December 2017, February

Possible partnerships between the University of Ruse and higher schools from Mongolia

Cooperation with Mongolian universities was discussed by the University of Ruse management and the Ambassador of Mongolia to Bulgaria, Mr. Dashjamts Batsaihan. Members of the Body of rectors, Assoc. prof. Kiril Panayotov – Manager of Medica hospitals and lecturer at the University of Ruse, Dr. Kamen Milkov – future honorary consul of Mongolia in Ruse in Ruse and the First secretary in the Embassy of Mongolia Tulshig Tuvshin.


The Rector, Prof. Velizara Pencheva presented the fields of study in the University of Ruse and shared her satisfaction from the agreement signed with the Training Centre for Traditional Mongolian Medicine "Manba Datsan" in Ulan Bator. In May, a team of the Faculty of Public Health and Health Care visited Mongolia.


The diplomat commented that Mongolian young people are interested in computer sciences and prof. Beloev answered that the University of Ruse is the best choice for this degree programme, which is internationally acknowledged. Prof. Pencheva announced that the University has a long-standing e3xperience with managing four international computing networks.


A future objective will be finding partners in the multi-profile higher schools in Mongolia to develop joint projects with researchers from the University of Ruse.




            On 23 November 2017, the University of Ruse hosted and co-organised the Regional meeting „Career in Romania". The event was organised by the Bilateral Commercial Chamber Bulgaria – Romania and is aimed at attracting the attention of young professionals with Bachelor or Master Degree, or students at pre-graduation stage to working positions in Romanian companies.

            The forum was held at KANEFF Centre with the participation of:

His Excellency Ion Galea – Ambassador of Romania to the Republic of Bulgaria

Mr. Galin Grigorov – Governor, Ruse Region

Prof. Velizara Pencheva, PhD – Rector of the University of Ruse

COR. MEM. Prof. Hristo Beleoev – Chair Person of the Municipal Council. Ruse Municipality

Mr. Ivaylo Marinov – First Secretary and Commercial Attaché with the Embassy of the Republic of Bulgaria in Bucharest

Mrs. Lily Gancheva – Executive director of Association Euroregion Danubius

Mr. Doru Dragomir – President of the Bilateral Commercial Chamber Bulgaria – Romania   

            The participating companies from Romania were presented at special stands, where they recruited for the following positions:


-Machine Operator (Bucharest)

-Electronic/Automation Engineer (Bucharest)


-Administrative Assistant (Sofia)

-Net FullStack Developer (Bucharest)

-Magento Developer (Bucharest or remote)

-Logistics Assistant (Sofia)


-Snr Application Engineer

-Digital Design Engineer

-Senior Layout Engineer – 8 bit Microcontrollers

-Software Applications Engineer

-Sr. Switch-Mode Power Supplies Engineer

-Embedded Software & Tools development Engineer


-Commercial Assistant with French and English


-Production engineer


            Detailed information about the work places offered can be found on the website of the Career Centre with the University of Ruse

Interested candidates should submit a short CV in English to [email protected]  Some knowledge of English is needed.

For more information: Prof. Ivan Evstatiev – 00359 886 337 544

20 November 2017, Monday

A new Erasmus project on Innovation and Exchange of good practices starts at the University of Ruse

On 20 November, at 9.00 a.m. in Siemens study hall (2Г. 204) of the University of Ruse, prof., Velizara Pencheva, PhD Rector of the University of Ruse opened the first meeting on the international project Building Bridges of Europe in the frame of Erasmus+K2 – Cooperation for Innovation and Exchange of Good Practices.

The International consortium of the project involves 3 associations of more than 100 universities and civil society organisations, as well as one institute, 5 universities and 1 civil society organisation from Germany, Bulgaria, Romania, Slovenia, Croatia and Italy.


The main goal of the project is scientific – developing criteria, analysis and evaluation of projects with good practices, related to new methods of learning, and thus supporting the exploration and studying of European countries, fighting against the stereotypes and prejudices to Eastern Europe, actively including people over 55+ in social activities in the state and forming European consciousness in the contest  of trans-national European cooperation for various target groups and educational institutions.


The partners will present their research at international conferences in Ulm, Germany – 2018, Zagreb, Croatia and Mola di Bari, Italy - 2019.The project result will be an online toolbox of innovative methods of learning such as learning through new media, through social participation, intergenerational learning. These methods will be used by the students in all participating universities, including students from the degree programmes Pre-school and Primary School Pedagogy, Primary School Pedagogy and a Foreign Language and Social Pedagogy at the Faculty of Natural Sciences and Education with the University of Ruse.


In 2014, with the support of the Union of pensioners'2004 the first Centre for Third Age Education in Bulgaria a set up within the structure of the University of Ruse. The Centre has participated in 18 international projects coordinated by Ms. Carmen Stadelhofer, Germany. Specialists, Специалисти – partners in the project, ill exchange experience in formal and informal education.

For more information: Assoc. prof. Emilia Velikova - 00359885635874

16 November 2017, Thursday

The Deputy Head of Mission of the State of Israel in Bulgaria spoke to students

Despite the complex geopolitical context, Israel is trying to be a good neighbour and friend because all countries in the region aim at achieving and maintaining stability!" this was the summary that Ms. Eman Amasha – First Secretary and Deputy Head of Mission of the State of Israel in Bulgaria during her lecture in front of students from the degree programmes Euro-Atlantic and Global Security and European and Global Studies  of the University of Ruse „Angel Kanchev". 


Ms. Amasha was greeted by a multifarious audience of students, lecturers, high school students and representatives of the Jewish community in Ruse during her first visit to the University. She opened a photo-exhibition and spoke to the Body of Rectors, which in its   turn, presented the opportunities that the Ruse Alma Mater provides. 


The visit of the Israeli diplomat was made possible through the invitation of the European Studies and International Relations Department, as part of the advanced forms of learning applied in the degree programmes from the professional fields of security and political studies. Israel in the aspect of regional and global security was the topic of the lecture, which Ms. Amasha has prepared especially for the students from the degree programmes Euro-Atlantic and Global Security and European and Global Studies.  In the discussion took part students from the High school of English Language "Geo Milev", who have become traditional partners in the initiatives of the European Studies and International Relations Department. With her personal experiences, interesting geopolitical story and competence, the Deputy Head of Mission of the State of Israel won the admiration of the audience and raised many questions about the role of Israel, politics, security and human destinies in the state of civil war in the neighbouring Syria.


During the discussions with the academic leadership of the University, opportunities for establishing contacts with higher schools from Israel, which have similar profile to that of the University of Ruse.

Iman Amasha defended Master degree in Political Science and Leadership at the Faculty of Social Sciences of the Tel Aviv University in 2010, and at the end of 2011 she graduated from the Programme for cadets of the Israeli Ministry of Foreign Affairs and started her career in the institution. From 2011 to 2015, she occupied different positions in the Latin America Directorate, the Directorate of Economics – Middle East Econo0mic Bureau, Middle East Directorate and Europe Directorate – the Department of European Organisations. Since August 2015, Ms. Amasha is the Deputy Head of Mission of the State of Israel in Sofia.

