degree programme of Law and a Vice Chairperson in International activities in the National Representation of the Student Councils in Bulgaria.


„It is a privilege and an honour for me to represent the students from the entire European community next year!" said Stanimir.

We wish Stanimir success and new horizons!

Date:13 May 2021

Francophonie'2021 at the University of Ruse in partnership with the University Agency of Francophonie (UAF)


Francophonie at the University of Ruse continues even through the pandemic restrictions of COVID 19. The student  activity is versatile and the events are numerous, attracting high school students from language high schools as well. The International Francophonie Day was also marked by many events, not just on the day itself – 20th March. For some of the students it is not the first time they celebrated the solemn day, but others met Francophonie for the first time and they were really enthusiastic.


Traditionally, from the first year of Ruse University's UAF membership, an essay competition in French was organised. The topic this year was " Work keeps away three big evils: boredom, vice and avarice" (Voltaire). The competiton was announced by the University of Ruse and the University Agency of Francophonie – Sofia.

The students from the degree programme of European and Global Studies have participated in other competitions and events as well. The most active ones are Lora Dimitrova – first year, Vitorio Venkov, Plamen Bonev and Veronika Dimitrova – second year, Denislava Kuncheva and Elizabet Tsvyatkova – third year. They translated French poems into Bulgarian, visual French poetry and caligraphy.

Other competitions were held on the topics of "Calendar of Bulgarian holidays", " My Town", Entrepreneurship/ Hospitality Management" and "Europeanization and Globalisation" all of them in French.


This year, besides the students from the High School for European Languages in Ruse, some students from the First English Language School and Ninth French Language School "Alfons de Lamartine" in Sofia took part in the competition. The competition was contested and the essays were of high quality.  Rostislava Ruseva from Ruse participated for a third time in a row. Most of the participants were from 12th grade but there were also some 9th graders to add to the topic palette – Desislav Nikolov, for example.

Each participant felt the festive spirit and the richness of the French language not just for a day, but for the whole period of studying the French language with its melody, the French  spirit and knowledge.

For the Unibversity of Ruse, all these events marked the fifth anniversary of its joining the large Francophone community of educational institutions.

Other initiatives are awaiting you on the website of UAF – one more open dor for the University of Ruse:


The competition ranking can be ssen on the Website of the University of Ruse.

Author: Kremena Tsaneva – 4th year European and Global studies, University of Ruse

For more informationsen. Lecturer Rumyana Ivanovatel.: 0885022985

Date: 11 May 2021

The European Universities Association celebrates its 20th Anniversary

At the end of April, the European Universities Association celebrated its 20th AnniversaryThe University of Ruse has been part of it for more than 10 yearsOn the occasion of the celebration, Cor. Mem. Prof. Hristo Beloev, DTSc conferred his greetings online to the President and the management of the association, saying that out membership there is a privilege and a responsibility.

The European Universities Association creates the most advanced educational policies. It brings together the Universities in Europe.

The University of Ruse has broad leadership positions in the Danube regionThe higher school is striving to be on the spearhead of innovations and entrepreneurship and is constantly developing broad education and research networks with its European partners.

Date: 29 April 2021


Within the project ASEAN FACTORI 4.0., teams of lecturers from the departments of Telecommunications and Automation and Mechatronics of the University of Ruse conducted seminars, training lecturers and students from 7 universities from South East Asia: Chulalongkorn University (Thailand), Mae Fah Luang University (Thailand), National University of Laos (Laos), Savannakhet University (Laos) and University of Health Sciences (Laos), Royal University of Phnom Penh (Cambodia) and Institute оf Technology Of Cambodia (Cambodia). 

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Coordinator of the consortium is Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1 (France). The seminars are part of the project activities, funded by the Erasmus+, Key activity 2. The training is related to  building capacity in these universities in the field of industrial automation and information technologies and the topic of the traing are: Introduction to telecommunication networks and cybesecurity; Programmable logic controllers (PLC) and programming languages; Modern industrial networks and application of PLC, Databases and MySQL.

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The lecturers from the University of Ruse participating in the training are: Prof.Plamen Daskalov, PhD, Assoc. prof. Plamen Daskalov, PhD, Assoc. prof. Tsvetelina Georgieva, PhD, Assoc. prof. Georgi Hristov, PhD, Pr. assistant Diyana Kinaneva, PhD. The training is conducted online via ZOOM. The number of students, registered in the Mooldle platform and participating in the training is between 50 and 100 from each participating university. In the first phase if the training, an intensive course for the lecturers from the Asian universities in the laboratories of the Bulgarian and French universities is planned. The second phase of the training will be held in the newly built innovative laboratories and the Centre of Excellence, built in cooperation with European partner universities.

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Date: 29 April 2021


From 5 to 7 September 2021 in Bishkek – the capital of Kirgizstan, a World Forum of University Rectors will be held. Over 200 rectors from all over the world will be present.


The forum will emphasize the digital transformation of education – a topic made  particularly relevant by the pandemic.

From Bulgaria, the Rector of the University of Ruse, Cor. Mem. Prof. Hristo Beloev, DTSc was invited to participate in the forum. The main reason for this is the fact that the University is the initiator and coordinator of an Eurasian project, whose purpose is to modernize the system of higher education in Central Asia by innovative educational technologies. Such technologies have been developed at the Centre for innovative educational technologies at the University of Ruse for more than 20 years. They have proved extremely useful in the conditions of pandemic. 

Prof. Beloev will participate in the section „University 4.0 Outlook" with a paper on the vision for a university of the future. 

