20 December 2019, Friday
An International youth conference Turning point: 20 years since the signing of the Stability Pact for South-Eastern Europe
Today, 20 December 2019, an International youth conference Turning Point: 20 Years of Stability Pact for South Eastern Europe was opened at the University of Ruse under the aegis of the Rector, Cor. Merm. Hristo Beloev, DTSc.

The foreign participants were greeted by the Vice Mayor in Economics, Investments and Property, Ms. Zlatomira Stefanova, who delivered a welcome address from the Mayor of Ruse, Mr. Pencho Milkov. On behalf of the Regional governor, a welcome address was delivered by Mr. Georgi Georgiev, an expert in PR and a PhD student of the University of Ruse.

The Rector, Cor. Mem. Hristo Beloev, DTSc, opened the Conference with a plenary speech on the topic of establishing and developing BRIE /Bulgarian-Romanian Interuniversity Europe Centre/. BRIE was founded under a project of the Stability Pact and the initiative of The German Rectors' Conference in 2002. In 2002 the first international students were admitted. In 2006 the Agreement for cooperation and mutual aid in implementing BRIE activities between the governments of Romania and Bulgaria came into force.

Eva Parvanova, a PhD student at the University of Ruse delivered a presentation, which was a visual story of the events, borders and people in the history of BRIE.

The agenda of the Conference includes a discussion, led by Assoc. prof. Mimi Kornazheva, related to the issue whether the relations between the European Union and the Western Balkans are at a turning point. Assoc. prof. Emanuil Kolarov, a BRIE lecturer, will comment on the administrative structure of countries from the Western Balkans as a challenge for their accession to the EU. Prof. Claudia Popesky, a lecturer in BRIE from the Bucharest University of Economics, will speak about the crossborder cooperation between Bulgaria and Romania and the lessons learned that can help the public administration in the Western Balkans. In the afternoon, students from BRIE from Greece, Bulgaria, Serbia, Bosna and Herzegovina and Romania will cover issues, related to the topic of the conference.

On Saturday, the conference will continue with generating ideas for projects on the4 Danube strategy, which could be useful for the countries from the Western Balkans in the context of their preparation for joining the EU. The afternoon is dedicated to a session with Prof. Penka Angelova, a Chairperson of the International society Elias Kaneti and the first Director of BRIE. At the end, there will be some sightseeing in Ruse.
For further information: Assoc.prof. Mimi Kornazheva, Director BRIE, tel.: 0888 411 953
18 December 2019, Wednesday
Prof. Nick Sigrimis, PhD Eng from Agrarian University of Athens shared his experience in building research complexes
Prof. Nick Sigrimis, PhD Eng from Agrarian University of Athens, Greece was on a work visit at the University of Ruse in the period 9-15 December, 2019. His visit is within the frames of the project „Support for human resources development at the University of Ruse "Angel Kunchev" (BG05M2OP001-2.009-0011-С01). The collaboration of prof. Simitis with the University of Ruse started many years ago and his present visit has been scheduled under the above-mentioned project.

The programme started with a meeting with the Rector, Cor. Mem. Prof. Hristo Beloev, DTSc, where the results from the joint work so far have been discussed. Future assignments have been planned in relation to the project, as well as some new initiatives. The role of implementing smart technologies and knowledge in agriculture was highlighted, with a special focus on environmental protection in future technological developments. Prof. Sigrimis was a member of the teams involved in building research complexes in China and Saudi Arabia. He shared his experience and provided some guidelines in relation to the building of a Training and Research Complex (Technopark) at the University of Ruse.

Prof. Sigrimis's visit continued with a work meeting for discussing the outcomes from the joint research under the project; participation in a seminar on the requirements for designing high level publications with an impact factor, shown in Web of Science or Scopus; preparation of 5 new joint publications; and a scientific seminar on the topic of new trends and methods of development of smart agriculture and implementing web based information technologies in agriculture.
For more information:Prof. Plamen Daskalov, PhD, Vice rector in development, coordination and continuing educationобучение: +359 82 888 231
17 December 2019, Tuesday
The General Consul of the Russian Federation in Ruse – Mr. Andrey Gromov, was on a work visit at the University of Ruse
Today, 17 December (Tuesday) 2019, the General Consul of the Russian Federation in Ruse – Mr. Andrey Gromov, was on a work visit at the University of Ruse.

During the meeting with the Rector, Cor. Mem. Prof. Hristo Beloev, DTSc, they discussed the outcomes of joint projects and the perspectives for new cooperation initiatives.

The meeting ended with mutual wishes for fruitful, healthy and happy New Year and a decision for expanding the partner relations between the two institutions.
For more information: Cor. Mem. Prof. Hristo Beloev, DTSc, tel.: 08877472153
16 December 2019, Monday
Christmas party for the foreign students at the University of Ruse
Today, 16 December (Monday), the Foreign Students Directorate at the University of Ruse organised a Christmas party for the foreign students. The Rector of the University of Ruse, Cor. Mem. Prof. Hristo Beloev, DTSc, representatives of the Body of Rectors, lecturers in Bulgarian and English, outstanding foreign students and students from the preparatory course were present.

Cor. Mem. Prof. Hristo Beloev, DTSc greeted the young people with the coming holidays. She wished them many positive emotions, dreams come true and success with the exams. He assured them that the University of Ruse will be their home away from home.

The Director of the Foreign Students Directorate, prof. Krasimir Martev, PhD, explained that the party aims to help the newly arrived students get acquainted with the traditions in Bulgaria. He pointed out that another objective is to get to know the different cultures of the foreign students, to accept the differences and include them in the family of the University of Ruse.

Assoc. prof. Velislava Doneva shared the story of Christmas Eve and Christmas, of New Year's celebration and the custom "Koleduvane". Students from the preparatory course made "survaknitsa" and wished Prof. Beloev and Prof. Martev health and success.

The foreign nationals studying at the University of Ruse this year are over 200 from 23 countries.

For additional information: Director of the Foreign Students Directorate, prof. Krasimir Martev, PhD, tel.: 0888444188
13 December 2019, Friday
The Erasmus programme at the University of Ruse turns 20
Today, 13 December (Friday), the 20ieth anniversary of the Erasmus programme at the University of Ruse was celebrated. The celebration was also dedicated to the forthcoming Christmas and New Year's holidays. The Body of rectors, Erasmus coordinators, lecturers and students from the partner universities attended the event.

The Rector, Cor. Mem. Prof. Hristo Beloev, greeted the guests with the anniversary and the Holiday Season. He expressed special gratitude to the students, who had chosen the University of Ruse for their mobility period. He assured them that they will not only have the chance to meet colleagues and exchange experience, but also make friendships for life.

The Erasmus programme has changed the lives of thousands of people worldwide. For the 20-year period, the University of Ruse has sent 1371 students for education and training and hosted 448 students. The lecturer mobilities for lectures and training are 1356. These data do not include the current semester. At present we have 58 in-coming students from 7 countries.

On the occasion of the anniversary, some outstanding Erasmus coordinators were awarded for their efficient work in sending and welcoming students, organising mobilities and establishing the authority of the University of Ruse in the European space: honorary assoc. prof. Stoyanka Smrikarova, prof. Antoaneta Dobreva, PhD, assoc. prof. Emilia Velikova, PhD, Prof. Rossen Ivanov, PhD, assoc. prof. Lilia Todorova, PhD, Eva Parvanova, assoc. prof. Tsvetelina Harakchiiska, PhD, assoc. prof. Galina Ivanova, PhD, assoc. prof. Teodor Iliev, PhD, Principal assistant Seher Kadirova, PhD, assoc. prof. Nina Bencheva, prof. Stepan Tersiyan, DTSc. and principal assistant Boris Kostov, PhD. Assoc. prof. Galina Antonova is the first outgoing Erasmus student and assoc. prof. Nina Bencheva – the first outgoing PhD student. The two Erasmus officers – Milena Bogdanova and Diana Georgieva, responsible for outgoing and incoming students, respectively were also awarded special diplomas for their lifelong service. All awards were conferred to the awardees by prof. Juliana Popova, vice-rector in Internationalisation and communication policies for the period 2012-2019.

The student clubs presented the traditions and customs related to Christmas Eve and Christmas and demonstrated how "survaknica" is made. All coordinators and students were treated to a special pie with fortune pieces. They received small Christmas gifts and wishes for wonderful holidays and warm memories from the University of Ruse, our city and our country.

For additional information: Prof. Juliana Popova, vice-rector in Internationalisation and communication policies, tel.: 0887899654
9 December 2019, Monday
Third partner meeting under the Eurasian project „Modernisation of Higher Education in Central Asia through New Technologies"
From 2 to 6th December in the capital of Uzbekistan – Tashkent the Third partner meeting under the Eurasian project „Modernisation of Higher Education in Central Asia through New Technologies" was held at the Tashkent State Economic University. In this meeting 54 representatives from 9 partners institutions took part, including Bulgaria, Italy, Luxembourg, Portugal, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan.
As the Rector of the University of Ruse, who participated as a plenary speaker via a pre-recorded lecture, Cor. Mem. Prof. Hristo Beloev mentioned that this is the sixth large scale project of the type "thematic network", initiated and coordinated by our University, but the first one which has specific outcomes as early as the end of the third year.
Besides reporting on the state of affairs and the results from the monitoring by the external evaluator, training of trainers was performed on days 2, 3 and 4 according to the agenda. Prof. Smrikarov gave a talk on the requirements for starting the digital transformation of education and another one, explaining how to make a presentation more interesting for the digital generation. He also lectured on developing asynchronous distance learning – how to make a digital library and on developing blended learning. Prof. Vassilev informed the participants why to use and how to choose an interactive board. All participants in the training were very motivated and asked many questions. There were also two practical exercises on those topics.
At the end of the meeting, Certificates for successful participation in the Training Couse for Improving Lecturers' Skills in Innovative Educational Technologies and Didactic Models were awarded.
The 15 partner universities from Central Asia have adopted a Concept for adapting the education system to the digital generation, which has been approved by the respective Ministries of Education, published in the respective national language, in Russian and English, and is going to be distributed to all nearly 350 universities in these countries.
Centres of Innovation Educational Technologies, modelled after the one at the University of Ruse, are in the process of establishing in every partner university in Central Asia. They are expected to be the driving forces of the digital transformation of education there.
Lecture halls are being equipped with interactive presentation systems, which will allow the lectures to become not only more informative but also more attractive for the students from the digital generation.
On the basis of the platform for electronic education of the University of Ruse, a virtual library has been created. It contains a syllabus of innovative educational technologies, an ICT manual, presentations and video-lectures on the main topics of the syllabus. This library will be used for training 800 lecturers from the partner universities in educational innovations, planned for 2020.
For further information: Prof. Angel Smrikarov, Project Manager, tel.: (+359) 889 313 876
26 November 2019, Tuesday
"Let's build a dream" – a festival of Chinese culture at the University of Ruse
On 25 November (Monday) 2019, the Fifth Festival of Chinese Culture entitled: „Let's build a dream", was held at the University of Ruse. The anniversary edition of the festival marked the 70ieth anniversary of establishing diplomatic relations between Bulgaria and China.