November 2017, Friday

National workshop for Bulgarian higher schools at the University of Ruse

Representatives of more than 30 higher schools, experts from the Ministry of education and science, the National centre for information and documentation, the Centre for Human resources development participated in the workshop, dedicated to modernization of curricula and syllabi in the universities. The participants discussed the implementation of the instrument HEInnovate in support of entrepreneurship studies in the Bulgarian higher schools.

Ms. Andrea-Rosalinde Hoffer, an expert in the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) with UN, explained how and why HEInnovate tool can be used (and is already being implemented) as a leading framework for innovative and entrepreneurial institution for tertiary education.

The Director of Higher Education Directorate in the Ministry of Education and Science, assoc. prof. Maria Fartunova, presented the project BGTITHE – „Innovative instruments for improving the skills of university lecturers and the quality of higher education in Bulgaria", posing the questions to what extent it is possible for higher schools to become entrepreneurial and how we can modernise the curricula.

The challenges for the universities such as the demographic crisis and globalisation, were presented by the Rector of the University of Ruse, prof. Velizara Pencheva. Vanya Grashkina, executive director of the National centre for information and documentation and a national Bologna counsellor, spoke about the contemporary models of higher education and the guidelines, recommendations and practices in the EU.

Two lecturers from the University of Ruse shared their experience with the participants. Prof. Angel Smrikarov demonstrated using innovative educational technologies in teaching and answered the question How to make a lecture more interesting for students from the digital generation?". Prof. Juliana Popova, Vice –rector of the University of ruse and national Bologna counsellor, informed the participants about education in support of the regions.

During her visit in the University of Ruse, Ms. Hoffer met the HydRU team and got acquainted with their development of a car driven by a fuel cell.

24 October 2017, Tuesday

Industry 4.0. Business environmentQuality of life"is the topic of the annual Scientific Conference of the University of Ruse


The 56th annual conference of the University of Ruse Industry 4.0. Business environment. Quality of life" convened participants from 10 countries. During the forum, 414 papers were presented in 28 sections. Co-chairpersons of this year's edition were Prof. Velizara Pencheva, PhD, Rector of the University of Ruse and COR MEM Prof. Hristo Beloev, DTSc, Chairperson of the Union of Scientists – Ruse with the special participation pf Maria Gabriel, European Commissioner, responsible for Digital Economy and Society.


The Conference started on 27 October, Friday, at 11,00 in Kaneff CentreImmediately after the official openingthe plenary session began with the lecture of prof, Rumyana Tsenkova, PhD from the University of Kobe, Japan, on the topic of Aquaphotomics as a new industrial fieldTherapeutic applications of bioelectronics implants was the topic of Ivan Minev, PhD from the Technical University I Dresden, Germany. The third plenary lecture was given by Liviu Popesku – Head of the research centre Renault Technologie Roumanie, who presented to the audience the topic of System engineering in car manufacturing.


Several scientific events were included in the parallel programme of the forum:

On 26 October, Thursday, at 5 p.m. in Hall 1 of Kaneff Centre, there was a Round table on Higher education. Accreditation system. Entrepreneurship, with the participation of vice-manager of Innovations and EIT department in the European Commission – Georgi Dimitrov. The discussions were organised in two panels – Key national opportunities in the higher education system in the seven areas of HEInnovative and Quality of education in the accreditation system of Bulgaria in accordance with the Standards and guidelines for providing quality in the European higher education space (ЕSG)".


In the evening on 26 October at 19:30 in Grand lecture hall 2.101 the Art Hour initiative of the Institute for Art Studie, BASwas be a guest to the University of Ruse. The concert lecturers Petya Stefanova, PhD and Polina Antonova, PhD presented "Sketches from the music of the XX and XXI century for flute and piano".

On 27 October, Friday at 10 a.m., was held International mathematical workshop ''NODDEA'2017'', dedicated to the 65th- birthday of prof. Stepan Terziyan. On Sunday, 29 October, in the lecture hall Siemens the forum „EDIT on the ROAD with Google: Google Growth Engine – digital tools supporting the development of markets and competitivenes was held. Moderatorswere Sasha Bezuhanova, Georgi Kadrev, Bilyana Panteva, Irina Goryalova and Petar Goryalov.


7 October 2017

 HydRU Team of the University of Ruse won Best Design Prize of Shell Eco-Marathon Challenge Event – Turkey 2017

A team of the University of Ruse  took part in the preliminary round of Shell Eco-marathon –Challenger Event in Istanbul on 22-24 September for the first time.

This is the latest Bulgarian team to get involved in the race and it managed to secure a place for the finals in London in 2018. During the competition the technical panel evaluated the quality of the car and its design highly, which resulted in the team winning the prize for Best design at the competition. This prize was not only for the exterior design, but also for all details and systems. This is the first time a Bulgarian team has won such a prize.

HydRU team was represented by 15 students, PhD students and lecturers, but the whole team consists of about 40 representatives from four engineering faculties of the University of Ruse: Transport; Electrical Engineering, Electronics and Automation, Mechanical Engineering and Technologies and Agrarian and Industrial Faculty. The automobile is driven by a fuel cell and is designed and produced by the HidRU team. They worked all summer to improve the systems and the exterior and the prize the won is deserved.

Shell Eco-marathon is a unique competition, challenging students from all over the world to design and build highly energy-efficient automobiles. Three locations in Europe, America and Asia select the participants in the finals to compete who will drive the longest distance with the lowest fuel or energy consumption. In Europe, the competition started in 1985 in France with 25 wooden cars while today more than 4000 students from over 30 countries measure their knowledge and skills in the field of energy efficient automobile construction.

The fuel cell car of HidRU will compete in the category Urban concept and is the second car of the University to take part in Shell Eco-marathon. The team is supported by the Municipality of Ruse and the Foundation "Ruse – the free spirit city". The team is inspired by the recognition of their endeavour and at their reception by the Minister of education and science, Mr. Krasimir Valchev, they declared their ambition to build a laboratory for automobile prototypes, alternative to the conventional ICE ones. This is the future and the young researchers will be looking for innovative and ecological solutions in the automotive industry.

4 October 2017, Wednesday

The University of Ruse joint the Consortium of 16+1 universities from Central and Eastern Europe (CEESs) and the People's Republic of China

           The University of Ruse, represented by the vice-rectors prof. Juliana Popova, PhD and prof. Plamen Daskalov, PhD, was the only higher school from Bulgaria that took part in the Fourth international meeting of institutions of higher learning from Central and Eastern Europe and the People's Republic of China (Consortium 16+1) and the Fifth dialogue for educational policies. The events took place at the end of September in Novi Sad, Serbia, and were hosted by the University of Novi Sad, which was chosen as the headquarters of the Consortium for the next two years.

            Representatives of 80 universities from China and 16 countries from Central and Eastern Europe participated in the meetings. The Minister of Education, Science and Technological Development of Serbia, Mr. Mladen Sharchevich, the Deputy Minister of Education of China, Mr. Zhanyuan, the Chairperson of the provincial government of Voyvodina, Mr. Igor Mirovich, the Mayor of Novi Sad, Mr. Milosh Vuchevich and the Rector of Novi Sad University, prof. Dushan Nikolich, PhD, as the host.

Within the frames of four work meetings, discussions were held on interinstitutional cooperation, with a special accent on joint capacity building in the field of higher education, science and innovations. The participants in the conference pointed out the significance of mutual exchange of information and other resources, joint curricula, research and development projects, current and planned mobility programmes, as well as international conferences, forums and other significant activities of the universities.