27 April 2021

The University of Ruse hosted an international webinar

On April 23, the University of Ruse hosted the online webinar COPILOT World Cafe "AROUND THE WORLD FROM YOUR UNIVERSITY", which is the third multiplier event of the COPILOT project. The event was attended by teachers from Belgium, Lithuania, Romania, Turkey and Bulgaria. The participants were welcomed by the Rector of the University, Cor.Mem. Prof. Hristo Beloev, DSc, who wished them fruitful work and new successful projects. The webinar was organized by the teaching staff of the Occupational Therapy programme Assoc. Prof. Lilia Todorova, Assoc. Prof. Petya Mincheva and Assist. Prof. Margarita Asparuhova-Kandilarova with the support of partners Elisabeth Fattinger from Austria, Anja Christopher from Switzerland and Maria Prellvitz from Sweden.

The COPILOT project (Cooperative Online Peer-assisted and Intercultural Learning in Occupational Therapy) is the result of a long-term cooperation between six European universities from Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, the Netherlands, Sweden and Switzerland in the online module ICC@Home with over 300 participating students. The partners developed a model for collaborative online international learning (COIL) with instructional materials for its application, as well as a collection of digital tools and open educational  resources (OERs) on free access. 8 modules for training in Occupational Therapy, which are transferrable to other healthcare studies, have been fully developed and piloted. From the end of June, all products will be available on the website of the European Network for Occupational Therapy in Higher Education (https://enothe.eu/).

COPILOT provides an opportunity for enriching of the international and intercultural experiences of students parallel to their normal studies, without financial costs and leaving home.

 22 April 2021

The University of Ruse celebrated the international Earth Day


Today 22.04.2021 The University of Ruse celebrated the Earth Day and the Day of Trees, celebrated in China. To mark the activity of the study hall "Confucius" with the University of Ruse, three coniferous trees were planted and a special plate was put by them as a sign of the eternal friendship between Bulgaria China.

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The Rector of the University of Ruse, Cor. Mem. Prof. Hristo Beloev, DTSc congratulated the lecturers in Chinese on all the educational and cultural initiatives  during the years , and, in their turn, they thanked him for the hospitality, concern and support. Then the Rector and reperesentatives of the academic management planted the trees, symbolising the dtrong friendship between the two countries, and the students who are studying Chinese at the University watered them.


Assoc. prof. Desislava Atanasova, PhD – Vice-rector in internationalisation and communication policy, Prof. Velizara Pencheva, PhD – Chairperson of the Assembly Genera and Prof. Juliana Popova – Coordinator Interinstitutional Communications.

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Date: 21 April 2021


Nearly two years ago dtarted the Eurasian project Modernization of higher education in Central Asia using new technologies with the University of Ruse as a coordinator.

The transition to online education due to the COVID-19 pandemic made this project relevant and useful, but created personal problems both for the coordinator and the partner universities.

One of the main goals of the project was training lecturers from 15 central Asian universities to use innovative educational technologies (IET) in their activities. To facilitate the implementation of this objective in the conditions of pandemic, the University of Ruse created a virtual library with syllabus, guidebook, multimedia presentations and video lectures in IET – in Russian and English.

At the suggestion of the Rector of the University of Ruse, Cor. Mem. Prof. Hristo Beloev, DTSc, the library was transformed into open source for all interested lecturers. Recently, the number of visits to the library exceeded 340 thousand and keeps growing by 2 – 3 thousand daily, which means that the universities in Central Asia, which   330, are using this library actively for training their lecturers.

The fact that the Belgian educational council, which has conducted a cycle of master classes, dedicated to IET has used the Ruse University virtual library is indicative.


15 April, 2021

The University of Ruse welcomed the Ambassadors of Slovakia, Slovenia and Cyprus

His Excellency Manuel Korček, Ambassador to the Slovak Republic in Bulgaria, together with His Excellency, Anžej Frangeš, Ambassador to Slovenia in Bulgaria and His Excellency Marios Kountourides, Ambassador to Cyprus in Bulgaria, as well as Ms. Dagmar Ostranska, Director of the Czech Centre in Sofia and Ms. Ivana Marksfeldova, Consul of the Slovak Republic in Sofia visited the University of Ruse today.


The meeting at the University was the first of a number of meetings at institutions in Ruse.


The Rector of the University of Ruse, Cor. Mem. Prof. Hristo Beloev, DTSc, presented the state-of-the-art facilities, the modern resources for research and education, the long-standing traditions in education and the authoritative leadership position of the University. The meeting was also attended by Assoc. prof. Desislava Atanasova, PhD, vice-rector in internationalisation and communication policies and prof. Plamen Daskalov, PhD, vice rector in development, coordination and continuing education.


The hosts and the visitors discussed the opportunities for establishing mechanisms for sustainable partnerships and dialogue through online meetings and visits. The meeting was beneficial to both parties as the establishment of such viable partnerships provides an advantages in the current conditions.


The diplomatic visit was organised on the occasion of an exhibition in the Historical Museum of Ruse "Significant women in history: from Prague, through Bratislava to Ruse"


14 April, 2021

The University of Ruse recognizes a test of Oxford University

With a decision of the Academic Council, the University of Ruse has become an institution, recognizing Oxford Test of English (ОТЕ) на Oxford University for the needs of training Bulgarian and international students.


ОТЕ is suitable for students, applying students and adults and determines the level of English language proficiency within valid levels A2 to B2 according to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages. It will be recognized for incoming and outgoing mobility for students and PhD students under the Erasmus programme. Applicants to the University of Ruse can also use it for admission, including admission to bachelor and/or master degree programmes, offered by the University of Ruse in English.

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The University of Ruse recognizes other standardized tests like those of Cambridge English and IELTS.  In this regard, the Department of Foreign Languages and the Centre for Continuing Education organise courses in business English, preparing for the Cambridge English exams: B1 Business Preliminary and B2 Business Vantage.


For more information: tel.: 082 888 230 and 082-888-406; e-mail: [email protected]

13 April, 2021

The University of Ruse joined the Association of the European Research Libraries (LIBER EUROPE)

The University of Ruse joined the Association of the European research Libraries (LIBER EUROPE) (Ligue des Bibliothèques Européennes de Recherche – Association of European Research Libraries).The organisation whose headquarters is in the Hague, the Netherlands, is the voice of the research libraries in the European community.