On behalf of the Body of Rectors, the guests were welcomed by Prof. Plamen Daskalov, PhD, Vice-rector in Development, coordination and continuing education and Prof. Juliana Popova, PhD, Vice-rector in Internationalisation and communication policy. They expressed gratitude to Confucius Institute - Sofia and the two teachers of Chinese language at the University of Ruse. They also expressed the willingness of Ruse Alma Mater to continue to support the promotion of Chinese language and culture. The Directors of Confucius institute – Sofia, assoc. prof. Aksiniya Koleva and Prof. Gao, thanked for the invitation to attend the festival and made a point that the Confucius classroom at the University of Ruse is a model to be followed.

The programme of the event included demonstration of martial arts by the members of Kalagia club – Ruse, entitled "The Bugarian teenager loves martial arts. "The students from the Confucius classroom at the University of Ruse performed two dances: "In the foothills of Qingcheng mountain" and „Love scene"and sang the song „Friends". Teachers in Chinese language demonstrated the dance „National rhythm". Special guests of the festival were Song Hailu and Wang Lizhu from Sofia National Music Conservatory. Cai Ruoyan from Confucius Institute – Sofia played a melody on the traditional Chinese instrument pipa. Students from the University of Ruse presented a Chinese fashion pageant and at the end of the festival there was a demonstration of Chinese Kung Fu and Taichi.

For additional information: Prof. Juliana Popova, Vice-rector in Internationalisation and communication policy, tel.: 0887899654
25 November 2019, Monday
The Rector of the University of Ruse Cor. Mem. Prof. Hristo Beloev, DTSc met Assoc. prof. Aksinia Koleva and Prof. Gao – directors of Confucius Institute - Sofia
Today, 25 November 2019 (Monday), the Rector of the University of Ruse Cor. Mem. Prof. Hristo Beloev, DTSc met Assoc. prof. Aksinia Koleva Bulgarian director of Confucius Institute) and Prof. Gao - director of Confucius Institute from China. Prof Juliana Popova – Vice rector in Internationalisation and Communication Policy also attended the meeting in connection to the Fifth festival of Chinese Culture at the University of Ruse: "Let's build a dream". This anniversary edition of the festival marks the 70-th anniversary of establishing diplomatic relations between Bulgaria and China.

The Rector, Prof. Beloev, mentioned the numerous successful initiatives which have been organised at the University of Ruse, in cooperation with the Confucius Institute - Sofia. He expressed readiness of providing support to all future initiatives of the teacher in Chinese in the Confucius classroom at the University of Ruse.

Prof. Gao shared with the attendants of the meeting that the Confucius classroom at the University of Ruse is the best functioning of all 7 such classrooms in Bulgaria. Evidence of this is the award that Uan Bin, a teacher in this classroom, received for an article on teaching Chinese. The award was conferred at the Beijing University for foreign language teaching and she was selected among teachers from all Confucius institutes in the world. The annual festival of Chinese culture held at the University of Ruse has been set as an example for the other classrooms in Bulgaria. Another event that attracted international interest is the exhibition "70 years of diplomatic relations between Bulgaria and the People's Republic of China", kindly provided by the Embassy of PRC in Bulgaria. The exposition was opened on 31 October in the central lobby of the main Building of the University of Ruse.
In January 2020 the first national meeting of all teachers of Chinese language in Bulgaria will be held with the participation of the lecturers from the University of Ruse.
For more information: Prof Juliana Popova Vice rector in Internationalisation and Communication Policy, tel: 0887899654
22 November 2019, Friday
Partnership with Savonia University in Kuonio, Finland
On 21 November 2019 lecturers and representatives of the academic community of Savonia University – Kuopio, Finland were on a work visit to the University of Ruse.

A meeting was held with the Rectors' management and the leadership of the Faculty of Public Health and Health Care. The Rector of the University of Ruse, Cor. Mem. Prof. Hristo Beloev, DTSc presented the University of Ruse and its multidisciplinary profile, as well as its numerous achievements in the national and international space. He emphasised the firm positioning of the University in the Danube scientific and educational space. He wished the teams successful collaboration on implementing virtual and added reality in the work with students.

The Department of Health Care is a partner under a project of Yatrus Foundation – "Virtual Innovations for Entrepreneurship and Growth" and a project of Savonia University - "Future Technologies in Education". Lecturers from the Department visited the Finnish university in August 2019 and made contacts with lecturers in similar fields. The colleagues from Savonia University have expressed a desire to sign a bilateral agreement under the ERASMUS+ programme, which the Faculty of Public Health and Health Care supported. The thematic fields for cooperation between the two universities are: „Perioperative nursing care"and „Intensive nursing care". The University of Ruse, Savonia University – Kuopio, Finland, Yatrus Foundation and UMBAL "Kaneff" develop joint virtual educational in the following fields: Anaesthesiologist nursing care, Clinical laboratory and Microbiology.
For further information: Prof. Ivanichka Serbezova, OhD Head of Health Care Department, tel.: +359 888 731 063
05 November 2019, Tuesday
Opportunities for academic stay in Germany presented by the German Agency for Academic Exchange (DAAD)
Today, 5 November, 2019, the German Agency for Academic Exchange (DAAD) presented at the University of Ruse opportunities for academic stay in Germany. The lecturer Andreas Chetkovski, who is a DAAD scholar at the University of Veliko Turnovo spoke to students from the University of Ruse. He was introduced to the audience by prof. Juliana Popova, Vice-rector on Internationalisation and communication policy.

Mr. Chetkovski presented the opportunities for summer language courses in Germany. The deadline for submitting applications is 1 December 2019 and the approved applicants are granted a scholarship, travel expenses and health insurance coverage. For those who would like to pursue a master degree course or spend a shorter period in a German university, DAAD also offers a monthly grant to the amount of 850 Euro plus travel expenses and health insurance. The deadline for application is 15 November every year. DAAD also offers research programmes for young scholars, researchers and experienced lecturers.

There are 238 universities and 107 student bodies in DAAD's structure. It is the largest independent organisation for student exchange in the world. It has three strategic areas – scholarships for excellent students who get the opportunity to gain knowledge and experience in some of the best universities, exchange to improve the internationalisation and building bridges for overcoming conflicts, as well as academic cooperation for exchange of good practices and development of research.

Globally there are 15 regional offices and 57 information points of the Agency. In Bulgaria there are three DAAD lecturers at present – two in Sofia University and one in Veliko Turnovo University.
More information on the application process and the requirements for the programmes can be found on the Agency's webpage https://www.daad.de/de/
For more information: Prof. Juliana Popova, Vice-rector on Internationalisation and communication policy , tel: 0887899654
24 October 2019, Thursday
NASA International Space Apps Challenge – Ruse 2019
On 19 and 20th October, 2019, the biggest hackaton in the world was held – International Space Apps Challenge 2019. It was organised under the auspices of NASA and is held simultaneously in over 200 cities all over the world. For the third year in a row Ruse took part and the event was traditionally hosted by the University of Ruse. The competition was also held in Sofia and Burgas.

In the competition in Ruse participated 52 young people in 17 teams. More than half of them were high school students, predominantly from "Baba Tonka" High Scholl of Mathematics. There were representatives from "Apostol Arnaudov" High School of Electronics and Engineering, "Otec Paisii" Basic School, "Geo Milev" English Language High School and "Konstantin-Kiril the Philosopher" High School of European Languages. A great number of students from the University of Ruse, New Bulgarian University, the University of Veliko Turnovo and Falmouth University, Great Britain also took part in the hackaton.
The participants developed and presented projects, proposing their own solutions to challenges, posed by NASA. The presentations were public and was life-streamed.