During one of the panel sessions direct negotiations with partners from Chinese universities were held for future cooperation in the field of education and research. The University of Ruse was the object of significant interest for partnership.

At the end of the conference  the Platform for joint capacity building of universities in the countries from Central and Eastern Europe and China in the field of higher education. This is a key document for further development of multilateral and bilateral cooperation. 

23 new universities from Central and Eastern Europe and China were accepted as members of the Consortium.

For more information:

ProfJuliana Popova – 0887 899 654

September, Thursday, 2017

An automobile for research and education purposes was presented to the University of Ruse under the programme Renault Technologies – Romania"(RENAULT TECHNOLOGIE ROUMANIE)

The University of Ruse received an automobile, which will be used by students from the Transport Faculty, the Agrarian and Industrial Faculty and the Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Electronics and Automation for their projects and research.


Mr. Liviu Popescu – manager of the Research centre of „Renault Technologies – Romania" (RENAULT TECHNOLOGIE ROUMANIE) and the Rector of the University of Ruse, Prof. Velizara Pencheva, PhD, signed today а protocol of acceptance for the automobile. The academic management was represented by the Chairperson of the Assembly General COR. MEM. Prof. Hristo Beloev, DTSc. and the Dean of the Transport Faculty – assoc. prof. Vasko Dobrev. The possibility for signing an agreement for student practices in the plants of Renault Technologies – Romania.


The agreement for collaboration between the University and the company under the programme of Renault Romania, called AUTOLAB, was signed by the two parties on 19.06.2017.

The main goal of this initiative is to help the training in automobile machinery, providing opportunities for lecturers, students and PhD students to work and do research on real automobiles. The company has provided automobiles to universities in Romania, and student teams have made a number of improvements on those.


Some preliminary ideas for student activities in the higher school in Ruse include: new design of elements from the automobile's structure; investigation of harmful emissions when using alternative fuels; investigating fuel consumption and dynamic indexes; preparing the automobile for investigating sensors and executive mechanisms from electronic control systems.


At the end of his visit, Mr. Popescu was shown the preparation of Ruse University's automobile HydRU R1, driven by hydrogen powered cell, which will take part in the next edition of Shell Eco-marathon. The guest was impressed and asked for permission to take in his hands some of the parts, like the fuel cell. The young team felt flattered by this attention and its members answered all questions with pleasure. Mr. Popescu learned from the young people that there are graduates from the University of Ruse already working in „Renault Technologies – Romania".

31 August 2017, Thursday

Visit of academic delegation from the University of Ruse to Vietnam

In August, prof. Velizara Pencheva, PhD, Rector of the University of Ruse, COR. MEM. Prof. Hristo Beloev, DTSc, Chairperson of the Municipal Council of Ruse and of the Assembly General of the University of Ruse, and Prof. Krasimir Martev, PhD, Director of International Students Directorate visited Vietnam. During the visit a number of meetings were held with the academic leaderships of Vietnamese universities. One of the most significant of those meetings was with prof. Nguen Cha, PhD, Rector of the Agrarian and Forestry University in Ho Chi Min and his team. This was the second meeting for the representatives of the two universities. In the autumn of 2016, a delegation, led by the Dean of the Mechanical Engineering Faculty of the Vietnamese university visited the University of Ruse and got acquainted with its traditions in education of international students. Detailed talks were conducted on the education of Vietnamese students in the higher school in Ruse and the possibilities for dual programmes. The foundations for training PhD students were also laid.


Another meeting was with Pham Anh Tuan, PhD – Director of VIAEP (Institute of Agricultural Machinery and Technologies for Storage of Crops). Arrangements have been made for joint research in the field of agricultural machinery. An agreement was signed for joint training of the Institute's employees in a PhD course.


During the visit, the university lecturers had exciting daily meetings with former students of the University of Ruse, who were convinced that their good professional realization in Vietnam was a result of their high quality education at the University of Ruse. The graduates expressed their gratitude to their lecturers for the knowledge and skills they have acquired with their help, to their colleagues and the citizens of Ruse – for the friendly attitude they have experienced. They shared the fact that among the Vietnamese people, they are known as the Bulgarians and the Vietnamese - Bulgarian societies they had established, not only help them preserve their good memories from Bulgaria, but also provide the latest information about the social and political reality in this country.


The Vietnamese graduates of the University of Ruse fondly remembered the 15-day train journey to   the student life there. The conversations were interrupted by songs of Lili Ivanova, Emil Dimitrov and Pasha Hristova. Those graduates, some of whom are directors, managers of companies and researchers, shared that in their busy schedules they have the dates of some typically Bulgarian holidays underlined – 24th May, 8th December, etc. – and they always get together in order to mark those holidays accordingly. Many of them had visited Ruse in the years past, together with their grown-up children, to show them the University, where they had studied.

14 August 2017, Monday

The management of the University of Ruse and the Association of Vocational Education in Vietnam discussed opportunities for joint projects

The Chairperson of the Association for Vocational Education and Social Work in Vietnam, Phang Sih Nghi, met the Rector of the University of Ruse, Prof. Velizara Pencheva. During their talks, the opportunities for developing joint programmes in the field of vocational training between the University of Ruse and higher schools in Vietnam were discussed with Prof. Krasimir Martev – director of International Students Directorate and Assoc. prof. Chavdar Vezirov – Scientific Advisor of Mr. Nghi.


came back to Ruse 30 years after defending his PhD thesis under the scientific guidance of Assoc. prof. Chavdar Vezirov. Dr. Nghi finished the University of Ruse in 1978 in the Faculty of Mechanisation and Electrification of Agriculture, predecessor of today's Agrarian and Industrial Faculty. From 1984 to 1987 he did his doctoral studies at the same Faculty. Before heading the Vietnam Association of Vocational Training, Dr. Nghi was the Rector of Hanoi Pedagogical University, which prepares teachers for the vocational schools in the country. About 7000 students study in 15 degree programmes in this university, said Dr. Nghi.


Vietnam is aiming at becoming a highly industrialised country by 2020, and in this connection the government invests in preparing specialists with technical vocational education. The Government's plan is the qualified workers to become 55% of all employed people by 2020, a substantial raise from the 30% at present. In the implementation of these objectives, vocational training is adapting to the needs of businesses and expanding.



18 July 2017, Tuesday

First International Scientific Conference in Occupational Therapy – Bacau, Romania

The University of Ruse was the co-organiser of the First International Scientific Conference in Occupational Therapy, held in June in Romania. The forum took place in Bacau and had the slogan "Occupational therapy – present and future perspectives". The event was initiated by "Vasile Alexandri" University in Bacau and the University of Ruse "Angel Kanchev", together  with the Romanian Professional Association of Occupational Therapists and the Association of Bulgarian Occupational Therapists. The two higher schools are long-standing partners in the development of Occupational therapy as academic programme and profession on a national level.

More than 150 university lecturers, as well as representatives of a number of national and local health and social institutions took part in the conference.

The forum was greeted by the President of the European Network in Occupational Therapy in higher education and the Vice-President of the World Federation of Occupational Therapists. Assistant professor Elitsa Velikova, who is a member of the Executive Committee of th Occupational Therapists Council for European countries, greeted the participants in the conference.