The Association of the European Research Libraries organises and holds conferences, seminars and webinars for keeping the librarians informed about the research policies of the European Union and the new developments in the library services. The work groups, functioning in the organisation, promote and aid the development of key competencies, the exchange of experience and expansion of professional contacts. In addition, the association includes the research libraries as partners in international projects and creates project consortiums.

The members of the Association are over 450 institutions. Four other institutions from Bulgaria besides the University Library of the University of Ruse have membership: the Central University Library of Sofia University, The library of New Bulgarian University; the Library of Medical University, Varna and the Library and Information Centre of the University of Library Studies and Information Technologies.

12 April, 2021

The University of Ruse is participating in the opening of an international conference in Baku

Today, the Rector of the University of Ruse, Cor. Mem. Prof. Hristo Beloev, DTSc and the vice-rector in internationalization and communication policy – Assoc. prof. Desislava Atanasova, PhD, took part in the opening of the online Second International Student Research and Science Conference, organised by Baku Higher Oil School, Baku, Azerbaijan. Prof. Beloev greeted the participants and thanked for the invitation the Rector of the Higher Oil School, Prof. Elmar Gasimov. The Conference has three fields – „Oil Science and Engineering", „Process Automation and Information Security 2021" and „Sustainable Development in Chemistry and Chemical Engineering". Over 880 participants and guests took part in the opening of the conference.



The relationship between the University of Ruse and the Higher Oil School in Baku Azerbaijan date back more than 10 years ago. In 2017, they became official through signing an agreement for a bachelor degree in Automation in Baku in English, using the curriculum and syllabi of the same degree programme at the Univeristy of Ruse. Now a new agreement is being prepared for a master degree in the same field.


25 March, 2021

Start of the new seven-year period of the Erasmus+ Programme

On 25 March, 2021 the start was given of the new seven-year period of the Erasmus+ Programme (2021 – 2027), which has existed since 1987, and in which the University of Ruse "Angel Kanchev" has participated for 22 years.


The programme for cooperation and mobility in the field of education, training, youth and sport is emblematic for the European Union and is one of its greatest achievements. The start was given by Maria Gabriel, a Commissary on the issues of innovations, research, culture, education and youth, who said: „The fact that the Erasmus+ budget for the next seven years is almost twice as big as the previous one (28,4 bln Euro), shows the significance attached to education, lifelong learning and youth in Europe. Erasmus+ is still a unique programme in terms of its size, scope and global recognition, with 33 countries participating in it and access for the remaining part of the world through its international activities".

During the last three decades over 10 million people in 33 countries (EU plus Iceland, Lichtenstein, Northern Macedonia, Norway, Serbia and Turkey) have participated in it. The international field of the Erasmus+ Programme provides opportunities for mobilities and cooperation all over the world.

For the period of its participation, the University of Ruse has implemented dozens of projects for cooperation with European higher schools and has sent over 1400 students and PhD students for exchange study and internships to European Universities and companies. Within the framework of the4 Programme, over 1300 lecturer mobilities with the purpose of giving lectures or gaining experience have been organised. The Erasmus+ programme allowed the University of Ruse to become an accepting institution for over 400 incoming students from European partner universities. In recent years, the University of Ruse has been using the opportunities the Programme offers for partnerships all over the world, and has realized projects and mobilities with higher schools from Asia. With one of them, the Shanghai Polytechnic University, The University of Ruse has expanded the cooperation by signing an Agreement for education with the purpose of obtaining a dual diploma for students from both countries.

With over 500 bilateral agreements for mobilities with Universities from and outside the EU and an annual funding of over 500 000 Euro, the University of Ruse offers its students and lecturers huge opportunities for exchange, funded by the Programme. The students have the opportunity to apply for Erasmus exchange to the University Erasmus office twice a year. They can use 12 months for each of the three levels of education, which they could use for a mobility of minimum 3 months for studying and 2 months for internsgip.

During the last seven-year period of the Programme (2014-2020), the University of Ruse was awarded with a Certificate  for quality work on mobility projects under the Erasmus+ Programme, conferred by the National Erasmus Agency, which is the financing unit for Bulgaria and monitors the work and reports of the Bulgarian Universities.

23 March 2021, Tuesday

The University of Ruse Angel Kanchev hosts an International conference "The power of peer learning and management of change during a pandemic"

On 23.03.2021, an International conference "The power of peer learning and management of change during a pandemic" was held online under the project Beyond Scale (Developing the organisational capacity of higher education institutions with the support of the HEInnovate platform, in order to facilitate university learning and applying the European practices in the communities). The conference was hosted by the University of Ruse.


Over 57 participants from various national and international institutions were involved in the conference. The students from the Business and Management Faculty of the University of Ruse, where the entrepreneurship and innovations training is taking place, demonstrated particular interest to the topics of discussion.  


 The special guests of the event greeted the participants in the forum:

• Brigitte Ecker, PhD – executive director of WPZ Research, Research Centre for economic and innovational studies in Vienna, Austria;

• Barbara Hermans – project advisor and coordinator with the Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency of the European Commission, Brussels, Belgium;

• Ivana Radonova, PhD – state expert in Higher Education Director\ate of the Ministry of Education and Science, Bulgaria;


• Ruaidhri Neavin – special advisor at the Irish Higher Education Agency on the higher education policies and programme development activities - HEA, Ireland; member of EU's HEInnovate Expert Group; OECD's Group of National Experts on Higher Education; Regional University Network of Europe; and member of the Science, Research and Higher Education Coordination Council in Portugal.