After a discussion, the jury consisting of: Assoc. prof. Milko Marinov and Assoc. prof. Irena Valova from the Department of Computer Systems and Technologies, Stefan Shopov, MSEng from MentorMate and Danail Momchev from Econt – a company that sponsored the event, Tsvetelina Mladenova, MSEng and Pr. assistant Yordan Kalmukov, PhD from the Department of Computer Systems and Technologies selected two teams that will go to the world finals:

- inFrames with members Nikolai Marinov(4th-year student, Computer Systems and Technologies in UR), Stefan Stefanov(first-year student, Information Technologies in NBU) and Dian Donchev(3-rd year student, Game Art in Falmouth University, Great Britain). The team worked on the challenge for evaluation of lunar samples before or during a mission. The aim is to discover and bring back to Earth various objects that have scientific significance, rather than samples from materials that have already been well-studied. The participants proposed a non-standard, original solution – to create a simulation, which allows the testing of a big number of different scenarios on the course of the mission. The application allows entering the respective physical and chemical properties for each lunar object in the simulation while setting all mathematical models, necessary for analysing the lunar samples into the robot-rover. For more information:

- Bit Robots with members Vyara Simeonova(8th grade student in "Baba Tonka" High Scholl of Mathematics-Ruse), Simeon Baltadjiev (1st-year student in Computer Systems and Technologies I UR), Yordan Ganev(1st-year student in Software Engineering in RU). The team worked on the same challenge as inFrames – for evaluation of lunar samples during a mission, in order to collect only materials that have scientific value and ignore the rest. The competitors proposed systems of automated robots, which will discover, study and collect lunar samples. If a robot-researcher judges a certain material to be valuable, it will send the information to the base and the autonomous control unit for additional analysis. If it is decided that the sample has truly valuable (new) resource, a larger and considerably more energy intensive "robot-miner" is sent to the respective site. The team presented a working model during the event. For more information:
The projects of inFrames and Bit Robots will be evaluated by NASA experts during the world finals. Besides those two projects, the jury conferred special prizes for: Most useful application; Most scientifically sound project; Most enthusiastic team; Youngest team; Best presentation; Original idea; Realisation of apparatus device; and Most active participant.

Organisationa and companies that supported and provided prizes for the winners were: The University of Ruse; Econt; MentorMate; NetWorx; Musala Soft; ICN.bg; TelebidPro; UBER and Macsoft.
For more information:
Pr. assistant Yordan Kalmukov, PhD –Computer Systems and Technologies Department, tel:0988 858 963
22 October 2019, Tuesday
of the University of Ruse "Angel Kanchev" and the Union of Scientists – Ruse
„New industries, digital economy, society – projections of the future - II"
The University of Ruse "Angel Kanchev" and the Union of Scientists – Ruse organise the 58th Annual International Scientific Conference. Scientific and plenary sessions will be held in Silistra on 18th October, in Ruse – on 24,25 and 26 October and in Razgrad on 1 and 2 November, 2019. The topic of the conference is „New industries, digital economy, society – projections of the future - II".
The Chairperson of the Organising Committee is COR. MEM. Prof. Hristo Beloev, DTSc, Rector of the University of Ruse and Chairperson of the Union of Scientists – Ruse. Prof. Diana Antonova, PhD, Vice-rector in Research is the Scientific Secretary.
During the sessions 294 papers will be presented by their authors from Ukraine, Moldova, Romania, Poland, Macedonia, Croatia, Italy, Greece, France, the USA, Australia and Great Britain.
The plenary papers will be presented by:
1. Prof. Emile Nicolas Karailiev, PhD, Pantheon-Sorbonne University – Paris 1, France, Institute D'administration des entreprises (IAE) – University Schools of Management, France
Plenary paper topic:Public-private partnerships (PPP) for the preparation of large investment projects – examples from France and Bulgaria

2. Prof. Kostadin Kostadinov, PhD, Institute of Mechanics – BAS,
advisor to the Minister of Education and Science
Plenary paper topic:Entrepreneurship and business planning of starting companies for exploiting and commercialisation of research results.

3. Prof. Danail Petrov, DMSc, FETCS, FEBTS,
Head of "St. Sofia" Breast Surgery Clinic, Medical University, Sofia
Plenary paper topic:ПPersonalised approach to neoplastic lung diseases and quality of living – through the eyes of the thoracic surgeon.

For more information:
Prof. Diana Antonova – Vice-rector in Research, tel.: 082-888-249, e-mail:[email protected]
15 October 2019, Tuesday
The University of Ruse hosts the 11th Conference dedicated to Academician Mihail Arnaudov -2019
On 11 -12 October the University of Ruse hosted the 11th Conference dedicated to Academician Mihail Arnaudov -2019. Traditionally, it was organised by the Department of Bulgarian Language, Literature and Fine Arts and the Research centre in folklore, literature and linguistics "St. Dimitar Basarbovski" in partnership with the Regional Museum of History – Ruse and the Regional Library "Lyuben Karavelov" – Ruse.
Researchers in the humanities from the University of Ruse, Sofia University, Veliko Turnovo University, Shumen University, the Institutes in Bulgarian Language; Literature; Ethnology and Folklore with the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences participated in the different sections of the conference – "Mihail Arnaudov - personality, works and ideas", "Folklore and Ethnology", "Cultural Studies", "Literary Studies" and "Linguistics". Linguists from Novi Sad University, Serbia, International School of languages "NovaMova" – Ukraine, historians and archaeologists from Vinitsa, Northern Macedonia shared their research papers. The plenary paper on the topic of "Studies in contemporary literature in a digital environment", presented by prof. Reneta Bozhankova (Sofia University) , enjoyed expected interest and was followed by discussions.

The forum was greeted by Prof. Velzara Pencheva, PhD, Chairprerson of the Assembly General and Assoc. prof. Desislava Atanasova, PhD, Dean of the Faculty of Natural Sciences and Education.
This year, the conference was dedicated to the 25th anniversary of the Research centre in folklore, literature and linguistics "St. Dimitar Basarbovski" and of the Faculty of Natural Sciences and Education.

The parallel programme of the conference offered a lecture by Prof. Bozhankova on the topic of "Digital humanities and the modern university" and thematic exhibitions "Fusion" – on the 30th anniversary of the modern Arts festival "Process_ Space" and 20th anniversary of "Lomea" Symposium, Ceramic icons from the Fortress in Vinitsa and Mihail Arnaudov and the Bulgarian Revival, exhibited in the Regional Museum of History – Ruse and the Regional Library "Lyuben Karavelov" – Ruse.

The first edition of the conference was in 1998 after the proposal of Prof. Todor Iv. Zhivkov and it was initiated and organised by the Research centre in folklore, literature and linguistics "St. Dimitar Basarbovski" with the Department of Bulgarian Language, Literature and Fine Arts. It was dedicated to 120th anniversary of Acad, Arnaudov's birth.
Ten volumes of Proceedings have been published so far in Leni An publishing house and included in the international book exchange. They can be read in the British National Library, French National Library, the Library of the American Congress, the Ethnographic Folk Eclectic in Wisconsin, USA, the University libraries in Stanford in Seatle, Prague National Library, Moscow National Library and others in Europe.

Arnaudov's conference has become an event in the life of Bulgarian Humanities and the University of Ruse, but most importantly, it has turned into a bridge between the generations.
For more information: Assoc. prof. Yana Pometkova – Head of department ДBulgarian Language, Literature and Fine Arts
e-mail: [email protected]
21 October 2019, Monday
Building industrial connections of the University of Ruse – results from the competition for bachelor diploma thesis 2019 of Class Foundation
Kristyan Velkovski, a student in the Department of Telecommunication at the University of Ruse, won the Helmut CLAAS International Scholarship after presenting his diploma thesis and Presiyan Zhelyazkov won one of the prizes in the section International Student Awards at this year's edition of the competition organized by CLAAS Foundation.

The Helmut CLAAS scholarship is aimed at helping four outstanding bachelor degree students in their Master degrees. It is conferred after the Panel, consisting of leading scholars and businessmen from Germany, Great Britain, the Netherlands, reviews their bachelor degree theses. The participants come from Germany, the Netherlands, the UK, Hungary, Slovakia, Russia, Croatia, Romania, etc. They practically defend their theses in front of a larger audience and the Panel. After their presentations they answer questions, which are often rather complicated. Of the four places in the ranking, Kristiyan Velkovski, who is studying in Internet and Mobile Communications degree programme, was ranked first.

In 2016, Nikolay Atanasov was the first student from the University of Ruse to win one of the prizes in the section International Student Awards. Such prizes were later conferred to other bachelor degree students from Ruse: Teodor Nenov, Kristiyan Georgiev, and this year – to Presiyan Zhelyazkow – a student in Agrarian Engineering degree programme.

Connections with leading businesses and industrial enterprises are of paramount importance for the development of a university. The analysing of their research and development activities and implementing them in the study process are ways of improvement of young specialists and motivating the PhD students work.

At the end of 2015, Cor. Mem. Prof. Hristo Beloev, DTSc supported the intensifying of relations with CLAAS. Study materials for the education and training at the University of Ruse were developed with the approval of CLAAS. Further relations were established with companies manufacturing precise agriculture machinery, which were also involved in the development of study materials.
Experts from CLAAS supported relations with other companies, developing know-how, software and hardware for agriculture. An opportunity has been provided for acquisition of significant and state-of-the-art achievements not only from the sphere of Agriculture 4.0. but also from Industry 4.0.
For more information: Assoc. prof. Petar Sigalov, tel.:0887595644
18 October 2019, Friday
„What started in 2012 will not stop today" – meeting of Mr. Ignat Kaneff, DHC of the University of Ruse with the academic community
Today, 18 October (Friday), 2019, Mr. Ignat Kaneff, DHC of the University of Ruse met with the academic community of our Alma Mater in Kaneff Centre.
In the beginning, Prof. Plamen Kangalov, Vice-rector in Education, conferred the Crystal Prize of the University of Ruse to Mr. Kaneff, on behalf of the Body of Rectors, with gratitude for all he has done for the young people in the University and the city. Prof. Kangalov expressed his hope that this support will be sustainable and there will be more meetings like this, inviting Mr. Kaneff to the 75th Anniversary of the University of Ruse, which will be celebrated next year (12 November 2020).

Prof. Pencheva presented to Mr. Kaneff a book of photographs, titled The Chronicle of Patriotism, which has the following dedication:This album is a humble gift from the academic community of the University of Ruse to the great patriot and the man with a big heart IGNAT KANEFF – Doctor Honoris Causa of the University of Ruse…Thank you, dear Igi! .Благодарим ти, приятелю Иги! Be healthy and keep setting an example to the young people with your energy, dedication and real human presence!"
The Album is a collection of photographs from significant events related to Mr. Kanev, ever since his first meeting with the Rector of the University, Prof. Hristo Beloev in October, 2012 to present.