The programme included plenary sessions, papers and 4 workshops, led by lecturers from Finland, the Netherlands, Romania and the USA. The need for including occupational therapists in multidisciplinary teams, which participate in the processes of deinstitutionalising and reforming of social services. The participation of occupational; therapists in these teams would ensure the full participation of people with work impediments in public life.

At the end of the event the host university conferred an honorary diploma for exceptional contribution to the development of occupational therapy in Romania to the University of Ruse.

For additional information:

Assoc. prof. Liliya Todorova – 0886 781 013

July 2017, Friday

Opportunities for cooperation between the University of Ruse and ROSSPECMASH were discussed during the visit of a representative of the Association to the University

On 05.07.2017 Olga Serebrennikova – vice-director on transport development in the Russian association of manufacturers of specialised machinery and equipment ROSSPECMACH visited the University of Ruse. COR MEM Prof. Hristo Beloev, DTSc – Chairperson of the Assembly General of the University of Ruse, Prof. Gencho Popov, PhD – Dean of the Agrarian and Industrial faculty, and assoc. prof. Kaloyan Stoyanov – vice-dean of the same faculty were present at the meeting.

COR MEM Prof. Hristo Beloev informed the visitor about the profile of the University and the examples of good partnership between the higher school and companies, producing agricultural machinery and equipment. He also provided information about the relations and cooperation with foreign universities, particularly those from the Russian Federation.

Mrs. Serebrennikova, in her turn, informed the university management about the structure of the Association, which combines 80 Russian plants, producing not only agricultural machinery and equipment, but also road construction and other transport equipment.

The representatives of ROSSPECMACH spoke about the interest of the Russian Association to the opportunities, provided by the Bulgarian market. She mentioned the Russian Programme for Support of Export, highlighting the four industries, which were allotted with the biggest funding: aviation and railway machinery production, automobile industry and machine building. She also announced the development of a project for creating a service system for exportable equipment.

The visitor presented the potential of the Association to develop training courses for universities, including study materials and machine specimen to be used by the learners.

Professor Beloev expressed the willingness of the higher school to start cooperation for re-furnishing laboratories and creating a training centre, as well as exhibiting machinery. The opportunities for organising jointly exhibitions in the University and in the city of Ruse. He can help this initiative in his capacity as a Chairperson of the Municipal council - Ruse.


6 July 2017, Thursday

Promising perspectives for cooperation with St. Petersburg State Technological Institute

            In the period 26 June - 1 July 2017, the Rector of the University of Ruse, prof. Velizara Pencheva paid a working visit under the Erasmus programme to the State Technological Institute in St. Petersburg, Russia. She was accompanied by the Vice Rectors, prof. Plamen Kangalov and prof. Juliana Popova, as well as the Director of Razgrad Branch, assoc. prof. Stanka Damyanova, DTSc. In 2015, a bilateral agreement under the Erasmus+ programme was signed with this University, in the field of chemical technologies and biotechnologies. Moreover, Razgrad Branch has been in cooperation with the Russian partner in research projects under the 7th Frame Programme for almost 10 years.

            St. Petersburg Technological Institute is one of the oldest higher schools in Russia, founded in 1828. Dmitrii Mendeleev, the creator of the Periodic System of Chemical Elements, lectured there and some memorabilia of this period is kept in one of the lecture halls while in the courtyard of the University a monument has been erected of the great chemist. The father of the present Russian Prime Minister Medvedev was also a lecturer there.

            The Bulgarian delegation was met by the Rector of St. Petersburg Technological Institute, Andrei Pavlovich Shevchik – DTSc, who presented the profile of the higher school. In turn, Prof. Pencheva pointed out the strengths of the University of Ruse and its leading role in the Danube region.

            The two rectors outlined the areas of further cooperation between the two universities: exchange of students and lecturers, participation in conferences, joint publications, work on educational and research projects, etc.

            The Rector of St. Petersburg Technological Institute invited his Bulgarian colleagues to take part in marking the 190th anniversary of the Russian higher school, which will take place in November 2018. Then the completely renovated (with investments by the Russian government of about 30 mln Euro) Main building will be opened.

            The Bulgarian delegation visited two laboratories for innovative developments in the field of biotechnologies, in one of which a new formula for cancer medicine was being tested. The laboratories are equipped with the most advanced apparatuses, their financing amounting to 5 mln Euro each.


30 June 2017, Friday

Estonian students implementing summer internship at the University of Ruse

The International summer internship within the framework of the program Erasmus+ finished on the 30th of June 2017 for the students from TTK University of Applied Sciences – Tallinn, Estonia: Ken Kaljurand, Konrad Ilustrumm, Vahur Lükk. Altogether 14 students from different European countries will benefit from the opportunities of the International summer internship at the Transport Faculty during the summer of 2017 within the same program.

The internship is the third issue of this international activity. It started as an initiative of the department Machine Science, Machine Elements and Engineering Graphics at the Transport Faculty and it is coordinated by Prof. Antoaneta Dobreva. This international internship began during the summer of 2015 thanks to the support of the Rector management of the University of Ruse on behalf of Prof. Velizara Pencheva, PhD, COR. MEM. Prof. Hristo Beloev, DTSc and Prof. Juliyana Popova, PhD.

During a period of two months the Estonian students carried out laboratory work in the area of Machine science and Machine elements, solved design tasks with the application of CAD systems, licensed for the University of Ruse, carried out scientific assignments in the area of Fluid and Technical mechanics based upon the usage of the software product ANSYS. These students implemented also experimental tests in the area of Hybrid Automotive Technologies and they increased their practical skills for working with CNC machines.

Lecturers from different departments at the Transport Faculty, the Agrarian & Industrial Faculty, the Mechanical & Manufacturing Engineering Faculty and also the International Office team of the University of Ruse contributed to the successful implementation of this International internship.

For additional information:
Prof. Antoaneta Dobreva, PhD – 00 359 887 746 311

27 June 2017, Tuesday  

Work meeting under project Preserving Bulgaria's Soils" for university lecturers and farmers from Northeast Bulgaria

The project team of the University of Ruse, led by assoc. prof. Georgi Mitev and research adviser prof. Harold van Es from Cornel University, the USA organized a third annual work meeting under the project AGR0042.20140328 „Preserving Bulgaria's Soils". Farmers from Northeast Bulgaria, representatives of institutions and university lecturers gathered together in Kaneff Centre.

Interesting moments from the development of agriculture were shared with the participants in the meeting by the researchers from the team. What was new this year were the testimonies of farmers, who had provided land for trials of the new technologies, proposed by the specialists from the University of Ruse, in real conditions – they shared from firsthand the results and their opinions.

During the meeting, the team manager Brian Goggin, spoke about the economic aspects of implementing the technologies for soil conservation while prof. Harold van Es, President of the Association of agronomists in the USA, presented some technical aspects of implementing green cultures and their importance for conserving the soils and increasing the yields.

The participants were shown the laboratory "Management of soil and water resources in agriculture".