In the first panel of the conference, Brigitte Ecker, WPZ, Austria presented the three goals ofthe BeyondScale Project: (1) developing the entrepreneurial capacity of the higher education institutions in the common European practical community; (2) further upgrading and implanting of the HEInnovate approach in European university education; and (3) documenting and sharing emerging practices in the project partner organisations: WPZ-Research GmbH, Austria (coordinator); University of Twente, Center for Higher Education Policy Studies, Нидерландия; University of Ruse „А. Kanchev"; FH-Campus Wien; Austria; Cork Institute of Technology - Ireland; Dublin City University – Ireland; Stichting NHL Stenden Hogeschool – the Netherlands;  Polytechnic Institute of Viana do Castelo - Portugal; Universidade Nova de Lisboa - Portugal; Universität Innsbruck - Austria.


The HEInnovate tool of self-evaluation approach has been developed with the aim to help strengthen the entrepreneurial approach of the higher education schools and their stakeholders, both internal and external. It can have a significant positive impact on higher schools to strengthen their vision for future education through developing innovative and entrepreneurial approaches to education, research and counselling activities. Beyond Scale seeks to create a pan-European community of practices to be shared and documented, based on the outcomes from the individual and joint activities of the participants.

Representatives of leading research structures from Bulgaria, Austria, Ireland and Portugal were invited to deliver plenary papers.

The first plenary paper „Activities of the University of Ruse in a COVID-19 environment" was presented by the rector of the University of Ruse Cor. Mem. Prof. Hristo Beloev, DTSc.


Here is part of his exposition: Today the University of Ruse has included a number of research characteristics in its activities, which trace its development as a fourth generation universityOur most convincing competitive advantage in the sphere of research is our development as an open innovation space, evidenced by the building of infrastructure complexes of the Centre of Excellence and the Center for ICT competences. The 5D ALLIANCE 2019-2028 Projectwhich permanently puts the University of Ruse on the European Roadmap for Scientific Infrastructureprovides for the establishment of 7 mega laboratories as part of a research complex with no analogue in Bulgaria and the Danube3 areaThe newly established Institute for technology and Innovation also has its leading role.


Another proof of the innovative and leadership potential of the University of Ruse are the activities undertaken to cope with the challenges, caused by the global pandemic of COVID 19. In an extremely short time we have readjusted all our systems for working in an electronic environment, and from the first days of the pandemic, we organised the production of shields and other protective materials for the medical staff at the front line.

Next came the patenting of protective filters for masks, applicable also in the production of protective clothing for medical and laboratory staff, working in a highly aggressive infectious environment. The innovations can be used in air and bus transport, as the companies, running these businesses, will be offering the passengers masks, disinfected in mobile containers, supplied with ozone generators and/or UV rays. Furthermore, the protective filters can be used in air-conditioning systems in public buildings, transport (river, urban, air, etc.) and in households.


Today, when influenced by the Corona virus, all people started talking about online learning, the University of Ruse is proud of the fact that as early as the beginning of this century, it developed the first in Bulgaria own platform for online learning - e-Learning Shell 2; the first web-based course – now there are 1300 such courses; the first virtual laboratory –now they are 9, and later, the first video lectures – now over 300 and growing.

In the University was developed the Concept for digital transformation of education and the Vision for the University of the Future. Under the Eurasian project „Modernisation of the Higher Education System in Central Asia through the New Educational Technology", initiated and coordinated by the University of Ruse, a unique virtual library in Innovation and Education Technologies (IET), which integrates the 20-year experience of the Ruse Alma Mater in this field."


Presentations and papers were presented by:

• Frank Zigele, CHE Center for Higher Education, Digital transformation & peer-learning

•Karl-Heinz Leitner, Austrian Institute of Technology &University of Graz, Transformation through strategic foresight

• Zsuzsa Javorka, Technopolis Group, HEInnovate future outlook

•Bárbara Coelho Gabriel, University of Aveiro, THEI 2.0

• Susanna Boldrino, FH Campus Wien, BeyondScale inbound perspective

•Helen McGuirk, MTU, BeyondScale Outbound perspective

•Ben Jongbloed, Andrea Kottmann, CHEPS, The accompanying research of BeyondScale

Straight after the end of the international conference, the first feedback for the successful team work of the hosts were received:

"Dear colleagues from the University of Ruse,

Many thanks on our part, especially for the fascinating plenary paper of Cor. Mem. Prof. Hristo Beloev, DTSc on the role of the University of Ruse as a research organisation of the fourth generation. Thank you very muchWe consider the Conference a huge success.

Best wishes, Brigitte Ecker, WPZ, Austria"

"I completely agree, I think we all can be proud 😊 - your platform and the technique worked perfectly, very good presentations and a happy audience! Thank you!!!

Susanne Fröhlich, WPZ, Austria"


"Changing geopolitics – pathways  for universities in Europe" webinar hosted by the University of Ruse

Today, 18.03.2021, a webinar on the topic "Changing geopolitics – pathways  for universities in Europe" was held at the University of Ruse.


The University of Ruse was reoresented by the vice-rector on internationalisation and communiucation policy – Assoc. prof. Desislava Atanasova, PhDПредставител от Русенския университет „Ангел Кънчев".


Pathways for achieving the desired vision and opportunities for "universities without walls 2030" and other issues related to the global changes were discussed .


Over 40 participants  from European countries such as Spain, Italy, Austria, Poland, Russia, Turkey and others.


International Webinar within BEYONDSCALE Project

Today, 16.03.2021, an International Webinar within BEYONDSCALE Project  was held with the University of Ruse as a host, represented by assoc. prof. Daniel Pavlov, PhD. The Ministry of Education and Science of Bulgaria is an associated partner in the project. The project coordinator, Ms. Brigitte Ecker (Austria) and Mr. Ruaidhri Neavin (Ireland) were   present as well.  


Over 20 students from the degree programmes in  Business Management and Industrial Management took part in the webinar. The University of Ruse is the only participant in the project from Eastern Europe.

The ability of the НEInnovate platform to stimulate the exchange of knowledge and the cooperation between business and university. Assoc. prof. Pavlov gave an account of the webinar, held on 08.12.2021 and showed a preserntation on the webinar topic. He encouraged the students to share their personal experiences in entrepreneurship.