The meeting continued with presentation of the biography of Ignat Kaneff "Becoming a Somebody" by Steven Niscic, Anna-Maria Kaneff, Kristina Maria Kaneff and Didi Kaneff and technical editor COR. MEM. Prof. Hristo Beloev, DTSc. Milena Popova, the translator of the book into Bulgarian explained that this is the second edition. In October 2016, the guests to the 90th anniversary of Mr. Kaneff received a copy of the first edition of "Becoming a Somebody". The new edition is expanded by more than 100 pages and three new Chapters, Epilogue and an annex with memories and anecdotes by representatives of the authorities, employees, partners and friends of Mr. Kaneff. The book describes his life, but at the same time it is a historic milieu of life in Europe and the world in almost one hundred years. Becoming a Somebody narrates the life story of Mr. Kaneff and his family and emphasises on the lessons he has learned. His life and work in Canada is presented – from the first one-storey house he built in 1952 to the giant skyscrapers, golf courses, office and community buildings, as well as his considerable financial support of numerous noble causes.

Mr. Kaneff expressed his gratitude for the respect and with tears in his eyes he shared: „Words fail me to describe the feelings, but id I start crying now, I will be crying all night. What started in 2012 will not stop today" – he said in the end.
For more information:
Prof. Velizara Perncheva, PhD, Chairperson of the Assembly General, tel: 0888293341
15 October 2019, Tuesday
A friendly football match between students from Ukraine and Moldova and international students from Turkey, Cyprus and the USA
On 14th October, Monday 2019, the Honorary Consulate of Ukraine in Ruse and International students Directorate of the University of Ruse organised a friendly football match between students from Ukraine and Moldova and international students from Turkey, Cyprus and the USA. It was dedicated to the Protector's Day in Ukraine.

After a fair and challenging game, the victory was gained by the students from Ukraine and Moldova. All players were rewarded for their zeal and ardour.

For more information: Prof. Krasimir Martev, Director of International Students Directorate, tel.: 0888444188
5 October 2019, Friday
The University of Ruse will be training 58 international students under the Erasmus+ Programme during the academic year 2019/2020
58 international students arrived at the University of Ruse to study for a semester or a year under the exchange programme Erasmus+.

On 3 October 2019 (Thursday), a party was organised for the incoming Erasmus students to celebrate their arrival. On behalf of the academic management of they were greeted by Prof. Velisara Pencheva, PhD, Chairperson of the Assembly General, Prof. Plamen Kangalov, PhD, Vice-rector in Education and Prof. Juliana Popova, PhD, Vice-rector in Internationalisation and communication policy. The coordinators and lecturers of the Erasmus students and the Chairperson of the Student Council, Stanimir Boyadjiev were also present. After getting acquainted with the opportunities that the University of Ruse offers and its achievements, the students delivered short presentations of their countries and universities.

The Erasmus+ Programme is dunded by the European Commission and includes not only EU countries, but also some partner-countries from all over the world. The countries which have sent students to the University of Ruse this semester are 7 and the universities are 20. The largest number – 23 students, come from Spain. The other countries are represented as follows: Italy, France and Romania – 8 students each.; Poland and Turkey – 4 and Portugal – 2. The young people will study in different faculties of the University of Ruse. The largest number – 29 students, have enrolled in the Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Electronics and Automation. The Faculty of Natural Sciences and Education will host 12 students, the Busines and Management Faculty – 9 and the Agrarian and Industrial Faculty – 5. The Faculty of Law and the Transport Faculty will train 2 students each.

For more information:
Prof. Juliana Popova, Vice-rector in Internationalisation and communication policy, tel.: 0887899654
12 September 2019, Thursday
Another degree programme from the Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Electronics and Automation with a chance for double diploma from Shanghai Polytechnic University
Today, 12 September (Thursday) 2019, a delegation from Shanghai Polytechnic University visited the University of Ruse. Our guests were the Dean of the College of Engineering Prof. Cao Jianqing, the Head of the Computer Systems and Technologies Department – Assoc. prof. Chen Lin, the Head of the Electronics Department – Assoc. prof. Song Shaojing and the lecturer from the same department - Dr. Hu Jinyan.

The aim of this visit was the re-signing of the Cooperation Agreement between the two universities, commenting on the state of the agreement for issuing double degree diplomas in the degree programme Computer Engineering and discussing the possibilities for signing an agreement for joint training and double degree diplomas in Electronics.

The rector of the University of Ruse, Cor. Mem. Prof. Hristo Beloev, DTSc, expressed his satisfaction of meeting the Dean of the College of Engineering with Shanghai Polytechnic University again. He presented the history and the numerous achievements of the University of Ruse, which provide good grounds for strengthening and expanding the cooperation between the two institutions. The opportunity for joint training and double degree diplomas in Electronics is a natural consequence of the successful work on implementing the agreement for Computer Engineering, as well as on the Erasmus + exchange of lecturers and students, approved for a second year in a row.

Shanghai Polytechnic University was founded in 1960 and trains students in 78 degree programmes, most of which in the field of engineering. There are also degree programmes in Management, Economics, Literature, Science and Arts. The staff is 1100, of which 800 lecturers. Full-time students are 13 044, and part-time - 8 500. Shanghai Polytechnic University is in cooperation with 150 partners from 36 countries on programmes for joint training, student and lecturer mobility, joint research, conferences, etc.

The delegation was acquainted with the Concept of the University of Ruse for adapting the education system to the digital generation. They also visited Kaneff Centre, the Publishing Centre and the University Campus. In the afternoon there were meetings with the lecturers from Computer Systems and Technologies and from Electronics Departments, as well as presentations on the research and project work of the Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Electronics and Automation.

For more information:
Stoyanka Smrikarova, expert International Cooperation, Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Electronics and Automation, Tel.: (+359 88) 2044016
4 September 2019, Wednesday
The 29th Annual conference of the European Association for Education in Electrical and Information Engineering (EAEEIE) started at the University of Ruse, Bulgaria
Today, 4th September, 2019, the 29th Annual Conference of the European Association for Education in Electrical and Information Engineering (EAEEIE) started at the University of Ruse. The forum will continue until 6th September, 2019.

The forum was opened by the honorary Chairpersons of the conference are the Rector of the University of Ruse, Cor. Mem. Prof. Hristo Beloev, DTSc and the Chairperson of EAEEIE Jaromir Hrad, PhD.
Prof Beloev greete the participants and assured them that the academic leadership and the organisers will take care for their plesent styay both in the University and in Ruse. He confirmed that the Ruse Alma Mater is aware of the the necessity and fully supports the work for improving the quality of educational resources and processe in this field so significant for humanity - electrical engineering and information technologies. Finally, the Rector extended wishes for new initiatives andbeneficial work to all participants.

The Chairperson of EAEEIE Jaromir Hrad, PhD., expressed his gratitude for the hospitality. He wished all the participants a successful conference and new contacts because the work in this field is crucial for the development of the Balkans.
There were 127 papers submitet for participation of which 97 passed the first stage of evaluation. After a second selection, 62 papers were approved for participation, some written in co-authorship by researchers from 19 countries (France, Great Britain, Germany, Denmark, Norway, Iceland, Finland, Portugal, Slovenia, Croatia, Romania, Israel, Italy, the Czech Republic, Poland, Greece, Spain, Latvia and Bulgaria. The co-authors are 212 in total, with the biggest number from Romania and the Czech Republic. The papers presented will be indexed in a number of international databses such as Scopus, Google Scholar, dblp, etc.

Bersides the work sessions, the agend of the forum includes a walk around Ruse and a trip to the medieval capital of Bulgaria – Veliko Turnovo.
More information at https://eaeeie2019.academy-bg.eu
For additional information:
Assoc. prof. Plamen Zahariev, Faculty of Electrical Engineering, and Automation, tel.: 0896 698 699
3 September 2019, Tuesday
The 29th Annual conference of the European Association for Education in Electrical and Information Engineering (EAEEIE) will be held at the University of Ruse, Bulgaria

The University of Ruse will host the 29th Annual conference of the European Association for Education in Electrical and Information Engineering (EAEEIE) in the period 4th-6th September 2019. More than 70 European universities, , representatives of business and state institutions are members of the Association.
The official opening of the event is on 4 September, 2019 (Wednesday) at 10:00 in Hall 2G 2014 (Building 2) of the University of Ruse. More than 60 papers from 15 countries are registered for participation, incl. France, Great Britain, Germany, Denmark, Denmark, Norway, Iceland, Finland, Portugal, Slovenia, Croatia, Romania, Israel, Italy, the Czeck Republic, Poland, Greece and Bulgaria. The papers presented will be indexed in a number of international databses such as Scopus, Google Scholar, dblp, etc.
Honorary Chairpersons of the conference are the Rector of the University of Ruse, Cor. Mem. Prof. Hristo Beloev, DTSc and the Chairperson of EAEEIE Jaromir Hrad, PhD.
The new edition of the forum will unite professionals, researchers and lecturers who work in the field of added and 3D technologies. A special topic of the conference will be the use of unmanned aircraft in the process of education.
The 29th annual conference of EAEEIE is sponsored by the International Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) and the Bulgarian section of this Institute - IEEE Bulgaria. Partners of the conference are several national and European projects, where the University of Ruse is a participant - "Universities for Science, informatics and technologies in the e-society" (UNIT-e), „A system for monitoring of forests for early detection and evaluation of fires in the Balkan-Mediterranean region (SFEDA), "Information and Communication technologies for a single digital market in science, education and security" (ICT in SES), as well as the British and Irish engineering educational research network (UK&IR EER).
More information at https://eaeeie2019.academy-bg.eu
For additional information:
Assoc. prof. Plamen Zahariev, Faculty of Electrical Engineering, and Automation, tel.: 0896 698 699
31 July 2019, Tuesday
Joint Bachelor and Master degree programmes with Nong Lam University in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam
Today, 31 July 2019, the first of a number of work meetings was held at Nong Lam University in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam.