22 June 2017, Thursday

The Rector of the University of Ruse conducted successful meetings at two Turkish Universities

A frame agreement for cooperation, a bilateral Erasmus agreement and one in the frames of the Mevlyana Programme were signed between the University of Ruse "Angel Kanchev" and the Thracian University in Edirne. Prof. Velizara Pencheva – Rector of the University of Ruse, prof. Krasimir Martev – Director of International Students Directorate and inspector Nevin Hebibova were invited to visit the Republic of Turkey by the Rector of the Thracian University in Edirne, prof. Erhan Tabacoğlu, PhD.

The visit in Edirne started with a meeting at the Consulate General of the Republic of Bulgaria in the city. prof. Velizara Pencheva presented the University of Ruse and its mission. Some useful information was exchanged and advertising materials, presenting the opportunities for studying for international students were left at the Consulate for dissemination.

During the official meeting at the Thracian University in Edirne the two universities and the opportunities for cooperation and exchange of students and lecturers within the frames of the two programmes – Erasmus and Mevlyana as well as for developing joint research projects were presented. The Thracian University 47 thousand students study at the Thracian University. The Medical Faculty is the pride of the University with its 500-year history. The two Rectors discussed the activities of the Balkan Universities Association and exchanged ideas for future cooperation. 

The meeting in Tekirdag with the Rector of the "Namık Kemal" University, Prof. Osman Shimshek, PhD and the Vice-Rector, Prof. Ismail Yılmaz, PhD was conducted in a friendly atmosphere. 35 thousand students study at "Namık Kemal" University. It became autonomous in 2006 (before that it was a Branch of the Thracian University in Edirne) and since then it has developed at an impressively fast rate. The relations between the University of Ruse and the "Namık Kemal"University are based on a long-term cooperation and joint work. Opportunities for student internships from the Faculty of Public Health and Health Care at the newly built University Hospital in Tekirdag were discussed.

20 June 2017, Tuesday

Agreement for working under the Renault programme was signed between the University of Ruse and Renault - Romania

On 19 June Renault – Romania and the University of Ruse signed an agreement for working under the company, called AUTOLAB. Liviu Popescu, Head of the research centre of Renault-Romania presented the activities of the centre and the cooperation with Romanian higher schools to the Chairperson of the Assembly General, COR MEM Prof. Hristo Beloev, DTSc, Prof. Hristo Beloev, the Vice rector on research Prof. Diana Antonova, PhD and the Dean of the Transport Faculty, Prof. Vasko Dobrev, PhD.

The main purpose of the initiative of Renault is to help the training in automobile machinery, providing opportunities for lecturers, students and PhD students to work, do research and implement their original ideas on real cars. Under this programme, Renault Romania has given cars to universities in Romania, to0 be used in testing and implementing innovations.

The University of Ruse will be given a Dacia to be used by students from the Transport Faculty and the Agrarian and Industrial Faculty, as well as the Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Electronics and Automation for projects and research.

Some preliminary ideas for student activities involve: new design of elements from the car structure; investigating harmful emissions when using alternative fuels; studying fuel consumption and the dynamic indexes of the car; preparing the car for investigation of sensors and executive mechanisms from the electronic driving systems.

15 June 2017, Thursday

A laboratory will be built at the University of Ruse under the guidance of Prof. Samuil Refetov

The American professor in genetics, Prof. Samuil Refetov, visited the University of Ruse and had a meeting with the academic management. The Rector, Prof. Velizara Pencheva, PhD, the Chairperson of the Assembly General, COR MEM Prof. Hristo Beloev, DTSc, the Vice rectors Prof. Plamen Daskalov, and Prof. Juliana Popova, the Dean of the Faculty of Public Health and Health Care, Prof. Daniel Bratanov, the Vice dean, assoc. prof. Liliya Todorova, the Department head, assoc. prof. Ivanichka Serbezova and assoc. prof. Nikola Sabev – Head of Medical activities in the University were present at the meeting. The guest was accompanied by his son and his classmate from Ruse – Veselin Petrov.

In the beginning, prof. Pencheva made a retrospective review of the two years that have passed since Prof. Refetov's last visit and noted that Ruse already has two University hospitals and is working in very good cooperation with them. The need for medical st5aff in Bulgaria has been discussed, as well as the education that is offered in this field. A great part of the young doctors are leaving our country with 60 GPs in deficiency for Ruse region alone, said assoc. prof. Sabev.

Despite the inevitable human factor in the treatment of different diseases, medicine will be turning more and more dependent on technology and technical advancement, said prof. Refetov. He noted that a tendency for cooperation between medical and engineering universities can be observed in the USA. It is possible to develop degree programmes, related to the engineering support with medical equipment and working with it at the University of Ruse, said prof. Beloev.

During the discussion some topics of mutual interest for the American scientist and the lecturers at the University of Ruse were touched upon. Prof. Refetov agreed to Head a laboratory and to work with lecturers from the Faculty of Public Health and Health Care, supporting them in their research.

The management of the Faculty invited Prof. Refetov to give a lecture to students, studying the subject "Medical Genetics". With the help of advanced technologies, this lecture will become a fact really soon. Prof. Refetov suggested including the medical specialists from the University in the discussions of medical cases and complex clinical cases, which he holds with colleagues from other countries. He emphasized the usefulness of such discussions for all participants.

13 June 2017, Tuesday

Vladimir Koilazov will have a plenary paper at CompSysTech'17

Over a hundred scientists from 14 countries will participate in the forum

The 18th edition of the international research conference CompSysTech will be held from 23 to 26 June. The forum is held under the auspices of the University of Ruse and will be opened on 23 June, Friday, in Siemens Hall. Over 1000 researchers have registered for participation.

The Plenary session, which will be broadcasted live on the Internet, will start with a presentation of Vladimir Koilazov, the first Bulgarian Oscar winner. During the forum a meeting will be held for electing a new Board of the Academic computing community.

On 24 June almost 50 papers, indexed by SCOPUS, will be presented at the sessions. The papers have been selected by a reputable international programme committee through triple reviewing under the double blind, i.е. 100 % anonymity. In the afternoon the authors of the best papers will be awarded the Best Paper Crystal Prize. The Association for Computing Machinery will publish the proceedings.

30 May 2017, Tuesday

360 kilometres were covered with only 1 кWh by the electronic drive car of the University of Ruse at the London Shell Eco-marathon

171 teams from 29 countries took part in this year's international competition of  energy efficient automobiles Shell Eco-marathon. In this tenth year of Bulgarian participation in the competition, the teams have achieved a dignified performance. The electronic drive car of the University of Ruse ran 360 kilometres with only 1 кWh and was among the first 12 teams in the category "Prototypes" with electric battery.

Once again the pilots Iliyana Minkovska and Elitsa Nakova relied on the team: assoc. prof. Simeon Iliev – Team leader, Salim Kuytov – Team captain, Teodor Nenov, Milko Milkov, assoc prof. Dancho Gunev and pr. assistant Georgi Kadikyanov.

Shell Eco-marathon 2017 had changes of the tracks in the Olympic park in London. The new track and the numerous accidents on it slowed down the speed of the participants and this led to deterioration of some results, compared to last year's ones. The "Motorist" Team leader, assoc. prof. Simeon Iliev mentioned that in one of the accidents there were 6 cars, which stopped the movement on the track entirely for some time. He shared that the team has passed technical inspection successfully and really fast before the start of the race and during the first day of the competition DTT-2 ranked third. This means that the team was very well prepared and had foreseen all technical obstacles that could slow it down.