The University of Ruse is a pioneer in the field of academic entrepreneurship and has a long history of projects and practical events such as fairs and field trips as expressions of the successful partnership with business.  



Leading position for the University of Ruse in a world ranking system

For another year the University of Ruse occupies a leading position in the information-retrieval system for universities around the world UniRank (World Universities Search Engine). It provides an answer to the question „Which are the most popular universities by regions and countries?",  searching among 13 800 universities around the world.


According to the ranking of UniRank for Bulgaria, the results repeat those from last year placing the University of Ruse in third position among the state universities, after Sofia University and Technical University – Sofia, and in fourth position among all 48 participating Bulgarian universities. The University of Ruse is the only one outside the capital that has found a place in the leading section of the ranking, which is a recognition for its undisputed leadership position in the surrounding area and its educational, scientific and innovation potential.

UniRank's web metrics takes into account objective criteria such as accreditation of the higher school by a state agency; offering higher education in the three cycles – Bacheror, Mater and OhD (or in some of them); implementing classical academic education. In addition, UniRank offers a ranking of the popularity of the universities in the social media Facebook, Twitter and Instagram, as well as the YouTube Channel.


The fact that for another year the University of Ruse occupies leading position in UniRank's ranking is a proof of the consistant aspiration of the University to maintain high quality of education and research, realising its mission and vision to be a driver of the regional innovation growth and a leader in the cross-border Bulgarian-Romanian region and the Danube space. With its good academic practices, the University of Ruse has long since reached the stage of third generation universities (the entrepreneurial ones) in the evolutional development of the university model and is working actively towards achieving the next goal – to be a fourth generation university – an enabler and a motivator in value creation .



For more information:

Cor. Mem. Prof. Hristo Beloev, DTSc, Rector of the University of Rusetel.: +359 88 747 2153


Multiplication event under ЕduLab4Future Project of the Faculty of Business and Management  and the English language School "Geo Milev"-Ruse


Today, 05.03.2021, a team of the Faculty of Business and Management of the University of Ruse organised a multiplication event under ЕduLab4Future (Laboratory for education of the future) on the topic:Enhancing education for responsible management through innovative curricula for civic and sustainable business development. The event started with a welcome address by the Rector of the University of Ruse Cor. Mem. Prof. Hristo Beloev, DTSc, who wished all the participants good luck. The project funding is under the Erasmus+ Programme of the EC, Prioruty Axis KA 2, with a Lead partner University Politechnica – Bucharest, and partners: UNIVERSITY OF LODZ  (Poland); Brno University of Technology (the Czech Republic) and centres  for vocational training - INFOR ELEA (Italy) and EUROTRAINING SOLUTION (Romania).


The Bulgarian party was represented by lecturers from the Faculty of Business and Management, teachers and students from the English Language School, who have developed a very successful partnership since mid-2020, implementing the agreement for joint activities between the English language School "Geo Milev"-Ruse and the University of Ruse "Angel Kanchev". The cooperation is directly supported by the Ministry of Higher Education  and aims at acquiring high quality knowledge, skills and competences in the field of information technologies, STEM and entrepreneurship.


The project team had invited representatives of businesses in the dairy industry throughout the value chain, to present their activities and give direct feedback to the students.

The work in this educational project gives an opportunity to the Ruse team to use the experience and capacity it has accumulated so far in training in the field of Corporate Social Responsibility and EntrepreneurshipBy organising this public multiplication event in the Transnational Laboratory for education of the future EduLab4Future, the specialists in corporative social responsibility of the University of Ruse will realise a successful exchange of innovative practices in teaching and business councelling in this area. The aim of this practical workshop is to motivate competitive young people to understand the point of sustainable business as a guarantee of their future in the active cross-border area. The activities are carried out and coordinated by Prof. Diana Antonova, PhD – vice rector in Research, Pr. assistant Irina Kostadinova, PhD (team leader) and Pr. assistant Svilen Kunev.


Congratulatory address to the Taraklia Regional Council and the State University "Grigorii Tsamblak" on the occasion of 3rd March

Today, 05.03.2021, The rector of the University of Ruse, Cor. Mem. Prof. Hristo Beloev, DTSc conferred a congratulatory address to Mr. Ivan Paslar, Chairperson of the Regional Council of Taraklia Region, Moldova and to Assoc. Prof. Maria Paslar, PhD, Rector of State University "Grigorii Tsamblak" on the occasion of the Independence day of the Republic of Bulgaria.


The address was read online by Assoc. Prof. Desislava Atanasova, PhD, vice- rector on internationalisation and communication policy, to the participants in the solemn meeting, dedicated to the Liberation of Bulgaria. The meeting was organised by the Taraklia Regional Council and the State University "Grigorii Tsamblak".



The Ambassador of the United Arab Emirates visits  the University of Ruse

Expanding the partnership relations between the University of Ruse and thye higher schools in the United Arab Emirates (UAE) was discussed at the meeting between the Rector's Management and a delegation of the UAE Embassy. It was led by the Ambassador His Excellency Sultan Rashid Sultan Alkaitub Aliumaimi, who was pleased to state that " there is a lot to be learned from the Bulgarian educational system." The Rector, Cor. Mem. Prof. Hristo Beloev, DTSc, expressed the readiness of the University of Ruse to expand its network of international partenrtships and share the experience and good practices of the academic community with colleagues from UAE.


The talks continued with a discussion of the opportunities for signing agreements and establishing mechanisms for sustainable partnership and dialogue through online meetings, discussions and visits. The two parties found common grounds for the development of cooperation and mutual support between the Ruser Alma Mater and the Universities in UAE for combining efforts to face today's challenges of the transforming digital society.


The meeting was useful, because the ever increasing expectations to the quality of higher education require such viable partnerships, which could provide advantages in the conditions of hyperdynamical and often critical social and economic environment.