The agenda of the visit includes meetings between the two rectors – Cor. Mem. Prof. Hristo Beloev, DTSc and Prof. Nguen Hai, with the Dean of the Engineering Faculty Nguen Bich, with lecturers from from the fields of agriculture, agricultural machinery, transport and informatics, visit to the International Relations office, etc.

During the meeting the rectors of the two higher schools analysed the ongoing activities under the Agreement for Cooperation of 2015 and reported the results achieved in the exchange of lecturers, students and PhD students under the Erasmus + programme, the participation in joint events and the Erasmus week at the University of Ruse, joint research on topics of mutual interest, etc. The opportunities for future joint initiatives were discussed.

In the following days, the parameters for joint Bachelor and Master degree training, joint PhD training, joint research projects, publications in journals, participation in scientific conferences, etc. will be discussed.
During the meeting the rectors proposed some joint activities in ASEM "Danube-Mekong", where the University of Ruse is an active participant.
For further information:
Cor. Mem. Prof. Hristo Beloev, DTSc, Rector of the University of Ruse Tel.: +359 88 747 2153
16 July 2019, Tuesday
Another recognition for the University of Ruse
The University of Ruse "Angel Kanchev" obtained another well-deserved recognition for its policy as an entrepreneurial university in Bulgaria and Europe when it was included as the only university from Eastern Europe in an International Consortium for promotion of entrepreneurial universities. This university network is called BeyondScale and will be funded under the Erasmus+ programme through a new project No. 612887-EPP-1-2019-1-AT-EPPKA3-PI-FORWARD, starting from September 2019.
The creation of BeyondScale network is the result of active interaction between the participating partner organisations with the European Commission under HEInnovate – Innovations in higher education. HEInnovate Initiative (Promoting entrepreneurial universities in Europe), came to life in 2014. It supports the vision that universities are at the heart of economic development and social unity of Europe and the world. With its all-embracing mission, the universities educate citizens, prepare researchers, professionals, inventors and entrepreneurs. They produce highly qualified human capital, needed by the European economies for enhancing their competitiveness and supporting their social and economic development and unity. With their capacity to develop the interdisciplinary research skills and experience in the complicated problems of our society, the universities in cities and regions operate as centres for dialogue and innovation and knowledge exchange.
Twelve leading institutions in the field of entrepreneurial education and academic exchange from seven European countries were approved for participation in the BeyondScale network:
Austria: WPZ Research GmbH and The University of Applied Sciences Campus Vienna (UAS Campus Vienna);
Ireland: Institute of Technology Cork; Dublin City University and The Higher Education Authority (HEA);
Portugal: Polytechnic Institute of Viana do Castelo and Universidade NOVA de Lisboa;
Bulgaria: University of Ruse "Angel Kanchev";
The Netherlands: NHL Stenden University of Applied Sciences and Center for Higher Education Policy Studies (CHEPS) - University of Twente;
Germany: DAAD – German Agency for Academic Exchange;
Spain: Joint Research Centre – Seville.
The goal of the project Consortium BeyondScale is to establish a network of higher schools and national institutions, applying the HEInnovate approach. It is planned to develop good practices, which then will be presented to national and local authorities.
The inclusion of the University of Ruse in this international network is not accidental. In 2018 it was the organiser and host of the international conference „HEInnovate – Institutional change in higher education", where the eighth dimension of entrepreneurial activity was announced – the Digital transformation – an area in which the University of Ruse has a leading position in Bulgaria and Europe. The forum was part of the Agenda of the Bulgarian Presidency of EU Council. Earlier, in 2014, our University was among the 5 Bulgarian higher schools, recommended by the Ministry of Education and Science and underwent successful monitoring on its education in entrepreneurship and innovation. Every year representatives of the University of Ruse are invited by the European Commission to present their experience and good practices at international conferences of HEInnovate with guests from all EU member states.
For further information:
Cor. Mem. Prof. Hristo Beloev, DTSc, Rector of the University of Ruse Tel.: +359 88 747 2153
9 July 2019, Tuesday
The University of Ruse and Kadri Zeka University in Gjilan, Kosovo signed a Cooperation Agreement
Today, 9 July 2019, (Tuesday), the Rector, Asoc. Prof.Dr. Bajram Kosumi, the Vice-rector on International Relations and the President of the Steering Committee of Kadri Zeka University in Gjilan, Kosovo are on a visit to the University of Ruse.

The Rector, Cor.Mem. Prof. Hristo Beloev, DTSc expressed his satisfaction, also on behalf of the University governance with the visit of Kadri Zeka University academic leaders. The University of Ruse is modern and innovative and is the initiator of a number of policies on the development of education in Bulgaria. He expressed his belief that the cooperation between the two universities will be beneficial and will contribute to the development of higher education on the Balkans.

Asoc. Prof.Dr. Bajram Kosumi explained that the history of the institution he is representing, started back in 1963 as a pedagogical school, in 2004 several faculties were established and in 2013 the Kadri Zeka University was approved officially. Today the higher school has around 7000 students from Eastern Kosovo, Southern Serbia and Northern Macedonia. Despite the fact that it is a relatively young institution, it has some firm positions in Erasmus project implementation, offers training in two Master degree programmes with double diplomas and is planning to expand its partnerships, as well as to establish new faculties.

During the meeting, a Frame Agreement for Cooperation was signed and opportunities for partnership in research, joint publications, joint projects and student training with double diplomas.

The guests were shown around the campus.
For additional information:
Prof. Juliana Popova, Vice-rector in internationalisation and communication policy – tel. 00359 887899654
9 July 2019, Tuesday
A student from Silistra Branch of the University of Ruse participated in the International Festival of Francophone students in Plovdiv
The International Festival of Francophone students from Central and eastern Europe was held in Plovdiv, Bulgaria for the first time, from 1 to 5 July. The twelfth, 2019 edition was held under the motto "Let's create together.

"Nearly 80 students from 16 countries participated in the event. Plamena Yankova, a student in the degree programme Methods of teaching Bulgarian and French from Silistra Branch of the University of Ruse, also participated in the Festival.
The festival is organized by l'Agence universitaire de la Francophonie (AUF) – the largest global university network, including 900 institutions from 5 continents.
Students apply to be approved for participation in the Festival and this year Plamena Yankova was among them. She participated in the music atelier. There were four other areas for creation – dance, theatre, digital culture and grafitti.
„The Festival provides various sensations and emotions, as well as a range of opportunities for gaining a different experience", shares Plamena Yankova in the morning slot of Nova TV "Hello, Bulgaria!", in a programme dedicated to the event.

Dressed in a traditional folk costume and speaking perfect French, Plamena contributed to the inclusion of the University of Ruse and Silistra Branch in the diverse family of university francophones from Central and Eastern Europe, as well as from all over the world.
From the very beginning of our University's membership in AUF, we sent representatives to this festival's previous editions - in 2017 in Zagreb, Croatia – Lachezara Kozhuharova from the Faculty of Business and Management, International Economic Relations degree programme; in 2018 in Yerevan, Armenia - Iva Mitkova, from Silistra Branch, Methods of teaching Bulgarian and French degree programme.
Together with other activities, these participations mark the achievements of our students on a global level within AUF. This realisation of the students has become possible due to the perspective leadership of the University of Ruse, which resulted in accepting, continuing and expanding the cooperation within this international organisation.
For further information:
Roumyana Ivanova, Principle lecturer in the Department of Foreign languages,
e-mail: [email protected]
8 July 2019, Monday
Another successful performance of the two University of Ruse teams in the Shell Eco-Marathon in London
Today, 8 July 2019, Monday, the two University of Ruse teams – Avtomobilist and HydRU, shared their experiences from this year's Shell Eco-Marathon 2019 competition at a press conference in the University.

The race took place from 1 to 5 July 2019 at the Mercedes Benz World race track near London. Over 1500 students from engineering degree programmes from 28 countries in Europe, Africa, Asia and America took part in the competition with 140 vehicles. The teams aligned their cars at the starter grid, divided into two main categories: Prototype vehicles and UrbanConcept cars. In each category, vehicles were powered by energy sources that ranged from traditional diesel and gasoline fuel, to lower-carbon technologies such as battery electric and hydrogen fuel cells. The main goal of the competition was to travel as far as they could on the equivalent of one litre of fuel or 1kWh of electricity.

Team Avtomobilist participated in the competition for the 6th time. They competed with a battery-electric prototype in the eco-bolide category. They covered a distance of 424 km/kWh and took the 15th position out of 41 participants in this category. The team had developed a completely new prototype, whose design was highly evaluated by the race organisers. The Director General of Shell Eco-marathon Norman Koch mentioned that this was one of the cars with an impressive design.

For a third year in a row HydRU Racing Team participated in the race in the UrbanConcept cars category, driven by hydrogen cell. After a year's hard work on their new automobile, HydRU Racing Team" passed the technical inspection successfully and the result they achieved surpassed their previous results and placed them at the 5th position in the final classification in their category. Thanks to the efforts over the years, the name of the University of Ruse was heard in this competition and the technical inspectors applauded the perfect technical performance of the cars.
For further information:
Assoc. prof. Georgi Hristov, HydRU Racing Team, tel.: 0882000206
Assoc. prof. Simeon Iliev, team Avtomobilist, tel.: 0878333922
28 June 2019, Friday
The training of Palestinian lecturers under Project I-CARE „Increasing the conformance of academia towards rehabilitation engineering" was completed at the University of Ruse
A group of 10 lecturers from universities in Palestine – Gaza visited the University of Ruse in the period 16-29 June and attended a course in Kinesiology.
The programme included visits to the two university hospitals in Ruse. Besides the training, held at the Faculty of Public Health and Healthcare, the lecturers visited some laboratories at the Faculty of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering.
The mid-year meeting of the project consortium was held, where the outcomes achieved were reported and the future trainings in Slovenia and Palestine were discussed. Certificates for the training held in Ruse were awarded.