The fourth participation of the students from the University of Ruse in Shell eco-marathon Europe 2017 has become possible with the financial support of the academic management of the University and the companies „Saksa Fuels", "Discordia", „Hobi Car", „Quis Nostrum", „Vitto", „Karnes", „Gera", „М.А. Design" and „Miro Design". A number of companies have been helping the team through the years, including also the Foundation "Ruse – a Free Spirit City".


26 May 2017, Friday

Conferring the honorary title DOCTOR HONORIS CAUSA of the University of Ruse to Prof. Karol Karski

On 26 May 2017, Friday at a formal meeting of the Academic Council, Prof. Karol Karski, a professor of International Law at Warsaw University, a Member of the European Parliament and a Member of the Bureau, was awarded the honorary title „DOCTOR HONORIS CAUSA of the University of Ruse.

The academic activity of prof. Karol Karski started in 1990 at Warsaw University, the Faculty of Law and Administration, Institute of International Law, Department of International Public Law. Since 2011 he has been the Head of this department. From 2012 to 2014 he was an extraordinary professor at the Warsaw school of humanities "Boleslav Prus", Faculty of Social Sciences. Since 2015 he has been an extraordinary professor at the Higher School of Economics in Byalistok, Department of Management and Law.

He has published 92 academic works – monographs, textbooks, articles and papers.


In 2004-2005, Prof. Karski was a Deputy Chairperson of the EU Committee of the Regions, in 2007 he was a Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of Poland, and from 2007 to 2009 he was a Deputy Chairperson of the Council of the Polish Institute for International Relations. From 2005 to 2011 Prof. Karski was a deputy in the Sei9m of the Republic of Poland (a Chairperson of the Committee on European Issues and Deputy Chairperson of the Committee on Foreign Affairs). Since 2014 he has been a deputy in the European Parliament and a member of the Bureau. For the same period he has been a vice-director of "Fundamentals of European Reform".

15 May 2017, Monday

Representatives of seven countries take part in the Fourth International Erasmus Week at the University of Ruse "Angel Kanchev"

Nineteen lecturers from 7 universities from Europe and Asia are taking part in the Fourth International Erasmus Week at the University of Ruse. Representatives of the academic community of Armenia, Germany, Georgia, Estonia, China, Latvia and Russia are exchanging experience and good practices in the various forms of the Erasmus Programme.

Today's event started with a welcome address from the Vice – Rector on European Integration and International Relation, prof. Juliana Popova and another one from the Secretary-in-chief of the University, Assoc. prof. Tanya Grozeva.

The topics of the Fourth International Erasmus Week are dedicated to the 30th Anniversary of the Erasmus mobility programme. Special emphasis is put on ebcouraging the participation of young people with disabilities in it. On Thursday, 18 May, at 11:30, the participants will meet the members of the University club "Diverse and Equal" and exchange ideas for cooperation with the students with special needs.


5 May 2017, Friday

The University of Ruse and Hubei University of Technology, China will develop a joint curriculum for Computer Science training

The Rector of the University of Ruse Prof. Velizara Pencheva, PhD and the Chairperson of the Assembly General COR MEM Prof. Hristo Beloev, DTSc visited Hubei University of Technology in Wuhan, China. Founded in 1956 as a higher school for agrarian engineers, the University has gradually expanded the range of its degree programmes and the number of its students has reached 22 000, shared the Rector, Prof. Pencheva.

During the meeting with the Rector of Hubei University of Technology, Prof. Han Xu and his team, Prof. Velizara Pencheva and COR MEM Prof. Hristo Beloev presented the University of Ruse as an educational structure, its development and the research interests of the teaching staff. The also introduced the project Danube Inco Net, which is developing a network with participants of the scientific community in the Danube region and informed them in details about the mobility opportunities.

In their turn, the hosts from Hubei University of Technology emphasized on the international study programmes they have developed. At the moment the Chinese University has 8 partnerships with international higher schools, which coincide with the 8 bridges over the Yangtze River in the city. The Body of Rectors of the Chinese University offered the ninth international programme to be with the University of Ruse in the field of Computer science. So in the beginning of next year ten students from Ruse will have the opportunity to study two semesters in China while ten Chinese students will study in Ruse.

Prof. Pencheva and COR MEM Prof. Beloev proposed to develop of joint research projects with the Chinese researchers and to start a student and lecturer exchange through building a network, similar to that of the Danube region. The leaders of the two universities signed a frame agreement for cooperation.

At present, a PhD student from the University of Ruse is studying at Hubei University of Technology and last year a professor from that university spent a semester here in Ruse under the Erasmus programme.

Two representatives of Hubei University will participate in the current International Erasmus week at the University of Ruse, 15-19 May.

27 April 2017, Thursday

Delegation from the University of Amasia, Turkey visited the University of Ruse

Let us look at our cultural traditions and map a successful future for our students", with these words the Vice- rector on education prof. Plamen Kangalov greeted a delegation of 45 lecturers and students from the Faculty of Education of the University of Amasia, Turkey, led by prof. Tundjai Demirtash.

The guests were welcomed by Vice-rectors prof. Plamen Daskalov and prof. Diana Antonova, the Secretary-in-Chief assoc. prof. Tanya Grozeva, the Dean of the Faculty of Natural Sciences and Education, assoc. prof. Desislava Atanasova, the Director of International students Directorate, prof. Krasimir Martev the Head of Department in Pedagogy, Psychology and History, assoc. prof. Asya Veleva.

This meeting marked the beginning of the agreement between the two universities for cooperation in research and culture. Both parties declared their readiness for exchange of students and lecturers, development of joint research and educational projects, participation in scientific conferences, as well as student and doctoral scientific sessions in the field of education and robotics. The Secretary-in-Chief, assoc. prof. Tanya Grozeva presented the highlights from the development and the achievements of the University of Ruse during its 71-year history. The academic management of the University of Ruse awarded the Rector of   the University of Amasia, prof. Metin Orbey, PhD the Crystal Prize as a sign of respect for the promotion of cooperation between the Bulgarian and the Turkish Universities.  

Prof. Nurset Kasap presented the University of Amasia to more than 200 students from the Faculty of Natural Sciences and Education, lecturers, international and Erasmus students. The Turkish University was founded 11 years ago and has 5000 students.

A concert featuring the culture clubs of the University of Ruse presente4d the Bulgarian traditions. The guests got acquainted with the facilities of the higher school and the sights of Ruse.

19 April 2017, Wednesday

National work meeting on Danube SKILLS Project

            On 19 April 2017, a National work meeting for promoting the goals and objectives of the Project „Enhancing the institutional capacity in navigation on the River Danube through stimulating trans-national competences and skills in the field of education and development of public services" (Danube SKILLS) was held at Kaneff Centre. The highlight was a new Directive of the European Parliament and the Council of Europe on recognition of professional qualifications in domestic navigation and the repeal of Directive 96/50 / ЕО and Directive 91/672 / ЕEО.

One of the main goals of the project is to enhance the capacities of the institutions issuing certificates to the staff dealing with navigation on the River Danube. The new European legislature for recognition of professional qualifications and the common standards on training in the region of the River Danube will contribute to it.