For more information:

Cor. Mem. Prof. Hristo Beloev, DTSc, Rector of the University of Rusetel.: +359 88 747 2153


Online conference under the project „ Talent Magnet"

Attracting and retaining talents is a key factor for the competitiveness of cities and regions

Why do talented people leave our citiesWhy is this a serious problem and what can we do to address it?

These issues were in the focus of the discussiobs during the online conference  under the project DTP3-454-4.1 TalentMagnet, financed by the Programme for transnational cooperation Danube" 2014-2020, which was held on 24 February 2021. During the event, more than 160 participants  from over 20 countriesamong which a team from the University of Ruse, participated in discussions with the aim of engaging the local authorities with the questions, related to attracting and retaining talented young people.

Talented young people from the new generation are extremely mobile as they are free to pursue the best opportunities for them not only locally. They choose to live and develop their talent in places where they find the best environment for themselves and their families. The cities where most  well-educated specialists settle down turn to be more competitive and their economies are developing more dynamically. That is why it is important the city authorities to undertake specific steps in order to attract and retain more and more talented people.

As a result of the ever growing globalisation, the movement of talents is becoming more intensive all the time. While some decades ago young people had to choose between their native town and the town where their university was, today they can practically aim at any part of the world. And as the talents have specific knowledge and skills, the companies are fiercely competing for them globally. Talents offer them new approaches, creative perspectives and non-standard solutions, providing them with key competitive advantage. The tendency is similar for cities.

The emphasis of the guest lecturers, presenting good practices, related to talented people from Studtgart, Helsinki, Ostrava, Velene, Varazhdin, Klaipeda and others, was that city authorities should be aware of the importance  of attracting and retaining young talents. Undoubtedly, it is a new vocation for the local authorities although the successful city mayors worldwide have already started to implement initiatives for attracting and retaining talents in their strategies and programmes.

The main target froup of the Talent Magnet Project are talented young people, whose development is the priority of the project. In the session of the conference, which was dedicated specifically to them, participated 86 young people from 21 countries, among which was Bulgaria. Spread into 11 focus groups, they identified the factors, which make the cities attractive to them. As a result from the discussions, a set of criteria, leading to their choice  of  a certain place to live, was identified. Among then stand out factors like the attractiveness of the settlement, its appearance and established image, its territorial structure, the opportunities for mobility offered, the security the residence facilities, opportunities for culture, entertainment and rest, and, last but not least – the availability of attractive employment.

The Project 'Improved Institutional Capacities and New Multilevel Governance for Talent Attraction and Retention in the Danube Region - TalentMagnet has been developed  by the Lead partner – Research Centre Bistra Ptuy, Slovenia. Eighteen partners from 12 Danube countries, among which regional and local public authorities, NGOs, research centres  and sector agencies participate in the project consirtium.

Visit the project webpage at https://www.facebook.com/TalentMagnetProject

The Project is financed by the European Union (European Fund for Regional Development , Pre-accession Assistance InstrumentEuropean Neighbourhood and Natioanal Co-financing Instrument).

For more information and opportunities for cooperation:

Management team of the University of Ruse

Prof. Mihail Iliev, DSc – Project leader – [email protected]

Liliya Ilieva, PhD – Communications manager - [email protected]


Three prizes  for students from the University of Ruse in the  "STUDENT OF THE YEAR" competition

On 1st March, 2021, in the ceremonial Grand Hall of Sofia University the 14th edition of "STUDENT OF THE YEAR" competition, organised by the National Representation of Student Councils, was held. This year, three students from the University of Ruse were awarded for high achievements during the past year.

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Alexandra Klimenko, a fourth year student in Financial Mathematics degree programme, won the prize STUDENT OF THE YEAR in the category "Natural Sciences , Mathematics and Informatics".

Angel Georgiev, a third year student in  Plant Growing degree programme, won the prize STUDENT OF THE YEAR in the category "Agrarian Sciences and Veterinary Medicine.

"Slavi Georgiev, a PhD student in the faculty of Natural Sciences and Education, was ranked second in the category PHD STUDENT OF THE YEAR. He was the winner of the STUDENT OF THE award in 2018.

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The delegation from the University of Ruse was led by Stanimir Boyadjiev, Chairperson of the Student Council.

This year 10 students and PhD students from the Ruse Alma Mater applied for the prize.


01 March 2021


Following active analytical and creative activities for economic empowerment of women, victims of violence, students from the degree programmes "Social work", "Medical Nurse', "Midwife"  and others from the University of Ruse, as well as social workers from social services and employees from the Humanitarian Activities Directorate of Ruse Municipality presented their project proposals on 27th-28th February, 2021. The HACKATON was held under an international project "Building economic independence: the way out of intimate partner violence" WE GO2 (GA number: 810371) (http://www.wegoproject.eu/). In the last two days of the online event, students and specialists from the field of social work took part in training modules, in which they were introduced to new approaches for solving problems, techniques and methods for successful presentation and interpreting of specific content. Following that with the help of mentors from Association "Centre Dynamika" – Ruse and Diana Georgieva from the Centre for Development of Sustainable Communities  (https://cscd-bg.org/bg/proekti/proekt-we-go-2), the teams had the opportunity to seek solutions of specific problems, related to economic empowerment of women, victims of violence through attracting the resources of business, educational and social institutions, NGOs, volunteers, etc. by forming partnerships.


The members of the jury congratulated all successful participants in the HACKATON from the University of Ruse and the specialists from the sphere of social work, for their active and responsible attitude to the fulfilment of tasks, for the innovative ideas presented and the well-structured project proposals.    


The Director of the Centre for Development of Sustainable Communities, Stranimira Hadjimitova and the project coordinator, Diana Georgieva also greeted the participants. They expressed their gratitude to Prof. Sasho Nunev, DSc and Pr. assistant Evgeniya Bratoeva, PhD for their cooperation in the organisation of the event. They also expressed their willingness to continue working in joint project activities with students and lecturers from the degree programme "Social work" and the University of Ruse. The idea of Prof. Sasho Nunev DSc, member of the jury, to hold a "market" of ideas and project proposals of all participants for the stakeholders, so the most successful ones could find realisation was accepted unanimously. This will encourage  the students from supporting specialities and professions, as well as specialists from the field of social work to increase their commitment for overcoming the serious problem of violence against women and find more opportunities and solutions for  economic empowerment of women, victims of violence.   