The Project consortium consists of 8 partners – 4 from Palestine and 4 from the EU. The University Al Azar in Gaza, represented by Ahmed Issa, PhD, is the Coordinator.
The University of Ruse is a partner, represented by its Department of Public Health and Social Work with the Faculty of Public Health and Healthcare. The lecturers from the Faculty acquainted their colleagues from Gaza with the good practices in rehabilitation technologies, and created prerequisites for starting a training in Rehabilitation engineering in the partner universities in Gaza.
The I-CARE project is funded by the Erasmus + Programme of the EU and has a budget of EUR 914,469.00. Its goal is to transfer knowledge and skills in rehabilitation technologies from established European academic institutions to universities and hospitals in Gaza strip, in the course of three years.
For further information: Prof. Daniel Bratanov, Dean of the Faculty of of Public Health and Healthcare, tel.: 0888226988
24 June 2019, Monday
Delegation of the University of Ruse participated in „HEInnovate" initiative of the European Commission for stimulating entrepreneurial universities
In the period 20-21.06.2019 a delegation from the University of Ruse participated in „HEInnovate" initiative of the European Commission for stimulating entrepreneurial universities. This year the topic of the event was "Supporting Innovation and Entrepreneurship in and through Higher Education" and it coincided with the official events in Bucharest on closing t5he Romanian Presidency of the Council of the European Union.
The international initiative was held in the Main building of the Bucharest Politechnica, in the presence of academic representatives from all EU member-states. At the opening of the event, the University of Ruse was given the opportunity to present its achievements under HEInnovate. Three representatives of the University of Ruse took part in the forum.

Prof. Juliana Popova, PhD (Vice Rector in Internationalisation and Communication Policy) participated in the panel „Setting the Scene - The innovative and entrepreneurial higher education institution" and acquainted the official participants and guests with the main fields in which the University of Ruse is working actively at a national and international level, with representatives of the business, academic community and public administration.

Assoc. prof. Daniel Pavlov, PhD (Head of the Centre for Promotion of Entrepreneurship) participated in the panel "Preparing and Supporting Entrepreneurs" and presented the latest initiatives at the University of Ruse for stimulating entrepreneurial behavior in students – INNOVENTER, INTERGEN, „From the experience of an entrepreneur", „Competition for developing business plans" and others.

Anabel Krusteva (a student in Business Management) participated in the student panel "Preparing and Supporting Entrepreneurs "and attracted the attention of the entire public with her entrepreneurial spirit and success of her company for light fixtures – „Balkan Light Export" Ltd. – www.balkanexportltd.com
The three representatives of the University of Ruse were invited to present at the forum by Mr. Peter Bauer (European Commission) based on the entire contribution of the University to improving the state of affairs at a local, national and international level.
For further information: Assoc. prof Daniel Pavlov, PhD, [email protected]
21 June 2019, Friday
Opening of the 20ieth International Conference on Computer Systems and Technologies CompSysTech and marking the 20ieth anniversary of the Academic Society on Computer Systems and Information Technologies
„The University of Ruse is aware of the significance of knowledge as motivator of young people in our society!" - Ms. Karina Angelieva, Deputy Minister of education and science

Today, 21.06.2109, two anniversaries were marked at the University of Ruse. The first one is the anniversary of the Academic Society on Computer Systems and Information Technologies, whose members are over 60 departments and institutes in computing from all over the country. The second one is related to the 20-ieth edition of the International Conference on Computer Systems and Technologies CompSysTech.

Ms. Karina Angelieva opened the conference, expressing her delight in having the opportunity to give a start to such a sustainable initiative and wishing the team energy and enthusiasm for years to come. Deputy minister Angelieva noted that the atmosphere in the University of Ruse is very special and she feels lucky to be its guest. „…The various research teams of the University serve as an example for building bridges not only between them, but also between different representatives of the public, private and NGO sectors", was her conclusion.

The Rector of the University of Ruse, Cor. Mem. Prof. Hristo Beloev, DTSc also congratulated the organisers and participants on the two anniversaries. He wished to the academic society on computing to grow and become stronger, and to the conference participants – success and beneficial contacts.
At the beginning of the conference humanoid robots competed in reading from the screen.
The plenary session included the following three speakers:

1. Prof. Ivan Dimov – Bulgarian Academy of Sciences(BAS), „How close we are to the real quantum computer?";

2. Prof. Avram Escenazi – BAS, „Influence of ICT on the labour market – professions to disappear and others to emerge";

3. Prof. Roman Zahariev – BAS, „Using humanoids in healthcare".
During the sessions, 63 papers of over 100 researchers from 10 countries will be presented. Five papers from high school students have also been accepted for presentation.
13 June 2019, Thursday
The students and teachers from Taraklia Region, Moldova completed their training at the University of Ruse with Bulgarian poems, songs and dances
Today, 13 June 2019, the group of 26 students and 6 teachers from Taraklia Region, Moldova received their certificates for successfully passing their 10-day training at the Department of Bulgarian language, literature and Arts with the Faculty of Natural Sciences and Education. The course the students have completed is in Linguistic practice in practical Bulgarian while their teachers attended a course in Methods of teaching Bulgarian language, literature and history.

The Rector of the University of Ruse, Cor. Mem. Prof. Hristo Beloevb, DTSc, expressed his hopes that the students and their teachers will preserve t5he warm, friendly feelings for the University and the city of Ruse. He wished the students academic achievements. " The doors of the University of Ruse will always be open for you and we will be happy to have you as our students", completed his speech the Rector.

Academic works, written by the members of the Department of Bulgarian language, literature and Arts were donated by assoc. prof. Yana Pometkova, PhD, head of the department to the library in Cishinau.

The teachers from Moldova expressed their gratitude and appreciation to0 the academic management and the lecturers from the Department of Bulgarian language, literature and Arts. Together with their students they performed reciting Bulgarian poems, singing and dancing. The audience was moved to tears and applauded the young learners and their teachers.
5 June 2019, Wednesday
The State Humanitarian University of Izmail and the University of Ruse signed a frame agreement for cooperation
Today, 5 June 2019, Prof. Yaroslav Kichuk – Rector of The State Humanitarian University of Izmail, Ukraine, Nikola Karaivanov – Honorary Chairperson of the Bulgarian Association for Research and Development and Nikola Draganov – programme director of Energy, Econo0my and Environment in the Bulgarian Association for Research and Development.

The Rector, Cor. Mem. Prof. Hristo Beloev, DTSc presented to the guests the history, structure and international achievements of the higher school in Ruse. He informed them that the University of Ruse maintains contact with over 15 universities from Ukraine. "The agreement with the State Humanitarian University of Izmail, located on the River Danube provides perspectives for expanding the contacts and opportunities for cooperation in the Danube Region", noted prof. Beloev.
Prof. Yaroslav Kichuk presented the State Humanitarian University of Izmail, which is the only state university in this city. In the four faculties of the University, Bulgarian language i9s taught and there is a degree programme in Bulgarian philology. Bulgarian is also taught in Sunday schools, as well as in courses for improvement of qualification, added prof. Kichuk.

At the end of the meeting the two rectors signed a Frame agreement for cooperation and the first activity under this agreement will be the participation in the Scientific conference of the University of Ruse in October.
The visitors got acquainted with the facilities of the University of Ruse.
31 May 2019, Friday
The Second International Conference on Occupational Therapy „From Root to Fruit in the Balkan Countries" starts at the University of Ruse today
Today, 31 May 2019, (Friday), the Second International Conference on Occupational Therapy From Root to Fruit in the Balkan Countries, organised jointly with Vasile Alexandri University, Bacau, Romania, starts at the University of Ruse. The two universities are long-term partners and pioneers in the development of Occupational therapy as a university degree programme and health-related profession in Bulgaria and Romania.

The Rector of the University of Ruse, Cor. Mem. Prof. Hristo Beloev, DTSc greeted the participants and guests of the conference. He reminded them that the University of Ruse was co-organiser of the First International Conference on Occupational Therapy , held in Bacau under the title Occupational Therapy – present and future perspectives. The fact that today our University is hosting the second conference is a proof for our commitment to the initiative and the fruitful cooperation with the university in Bacau. Cor. Mem. Prof. Hristo Beloev, DTSc assured the participants that the higher school will continue to support and aid the development of the degree programme and the profession of occupational therapy. Assoc. prof. Lilia Todorova, PhD, organiser and Vice-dean of the Faculty of Public Health and Healthcare mentioned that for 13 years now the University of Ruse is the only one in Bulgaria to offer this degree programme, and in 2014 it was officially recognized by the World Federation of Occupational Therapists.

The participants were addressed by the Deputy Mayor of Ruse – Ms. Natalia Krusteva, the Vice President of the World Federation of Occupational Therapists - Ms. Samantha Shan, Assoc. prof. Bogdan Ratsa – Dean of the Health Faculty of Vasile Alexandri , Bacau, Romania and Ivana Radonova, PhD – state expert in the the Higher education Directorate of the Ministry of Education and Science. Congratulatory addresses were conferred on behalf of the Governor of Ruse region – Mr. Galin Grigorov and the Mayor of Ruse – Mr. Plamen Stoilov.

The forum aims to initiate a constructive dialogue between the state institutions, higher schools and NGOs for clarifying the essence of Occupational therapy as a university degree programme and health profession. The final outcome is envisaged in the form of joint activities and legislative initiatives for harmonization with the European and international standards in the field of Occupational therapy.
30 May 2019, Thursday
Web-based modules for professional education in laser safety are to be developed at the University of Ruse
On 28 and 29 May 2019, the second meeting under the international research and educational project Web-based modules for professional education in laser safety was held at the University of Ruse.