 Representatives of the local authorities, state and non-governmental organisations, education and training centres took part in the meeting. The University of Ruse was represented by the Rector, prof. Velizara Pencheva, the Director of the Career development centre, prof. Ivan Evstatiev and members of the4 Faculty of Transport.

Currently, the University of Ruse is in the process of being approved for training of members of crews navigating along the internal waterways of Europe. The adoption of common standards will reduce the obstacles for their mobility.


11 April 2017, Tuesday

Students from 15 countries revealed the beauty of their native land to colleagues from the University of Ruse

The traditional festival of international students at the University of Ruse gathered young people from three continents in Kaneff Centre. In the course of two hours the audience travelled the distances between the countries and learned about some characteristic features of each of them – a Greek welcome, Georgian dances and German humour provoked the standing ovations of the audience.

The motto of this year's festival was „He who does not travel, knows not the worth of people" led by the "pilot" Usman from India and the "flight attendant" Valya from Moldova.

In the beginning, the Recto9r, prof. Velizara Pencheva greeted the international students virtually while the Chairperson of the Assembly General, COR. Mem. prof. Hristo Beloev and the Director of International Student s Directorate, prof. Krasimir Martev gave their greetings live from the stage of Kaneff Centre. There were subtitles in English for those, who do not know Bulgarian.

Representatives of 15 countries participated in the concert and the Erasmus students applaude4d their colleagues enthusiastically.

The celebration ended with Bulgarian folk dances and the traditional bread with salt offered by the student dancers from "Harmony" ensemble with the University of Ruse.

28 March 2017, Tuesday

Third Annual Conference of the Balkan Universities Association

            On 24 and 25 March 2017, at Sofia University "St. Kliment Ohridski" the Third Annual Conference of the Balkan Universities Association (BUA) took place. The University of Ruse has been a member and co-founder of this Association since 2014. More than 70 participants from about 40 universities from the Balkan countries registered for the Forum.

            The Rector of the University of Ruse, Prof. Velizara Pencheva, PhD and the Vice-Rector of International Relations Prof. Juliana Popova, PhD took part in the Conference. The Ruse Higher School demonstrated its active position in the Conference through a presentation on the topic "Perspectives for enhancing the influence of the Balkan Universities Association in the Danube Region". The leadership position of the University of Ruse in the Danube higher education space, as well as its long-term active membership in the Danube Rectors' Conference were highlighted as justification for the efforts of University of Ruse to serve as a mediator in the cooperation between the two organisations and the development of joint initiatives.

            The Chairmanship of BUA, which is realized on the principle of rotation, was taken over by the Rector of Tetovo University, Macedonia, Prof. Vulnet Ameti, after the present Chairperson, Prof. Ivan Ilchev of Sofia University reported on the annual activities of the organisation.

24 March 2017, Friday

Representatives of the Russian Cultural and Information Centre discussed with the academic management of the University of Ruse opportunities for education and research in the field of nuclear energy

Representatives of the Russian Cultural and Information Centre in Sofia, the Director Pavel Juravlev and his colleague, Prof. Kosta Peev, discussed with the management of the University of Ruse a proposal for study and joint research in the field of nuclear energy. During the meeting a proposal by the State Corporation of Nuclear Energy "Rossatom" and the National Nuclear Research University "MIFI" for specialized lectures in the field of nuclear energy. The two institutions are ready to support interuniversity mobility for study and joint research papers.

„We would like to note that the opportunity to work with the National Nuclear Research University "MIFI" is unique because it has been classified for many years and only last year half of its degree programmes were declassified", said Juravlev.

The Russian party is ready to present the opportunities that the National Nuclear Research University offers in all contemporary fields of study: nuclear chemistry, nuclear physics, etc., to prepare a course of lectures for both lecturers and students, to work out programmes for the selection of trainees in the Nuclear University at all levels – Bachelor, Master and PhD.

In turn, the Rector of the University of Ruse, Prof. Velizara Pencheva, presented the Faculties and the international contacts of the University, emphasizing those with Russian institutions. The Chairperson of the Assembly General, COR. MEM. Prof. Hristo Beloev, highlighted the collaboration with the universities in Volgograd, Moscow and Saint Petersburg. The guests were informed about the syllabi for training and qualification of university graduates in nuclear energy, developed in collaboration with the Polytechnic Institute in Saint Petersburg, and learned that 324 graduates of the University of Ruse are working at the Nuclear power station in Kozlodyi at present.

At the end the hosts showed the guests the University Exhibition and Kaneff Centre.

21 March 2017, Tuesday

Joint research and educational projects agreed on by the Academic Managements of the University of Ruse and the Higher Vocational School in Ipsala, Turkey

Cooperation in the field of mechatronics, joint research projects and participation of students in competitions in robotics, as well as an agreement under the Erasmus+ Programme were some of the joint activities discussed and agreed on by the managements of the University of Ruse and the Higher Vocational School in Ipsala, with the Thracian University in Edirne.

The participants in the meeting were: the Rector of the University of Ruse, Prof. Velizara Pencheva, the Chairperson of the Assembly General, COR. MEM. Prof. Hristo Beloev, the Vice-Rectors: in Education, Prof. Plamen Kangalov; in European Integration and International Cooperation, Prof. Juliana Popova and the Director of International Students Directorate, Prof. Krasimir Martev. The Turkish delegation was led by the Director of the Higher Vocational School, Assoc. Prof. Hayati Arda, accompanied by lecturers from the school.

The Rector of the University of Ruse, Prof. Velizara Pencheva, presented the University and its Faculties. It turned out that some of the degree programmes studied here correspond with similar degree programmes in the Higher Vocational School in Ipsala. Education in mechatronics, electronic technologies, logistics and management can be the foundation for research and educational partnerships.

COR. MEM. Prof. Hristo Beloev addressed the issue of concluding agreements for joint study of the University of Ruse and a University from Turkey.

The first steps to be taken by the managements of the two educational institutions will involve exchange of student teams for the competitions in robotics and establishing a connection between the Robotics clubs of the University of Ruse and the Higher Vocational School. During the visit of the Bulgarian delegation in Ipsala, a Frame Agreement for Cooperation will be signed with the Thracian University under the Erasmus Programme.

20 March 2017, Monday

The Day of Francophonie was marked at the University of Ruse

The Day of Francophonie at the University of Ruse started with the ceremony for awarding the winners in the essay competition Je suis francophone". Gabriela Stoynova from 12 G, Simona Georgieva from 12 G, Snezhina Stoycheva from 9G and Tsvetelina Ilieva from 11 G took the first four places and were awarded prizes and diplomas. Other four participants received incentive awards.

The Day of Francophonie was celebrated for the first time at the University of Ruse since the higher school has become a member of the University Agency of Francophonie. Over 800 universities from all over the world are members of the Agency, of which 10 are from Bulgaria. In her address to the participants, Prof. Velizara Pencheva presented the preparation stages before the accession of our University to the Agency, mentioning that 200 million people speak French all over the world. In turn, the Chairperson of the Assembly General, COR. MEM. Prof. Hristo Beloev shared that the membership of our University in the Agency of Francophonie provides opportunities for new partnerships and joint activities.