Essay Competition in French

On the occasion of the Day of Francophonie - 20 March, the University of Ruse  "Angel Kanchev"and the Francophonie  Agency announce an essay competition in French on the topic "Le travail éloigne de nous trois grands maux : l'ennui, le vice et le besoin" (Voltaire) / "Work keeps us away from three big evils – boredom, vice and avarice" (Voltaire).

University students from Bulgaria and abroad, as well as high school students from French Language schools can participate in the competition.

The essays will be evaluated on several criteria – compliance with the topic, structure, spelling, style and vocabulary, originality.

The best authors will be awarded by the Rector of the University on the Day of Francophonie.

All participants will receive a certificate, which will provide for them admission to the University of Ruse.


Length – 200 words.

Deadline for submission: 17.03.2021, 24:00

The essays are to be sent via e-mail to: [email protected]

The participants should include three full name, institution, year of study, e-mail and telephone number.

Bonne chance!


The Rector of the University of Ruse opened a session ubder the Project "Modernisation of Higher Education in Central Asia through New Technologies"

"Today, 26.02.2021, The Rector of the University of Ruse, Cor. Mem. Prof. Hristo Beloev DTSc, opened a session of the Academic Universities Network, established under the project "Modernisation of Higher Education in Central Asia through New Technologies". The University is an initiator and coordinator of the network. All Central Asian partner universities participated in the meeting. The next one will be attended by many other higher schools from the region.


Prof. Angel Smrikarov, PhD presented the goals and objectives of the project. The main goal is the exchange of knowledge, experience and good practices in the field of innovative educational technologies. The University of Ruse has been working actively in this area for more than 20 years. The pandemic added value to these technologies and the project itself, especially for the educational system in the countries from Central Asia.

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For more information:

Cor. Mem. Prof. Hristo Beloev, DTSc, Rector of the University of Rusetel.: +359 88 747 2153

24 February (Wednesday), 2021

Working meeting between the Rector of the University of Ruse and the Chairperson of Taraklia region, Moldova

Today, 24 February 2021, a working meeting was held between Cor. Mem. Prof. Hristo Beloev, DTSc – Rector of the University of Ruse And Ivan Paslar - Chairperson of Taraklia region, Moldova.

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Several topics were discussed at the meeting:

The activities so far, related to the transformation of Taraklia State University “Grigorii Tsamblak” into a Branch of the University of Ruse, as well as the meetings held at government levelThe establishment of a Branch in Taraklia region will be the best solution for supporting the development of education for young people of Bulgarian origin and the whole Bulgarian communityThe expectations of all institutions engaged with the process of transformation are for it to be finalized by June.

The training of 24 students for the academic year 2020-2021 in the degree programme Business Management, conducted jointly by the two universitiesThe engagement of both students and lecturers despite the pandemic situation was found highly satisfactory.

The three degree programmes for joint training in the next academic year (2021-2022)  -  in Business Management, Computer Science and Agricultural and Transport Machinery.

- The prospective joint activities between the Universities, the Municipality of Ruse and the Bulgarian communities in Taraklia region.

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During the meeting, some issues related to the facilities and the transformation of units from Taraklia State University, its budget for this and the following years, commemorating holidays and anniversaries were discussed.

Cor. Mem. Prof. Hristo Beloev, DTSc, Rector of the University of Rusetel.: +359 88 747 2153


First online meetings of participants in the International Academic Network INTERGEN

   Participants from two continents gathered for their first online meetings withing the framework of the International Academic Network INTERGEN, held between 09-11.02.2021. The network was founded in 2018 and conducts active surveys among students from 12 universities in 6 countries for studying  the entrepreneurial attitudes through intergenerational family businesses. In 2020, more universities from Asia and Europe joined it. Thanks to the virtual rooms, the online meetings were conducted with the voluntary participation of researchers from two continents. Participants in the Network from Bulgaria are: the University of Ruse "Angel Kanchev", University of Shumen „Konstantin Preslavski", Sofia University „St. Kliment Ochridski", Veliko Turnovo University „St. St. Cyril and Methodius", Academy of Economics „Dimitar Tsenov"- Svishtov, Economic University - Varna. Other participating universities are from Albania, Iran, Poland, Romanuia, Russia, Serbia and Uzbekistan.


For more informationAssoc. Prof. Daniel Pavlov at: [email protected]


The University of Ruse  - a partner in an international project on gender equality

In the period 03-04.02.2021 the first formal meeting of the international project consortium ATHENA, funded under HORIZON 2020 Project of the European Commission 101006416-ATHENA-H2020-SwafS-2018-2020 / H2020-SwafS-2020-1.


At this meeting, the vision on the main project components and basic activities under its planning were presented. Key representatives of the 10 research organisations, participating in the Consortium attended the Webinar, which allowed the roles  of each member  of the international network to be discussed.

The aim of the  European research team is to outline the prospects of a research career, set with the European Commission's strategic commitment to gender equality, and the established reference framework, based on the need for greater efforts at all levels of policy development to improve gender equality. The main documents, on which the conceptual framework of Project ATHENA-H2020 is based are: EUR-Lex: Directive 76/207/EEO of the of the Council, concerning equal treatment of men and women and the European Commission: Strategic commitment for gender equality.

The duration of ATHENA is 48 months and includes the period 01.02.2021 – 31.01.2025. In the founding Webinar participated  representatives of:

- European Commission (DG for Research and Innovation);

- Research Executive Agency;

- Related scientific consortia under H2020 - SPEAR and CHANGE Programmes.