The project coordinator is the Academy of Technologies in Rezekne, Latvia and the members of the project consortium are the University of Ruse, Bulgaria, Veda Consult, Gabrovo, Bulgaria, SWA Academy of Education, Kemnits, Germany; ECONY, Gabrovo, Bulgaria; UICNO, Gödöllő, Hungary and the University of Pitesti, Romania.
The partner meeting was opened by Cor. Mem. Prof. Hristo Beloev, DTSc, Rector of the University of Ruse. He informed the participants about the facilities, the structure and the project experience of the University of Ruse. He also wished successful development of the cooperation between the project partners in the field of science and research. The souvenir that Prof. Beloev re3ceived from Rezekne was produced using colour laser technologies.
The Project leader, Prof. Lyubomir Lasov from the Academy of Technologies in Rezekne opened the work meeting. He reminded the participants that laser technologies are a priority of the EU. Thye expected project outcomes are: Development of three modules of the web-based course in five languages; pilot studies using the modules in each of the partner-countries.
30 May 2019, Thursday
Students from Azerbaidjan presented their country's culture to the academic community in honour of its national holiday
Today, 30 May 2019, (Thursday), Ismet Agjev and Elvon Hasanli from Azerbaidjan, who are incoming Erasmus students for one semester at the University of Ruse, presented to the academic community the culture of their country. The event was organised to commemorate the 101st anniversary of the founding of Azerbaidjan Democratic Republic on 28th May. Prof. Plamen Daskalov – Vice Rector of Development, Coordination and Continuing Education greeted the students from the Higher Petroleum School in Baku on behalf of the academic management.

The cooperation between the two universities started back in 2014 with the signing of a bilateral agreement. As a result, the curriculum of the degree programme Computer Management and Automation o0f the University of Ruse was adopted by the Higher petroleum School in Baku. A future objective is the development of a Master degree curriculum for a dual degree course.

17 May 2019, Friday
Eight international students were awarded for excellent academic performance in the eve of 24th May celebration
Today, 17 May 2019, the traditional meeting of the academic management of the University of Ruse with the international students, dedicated to 24th May celebration was held.

The Rector of the University, Cor. Mem. Prof. Hristo Beloev, DTSc awarded 37 students, 8 of which for their excellent academic performance. Maria Hondrodimu from Greece, a 3rd year student in Occupational Therapy, has finished the first semester with honours.
Seven students from the preparatory language course were also awarded.
The Rector congratulated the students on their diligent work and high achievements, studying in a language, which is not their mother tongue. He wished them future success and good results at the exams. He reminded them that the University of Ruse is their "nome away from home". Prof. Krasimir Martev, PhD, Director of the International Students Directorate with the University of Ruse, also congratulated the excellent students and wished them health, luck and success. Some of the students recited poems in Bulgarian.
There are international students from 23 countries studying at the University of Ruse this year: Austria, Albania, Vietnam, Georgia, Greece, India, Iraq, Jordan, Kazakhstan, Kamerun, Cyprus, Kuwait, Columbia, Luxemburg, Moldova, Nigeria, Pakistan, Romania, Russia, the USA, Serbia, Turkey, Ukraine.
13 May 2019, Monday
21st Days of Science and IV Innovative Youth EXPO gathered high school students-inventors, young researchers from the University of Ruse and representatives from the business
Today, 13 May 2019, (Monday), the 21st Days of Science and IV Innovative Youth EXPO are held at the University of Ruse. The events are organised by the Academic Management and the Student Council of the University under the auspices of the Minister of Education and Science of Bulgaria.

The Rector, Cor. Mem.prof. Hristo Beloev, DTSc opened the events and welcomed the guests, noting that the event is unique for the North Central Region because it provides the opportunity for scientists of different generations and professions to gather and exchange experience. The University is the logical venue fro this meeting because it is here that science is born and disseminated, said he.

Official guests for the opening were the Mayor of Ruse – Mr. Plamen Stoilov, Deputy Governors of Ruse region – Mr. Svilen Ivanov and Valentin Kolev, Father Marin from the Ruse Metropoliten, the Members of Parliament – Ms. Svetlana Angelova and Mr. Andrian Rajkov. The Mayor pointed out the high appreciation of the community of Ruse for the University of Ruse – the place where young people show how big their dreams are. The Deputy Governor, Mr. Ivanov, expressed his belief that such events support the successful development of the city.

This year, students from 8 high schools in Ruse, 22 labs and clubs of the University of Ruse, The Institute of Mechanics with the BAS – Sofia, the Centre of Excellence (UNITe) and the Centre of Competence – Digitalisation of Economy in Big Data Environment. Many agricultural and transport companies demonstrated their technologies, equipment and vehicles in front of Kaneff Centre.

The 26 participants from 10 countries in the 6th Erasmus week organised by the University participated in the discussion forum "Dialogues about Education". Erasmus representatives from Armenia, Vietnam, Germany, Georgia, Spain, China, Poland, Yurkey and France discussed higher education issues at the World Café format, organised by lecturers from the Faculty of Business and Management of the3 University.

The best student papers in different scientific fields were awarded Best paper Crystal Prize'19. The teams participating in the 6th Youth EXPO also received some awards after their short presentations on the stage of Kaneff Centre.
At the end of the day the European week of Public Health was marked by a number of events, organised by professional club "Fitness. Health. Tone.", the Department of PE and Sport, the Department pedagogy, Psychology and History, the Student Council, Cheerleaders' club and Sports Society Academic, under the auspices of the European Association of Public Health (EUPHA) and the initiative of BPHA.
14 May, Tuesday
Global Village at the University of Ruse 2019
The 11th edition of the annual seminar Global Village 2019 was carried out on the 14th of May 2019, Tuesday, at 4 p.m. in Siemens Hall at the University of Ruse.

The main topics of the seminar were the International activities of the Department “Machine Science, Machine Elements, Engineering Graphics and Physics“at the Transport Faculty of the University of Ruse and their interaction with the scientific, teaching and learning activities of students and staff.
The opportunities for students in the area of scientific and international activities were explained and analyzed. It was emphasized that the lecturers of this department can support students in both areas mentioned.

Prof. Antoaneta Dobreva summarized the international Department activities with more than 17 Universities from different European countries. The representatives of TTK University of Applied Sciences from Tallinn, Estonia: Markus Gottlieb Põlluste and Mart Pärtel – presented the opportunities for academic exchange and gave details about the facilities and laboratory equipment of their university.

Students who have implemented mobility for academic exchange and/or for internship within the program Erasmus+ shared their experience concerning their stay at European universities and enterprises.
The seminar ended with informal meetings and discussions between students and academic staff.
The added value of the Erasmus+ programme for the exchange of innovative practices for education and research
One of the indisputable contributions of the Erasmus+ programme is that it is functioning as an enormous interuniversity laboratory for exchange of good practices, innovative methods for education and assessment, as well as joint interdisciplinary scientific performances. Through this programme, the European higher education is promoted all over the world, becomes more competitive and contributes to overcoming cultural boundaries and geographic distances. The Erasmus students and lecturers increase in numbers, the contacts become closer and the results from the programme surpass all expectations.
This optimistic balance is a result of the dedication of partner universities, turning the partner dialogue into a main priority of their strategies for internationalisation with the help of the Erasmus programme.
For a sixth year in a row, the University of Ruse has declared its desire to gather under its hospitable roof Erasmus partners from near and far with the single purpose of continuing the development and promotion of the partner dialogue.
The main topics to be discussed and analysed in the sixth Erasmus week, organised by the University of Ruse, are related to:
- Innovative methods of education and research in partner institutions and the opportunities for their mutual transfer;
- Conducting joint trainings in various degree programmes and awarding dual diplomas;
- Organising joint summer schools for practical training or joint PhD schools of 2-month duration and financing of the participants by the Erasmus programme;
- Involving the partners of the universities from the business and other sectors in the training and research, etc.
The University of Ruse will offer the participants in the Sixth Erasmus week fruitful and pleasant meetings in a friendly environment, exciting experiences in the beautiful city of Ruse and unforgettable memories.
Twenty-six representatives of partner universities from 10 countries are going to participate in the sixth Erasmus week organised by the University of Ruse: Armenia, Vietnam, Germany, Georgia, Spain, China, Poland, Romania, Turkey and France.
A special edition of the student newspaper "Student spark" has been printed in English, where a retrospective review of the five Erasmus weeks held at the University of Ruse, as well as the three previous editions of the innovative youth EXPO.
Time | Activity | Venue |
13.05.2019 (Monday) | | |
10:30 | Official opening Greeting s from the Rector | Siemens Hall |
10:40-11:30 | Presenting the University of Ruse and the Erasmus programme at the University of Ruse, | Siemens Hall |
11:30-12:30 | Opening the 21st May Fest of Science and the Innovative Youth EXPO 4 | Kaneff centre |
13,00 – 15,00 | Discussion forum: „World Cafe: Dialogues on Education" | Hall 2, Kaneff centre |
14.05.2019 (Tuesday) | | |
9:30-11:00 | Presentations of the guests and their universities and international programmes | |
11:15-13:00 | Presentations of the guests and their universities and international programmes - part 2 | Siemens Hall |
14:30-16:30 | Walking tour of Ruse | |
15.05.2019 (Wednesday) | | |
10:00-12:00 | Workshop „of innovative practices for education and research" | Siemens Hall |
12:00-13:00 | Meetings with Erasmus students | Siemens Hall |
16.05.2019 (Thursday) | | |
10:00-12:00 | Workshop „of innovative practices for education and research" – Part т 2 | Siemens Hall |
12:00-13:00 | Meetings with Erasmus students | Siemens Hall |
13:00-14:30 | Awarding certificates to the participants and Intercultural lunch (national cuisine+ specialities from abroad, brought by the guests) | Kaneff centre Catering hall |
17.05.2019 (Friday) | Trip to Veliko Turnovo | |
7 May 2018, Tuesday
The University of Ruse welcomes lecturers and students from Vietnam under the Erasmus+ programme for the first time
The University of Ruse welcomes lecturers and students from Vietnam under the Erasmus+ programme for the first time. They come from Nong lam University in the city of Ho Chi Minh, with which the University of Ruse has signed a bilateral agreement.