Poems in French, read by students and a musical piece by Claude Debussy, played by Petya Stefanova, PhD, were parts of the programme for the Day of the Francophonie. An exhibition of the French cultural institute of facsimiles of Bulgarian and French newspapers from the end of the 1980s was opened.


The events dedicated to the International Day of the Francophonie reveal new horizons of the fruitful cooperation between the University of Ruse and the High School of European Languages in Ruse. On 22 March at 18.30 in the Grand Lecture Hall of the University of Ruse, there will be a performance of a play in French, prepared by a team from the school. Students and French workers from Montupet will present songs and sketches. At the end of the evening, there will be a culinary exhibition with dishes prepared by students and French people from Montupet.


17th March, 2017, Friday

On 14th March, 2017, two lecturers from the Russian-Armenian (Slavonic) University in Erevan, Armenia, Shushan Melik-Adamyan – linguistics and English language and Jaquelin Minasyan – French lexicology and grammar, visited the Silistra Branch of the University of Ruse as part of their visit under the Erasmus+ agreement between the two universities.

Shushan Melik-Adamyan gave a lecture to the students from the Branch on the topic "Contemporary aspects of teaching English", applying interactive approach in her presentation. The students participated actively in the intercultural communication.

Jaquelin Minasyan presented and interesting lecture in the Language High School on the topic "Intercultural communication through advertising in teaching French" to senior students and interns from the degree programme "Pedagogy of teaching Bulgarian and French". She revealed the hidden messages of adverts and their influence, guiding with great mastery the students in their quest for finding associations and challenging aspects, using their imagination.

During the meeting with the Branch Management, some opportunities for expanding the international relations and organising student and lecturer exchange were discussed.

The visit of the two lecturers from the Russian-Armenian (Slavonic) University, Erevan, Armenia was in the frame of the Information days under the Erasmus+ programme in the Branch, which continued with meetings of first year students, a seminar, organised by students, who had studied under the Programme and which will finish with an exam in a foreign language for the mobility candidates for next year's academic exchange.

7 March, 2017, Tuesday

Erasmus + Project Meeting in Galati, Romania

                A team of lecturers from the University of Ruse: Angel Kanchev”, headed by prof. Nikolay Mihailov, took part in a two-day meeting under Project FAIRGUIDANCE 2015-1-DE02-KA202-002527 with partners from Germany and Romania in Galati, Romania on 22-23 February, 2017Final, adjustments were made on the main intellectual outputs of the project, whose aim is to support the training of career consultants to disadvantaged groups such as long-term unemployed, low-skilled, minority groups, etc.

                Seven project partners from different organisations in this strategic partnership project, funded by the European Commission under Erasmus+ Programme (with duration September 2015 – August 2017) met in Galati. The Bulgarian Partners are the University of Ruse “Angel Kanchev” and TOR – Ruse; from Germany there are teams from the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sport of Baden Württemberg and ttg, Tubingen (Project coordinator); from Romania the partners are AMFSS, Galati – social organisation for supporting disadvantaged families, ANOFM – Regional Employment Agency in Galati and AIDRom – a church association in Bucharest.

                Within the course of two days then deadlines for the final version of the Manual in Career Guidance, which will be published in English, German, Romanian and Bulgarian and will include modules, developed by the partners on the basis of research conducted in the three countries within the frames of the projectThis Manual will be ready for free dissemination among the stakeholders in June 2017, when it will be introduced at specially organized training workshops in Bulgaria, Germany and RomaniaWithin the same time limits, to illustrate the topics, practical exercises will be developed and uploaded on an e-platform for individual use by career counsellors in the four languages. These two products, as well as the country reports and the online resource library will be presented at the closing conference in Stuttgart, Germany, on 28-29.06.2017.

                During the meeting, prof. Mihailov had a parallel talk with Prof. Andy Pusca – Rector of Danubius University, Assoc.Prof.Emanuel-Stefan Marinescu, Direct5or of International relations in the same UniversityProf.Stefan Balta, Vice-rector on strategic planning, quality and student issues of “Dunarea De Jos” University of Galati, Assoc.Prof.Gelu Gurguiatu, Dean of the Electrical Engineering Faculty at the same university and the Executive director of ANOFM- Cesar Nastase. Issues related to the development of partner relationships between the organisations and opportunities for participation in projects, financed by various European programmes were discussedProf. Mihailov invited his colleagues to visit the University of Ruse so they can explore the opportunities for cooperationThe invitation was accepted with gratitude         

2February 2017, Thursday

Work visit of the First secretary of the Embassy of the Russian Federation in Bulgaria at the University of Ruse

The Body of Rectors and  the First secretary of the Embassy of the Russian Federation in Bulgaria, Robert Shestakov discussed joint training of students at the University of Ruse. The Body of Rectors was represented by prof. Velizara Pencheva – Rector, COR MEM prof. Hristo Beloev – Chairperson if the Assembly General, Vice Rectors prof. Plamen Daskalov and prof. Juliana Popova, the Secretary General – assoc. prof. Tanya Grozeva and Assistant Rector Valeri Gegov. Mr. Robert Shestakov was accompanied by Marina Sergunina – Attaché at the Consulate General of the Russian Federation in Ruse.

The two parties discussed the involvement of educational institutions from Russia in European projects, coordinated by the University of Ruse, the organizing of exhibitions and joint participation in specialized educational events.

The guest expressed an interest to possible instruction in Russian of Russian students in some degree programmes offered by the University of Ruse. The academic management of the University informed him that there are 15 bilateral agreements with Russian Universities and around 20 Russian students are expected to study in Ruse in the summer semester of this academic year under the Erasmus Programme. The opportunities for developing joint Master degree programmes with Russian universities were also discussed.

At the end of the meeting, COR MEM prof. Hristo Beloev – Chairperson of the Assembly General of the University of Ruse pointed out the fruitful cooperation with the Consulate General of the Russian Federation in Ruse, as well as the joint exhibitions we have realized during the years.

15 February 2017, Wednesday

His Excellency Krzyszrof Krajewski: „My first visit to the University of Ruse will certainly not be the last"

Krzyszrof Krajewski, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of Poland to Bulgaria, visited the University of Ruse today. During his meeting with the Academic Management he was acquainted with the history of the University and the opportunities for study that it offers. The Rector, Prof. Velizara Pencheva, introduced the faculties and branches and shared information about international relations of the University. It has over 350 bilateral Erasmus agreements, 18 of which are with Polish Universities. Three Polish students are studying at the University of Ruse at present under the Erasmus Programme.

Possible enhancement of the relations between the University of Ruse and Polish Universities in the field of research in various areas of knowledge, participation in conferences and joint publications were some of the opportunities discussed.

His Excellency Krzyszrof Krajewski was shown around the facilities and was impressed by the interactive exposition "Chronicles of Growth," dedicated to the 70th anniversary of the University. After seeing Kaneff Centre, the diplomat  said it would be a perfect venue for events during the Bulgarian Presidency of the EU Council. „Although this is my first visit to the University of Ruse, it will certainly not be the last." said Ambassador Kraevski, who accepted the invitation to give a lecture to our students.

At the end of the meeting with the University Management, prof. Pencheva conferred to the Ambassador of the Republic of Poland the Crystal sign of the University of Ruse for his contribution to deepening the warm relationship and strengthening the friendship between our two peoples.