- Consulta Europa projects and innovation sl (Canary Islands-Spain) – Lead Partner










During the forum, the participants introduced their academic organisations and exchanged various ideas for the successful implementation of the project.

The invitation for participation of the University of Ruse Angel Kanchev is a result if previous successful research projects of the team from the Faculty of Business and Management in consortia with the Lead partner.

For more information: prof. Diana Antonova, PhD, Vice-rector of Research, tel.:0878822303

February 2021, Wednesday

Foreign language exams for PhD candidates held at the University of Ruse

                Today, 3 February 2021, foreign language exams (in English, French and German) for PhD candidates held at the University of Ruse. The exams were held on schedule by four exam panels in four virtual classrooms by lecturers from the Foreign Languages Department.

            There will be additional admissions session to be announced in February. Follow the information for the new session at:


For more information:

Assoc. prof. Galina Ivanova, PhD, director of PhD Centre, tel.: 0888245697

28 January 2021Thursday

Students of the University of Ruse won gold medals in an International Olympiad

Today, 28 January 2021, the rector of the University of Ruse Cor. Mem. Prof. Hristo Beloev, DTSc officially handed the medals and congratulated the students, who participated in the Fifth International Student Olympiad on financial and actuarial mathematics. The Olympiad was held online on 19 December 2020 with more than 100 students from Bulgaria, Russia, the Netherlands and Macedonia participating in it.


The award ceremony was attended by the Dean of the faculty of Natural Sciences and Education, prof. Velizar Pavlov, the Head of Department of Applied Mathematics and Statistics, Assoc. prof. Iliyana Raeva and the Head of the Ruse University team, Slavi Georgiev, doctoral student. Prof. Beloev congratulated the students for the success they had achieved and thanked them for defending the positions of the University at an international level. Prof. Pavlov introduced the students from first to fourth year in the degree programme Finacial Mathematics. Two of the students are already doing their Master degree in Mathematic Modelling in finance, insurance and social work.


                A total of 16 students from the University of Ruse participated in the Olympiad. Gold medals were awarded to: Vyara Kostadinoiva, Iva Stefanova, Preslav Karanedev, Simona Petrova. Silvewr medals were obtained by: Mihaela Dimitrova, Petya Georgieva, Daniel Grancharov. The bronze medal winners were: Emiliya Pancheva, Marinela Dimitrova, Preslava Dimitrova, Gabriela Milanova, Alexandra Klimenko, Viktoria Deniska, Teodora Klimenko. Certificates for participation were given to Ayshe Ahmed, Elif Sali and Mertan Ismet.


For more information:

Prof. Velizar Pavlov, PhDDean of the Faculty of Natural Sciences and Education,tel.: +359 887618850

The students and lecturers from the Social Work degree programme received high evaluation for the activities under the international project „DARE TO CARE"

In February 2020 Ahmed Husham, a student in Social Work degree programme  at the University of Ruse, participated a one-week training in Riga, Latvia, under activity No. 1 in Project № 2019-3-LV02-KA105-002799 DARE TO CARE with the Erasmus+ Programme. The lead partner of the project is Centre "Martha" – Riga, Latvia. This participation is based on our partnership with Centre Dinamika – Ruse, Bulgaria. After the student's return, together with his colleagues and partners, successful training was organised in 15 thematic modules from the project programme. Students from different years in Social work degree programme participated in the training with great interest. In the organisation and realisation of the training participated the lecturers in social work Prof. Sasho Nunev, DSc and Principal assistant Evgenia Bratoeva, PhD.   

At the end of the training, a survey for identifying the opinion of the participants on its quality and effectiveness was conducted and Prof. Sasho Nunev, DSc sent information on the results achieved to the Lead partner under the project – Centre „MARTA" – Riga. The Director of the youth programme in Madara Mazzhane Centre and the project team expressed their respect and gratitude for the activities realised at the University of Ruse. In their view, the online trainings conducted have contributed to acquiring the necessary competencies for creating and maintaining healthy relationships between the participants, with their peers and other members of the society, as well as raising their awareness concerning issues of gender-based violence and equality in a given context. The active participation of students and lecturers in the project has been highly praised by Centre "MARTA" – Riga, and an interest in future cooperation was declared by them. The Director of the youth programme Madara Mazzhane mentioned that the training modules conducted at the University of Ruse has a significant positive and qualitative impact on achieving the project goals and ensuring the project's sustainability.

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For more information: prof. Sasho Nunev, DTs, tel.: +359 886802466

16 January 2021, Saturday

The University of Ruse is the first to organise workshops with the business as part of an international research project consortium

The main results from the workshops of the international research project consortium „BeyondScale" with the business in Austria, Bulgaria, Ireland, the Netherlands and Portugal were presented at an online meeting (15 January 2021).

During the event, it became clear that the workshop organised by the University of Ruse in December was the first for the project consortium. The main objectives of the event were to discuss opportunities for promoting the link "business-university" and implementing the scientific achievements of the University at the request of companies through the initiative of the European Commission for promoting entrepreneurial universities in Europe „HEInnovate".

More international events are coming up, in which the University of Ruse will be monitored by the European Commission as a sole participant from Eastern Europe in the international research project consortium „BeyondScale". These activities aim to improve the entrepreneurship education in favour of local companies, thus supporting the national economies of the EU, according to the dimensions adopted in the instrument for promoting entrepreneurial universities.

In 2019, the European Commission officially announced the training of a new type of students – "a new generation of entrepreneurs", who will masterfully combine technological skills with business culture, as a key factor for the successful development of the EU. The University of Ruse consists of eight faculties and three branches, which is a competitive advantage, allowing the preparation of both staff for the companies and institutions and a new generation of entrepreneurs, who will develop the Danube region successfully.


For more information:

Cor. Mem. Prof. Hristo Beloev, DTSc, Rector of the University of Rusetel.: +359 88 747 2153

Assoc. prof. Daniel Pavlov, PhD, Faculty of Business and Managementtel.: 0884343132