Today, Nguyen Tran Phu, PhD, a lecturer in Mechanical Engineering, visited the University of Ruse. He met the Rector, cor MEM Prof. Hristo Beloev DTSc, the General Assembly Chairperson, Prof. Velisara Pencheva, PhD and the Dean of the Faculty of Natural Sciences and Education, Assoc. prof. Desislava Atanasova, PhD. Together they discussed opportunities for expanding the cooperation between the two universities through developing joint research projects, workshops, etc.

In February, three students from Ho Chi Mihn came to study at the University of Ruse during the summer semester. Two of them study mechanical Engineering and one – Computer Sciences. Students study CAD and CAM systems, image processing, Internet technologies, in accordance with their syllabus.

19 April, Friday
Balkan Universities Association – fifth annual meeting, Thessaloniki, Greece
The fifth annual meeting of Balkan Universities Association was held from 16 to 18 April 2019, in Thessaloniki, Greece.

Over 250 representatives of 48 universities from 11 countries participated in the event. Bulgaria was represented by three universities – the University of Ruse, Sofia University and the Agrarian University in Plovdiv. Twelve universities were admitted as new members and the Statutes of the Association were signed.

The participants from the University of Ruse, led by COR MEM Prof. Hristo Beloev, DTSc, held a number of partner meetings, discussing and agreeing on the parameters for future cooperation.

The conference " The UN goals 2030 for sustainable development of the universities in the Balkan region" was held in the framework of the meeting. The representatives of the Univerity of Ruse delivered a talk on " The University of Ruse as a driving force of regional development.

15 April 2019, Monday
Lecturers from the University of Ruse attended the ХХХ National Olympiad in Bulgarian language and literature in Chisinau, Moldova
From 12 to 14 April 2019, in the Theoretical Lyceum "N.B.Gogol" in Chisinau, Moldova, the ХХХ National Olympiad in Bulgarian language and literature was held. Assoc. prof. Mira Dushkova and assist professor Nia Doneva, lecturers from the University of Ruse, the Department of Bulgarian language, literature and arts represented the University of Ruse. They conferred the Congratulatory address of the Rector of the Unibversity of Ruse, COR MEM Prof. Hristo Beloev, DTSC.
Traditionally, the event was organised by the Ministry of education, culture and research of the Republic of Moldova. The competiton was between 60 high school students from four regions: Tarakliya, Kantemir, Gagausiya and Pridnestrovie. It consisted of two rounds – written and oral, and there were additional prizes for most creative answer, best literary work, Best recital and teacher of the winner. The first prize went to Tatyana ¬ebanova from the village of Kayrakliya, Tarakliya region, who attended a language course at the University of Ruse two years ago.
The lecturers from Ruse visited "Hristo Botev" library, and donated contemporary collected works and monographs. Thew were acquainted with the work of the Sunday school with the library.
The end of the event was marked by an emotional concert of Bulgarian songs, poems and dances, prepared and performed by students and teachers of Bulgarian origin, living in different parts of Moldova.
The University of Ruse was awarded a plaque and a letter of Gratitude by assoc. prof. Elena Raceeva, Chairperson of the Olympic committee. The letter reads: "Your support and sponsorship are a noble contribution to the endeavours to strengthen the Bulgarian identity, traditions, history and language of the Bulgarians in the Republic of Moldova. We sincerely believe that we will preserve our good relationship and fruitful cooperation in the future."

photo Anton Karpov, Chisinau
11 April 2019, Thursday
Expanding the cooperation between the Baku Higher Oil School – Baku Azerbaijan and the University of Ruse
Lecturers from Baku Higher Oil School - Baku Azerbaidjan are on a one-week visit to the University of Ruse.
For the first time, this academic year the University of Ruse received funding for student and lecturer exchange under the Erasmus+ programme with Azerbaijan. As a result, the Head of Department Automation of engineering processes, assoc. prof. Nayla Alahverdieva and assoc. prof. Syulejman Syuleimanidze are in Ruse for a week.

The cooperation between the two universities started back in 2014 with the signing of a bilateral agreement. On the basis of it, Baku Higher Oil School adopted the curriculum of the bachelor degree programme "Computer Control and Automation", developed by the Department of Automation and Mechatronics, in the Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Electronics and Automation of the University of Ruse. The lecturers from the University of Ruse have developed all study materials for the subjects in the curriculum in English.

The agenda of the visit includes work visits, educational workshop, meetings with the university management. During one of the meetings with the Rector, COR MEM Prof. Hristo Beloev, DTSc the opportunity for expanding the cooperation between the two institutions by developing a master degree programme with the perspective of obtaining dual diploma.
11 April 2019, Thursday
The University of Ruse hosted the module „Innovation and creativity for life- IC4Life"
From 1 to 6 April 2019, the University of Ruse hosted for a second time the module
„Innovations and Creativity for Life- IC4Life". The participants were 27 students and 6 lecturers from Belgium, Great Britain, Denmark, Lithuania and Bulgaria. The University of Ruse was represented by 13 students from various degree programmes – Occupational Therapy, Computer Systems and Technologies, Industrial Design, Business and Management, Public Administration. Five students and one lecturer from the degree programme Graphic Design at the University of Gloucestershire, England participated online.

In the course of a week, the students worked in five international and interdisciplinary teams on developing innovative solutions of specifically assigned problems – simulation of tactile manipulation, an inclusive playground, classroom of the future, visual impairment and memory loss. In addition, the students had to work out a prototype and business plan for their execution.
Working together with their peers and lecturers, the students obtained theoretical knowledge on the specifics of creative thinking, the principles of prototyping and business planning. At the end of the week the teams presented their developments, which were evaluated on five criteria – creativity, innovations, applicability, business plan and presentation.

Traditionally, the first evening was dedicated to cultural values – each country presented their national dishes, drinks, music, dances, sights, etc. One of the tasks was "Cultural riddles" – the students had to discover and visit at least three of the local historical sights and tourist attractions.
The training held at the University of Ruse is an exceptional opportunity for internationalisation of our students, without the need for them to leave the country
08 April 2019, Monday
The book Citizens of Nowhere presented at the University of Ruse
On 9 April 2019 (Tuesday), at the University of Ruse the book Citizens of Nowhere was presented at the University of Ruse. Its author, Niccolò Milanese, is the director of the organisation European alternatives. A poet and a philosopher, living in Paris, he was born in London to parents of Italian and British origin.

Three main parts comprise the book: the first one provides background information on the controversies in the European Union, the second one covers the two main crises in Europe during the last 10 years while the third one discusses a possible future change in the management and decision-making structures in Europe.

Students from European and Global Studies degree programme and from the high schools in Ruse attended the presentation and took part in the discussions.

The event was co-organised by the University of Ruse, the Bulgarian-Romanian Interuniversity Europa Centre and the international Elias Canetti Society.

02 April 2019, Tuesday
Second international meeting under the project
„Cooperative Online Peer-assisted and Intercultural Learning in Occupational Therapy" (COPILOT)
The second international meeting under the project „Cooperative Online Peer-assisted and Intercultural Learning in Occupational Therapy" (COPILOT was held in the period 20-24 March 2019, at the University of Applied Sciences HOWEST, Kortrijk, Belgium.
During the meeting, some of the intellectual outputs were discussed: 1)COPILOT metamodel – a model for intercultural online training, applicable to the professions in healthcare; 2) Handbook with seven training modules on various topics to be conducted annually, which will be acce3ssible for lecturers and students from partner universities.
The first meeting under the project was held from 6th to 8th December, 2018 in Bad Gleihenberg, Austria. Issues related to the organisation, management and documentation of the project were discussed, tasks and responsibilities for the development of the intellectual products were distributed.

The University of Ruse is a partner in the consortium for the implementation of the project, together with the Applied sciences universities JOANNEUM (Austria), HOWEST (Belgium) and ZUYD (the Netherlands), the Technological university in Lulea (Sweden). Associated partners are the University of applied sciences ZHAW (Switzerland) and the European Network of Occupational Therapy in Higher Education (ENOTHE).
The University of Ruse is represented by assoc. prof. Lilia Todorova from the Department of Public Health and Social Work.
29 March 2019, Friday
The University of Ruse will host the module
„Innovations and Creativity for Life- IC4Life"
From 1 to 6 April 2019, the University of Ruse will host for a second time the module

„Innovations and Creativity for Life- IC4Life". Since 2014 this annual event connects students in the degree programme Occupational Therapy, business and engineering degree programmes from Belgium, Great Britain, Denmark, Lithuania and Bulgaria in their quest for creative solutions of various problems.
In this year's edition 8 students and 1 lecturer from the University PXL in Haselt (Belgium), 6 students and 2 lecturers from the University of Coventry (Great Britain), 1 lecturer and 1 student from the Lithuanian University of Health Sciences in Kaunas. All guests are from the degree programme Occupational Therapy.
The module is organized by assoc. prof. Lilia Todorova and assoc. prof. Petya Mincheva from the Department of Public Health and Helath care. The University of Ruse will be represented by 5 students in Occupational Therapy, 3 from Computer Systems and Technologies, 2 from Business and Management and 3 from Industrial Design. This provides interdisciplinarity in addition to the internationalisation of the training. Prof. Daniel Bratanov, assoc. prof. Galina Ivanova and assoc. prof. Daniel Pavlo0v will take part as lecturers as well.
29 March 2019, Friday
Project in the field of national security between Bulgaria, Romania and Moldova was discussed at the University of Ruse
Today, 29 March (Friday) 2019, the University of Ruse was visited by Octavian Melintescu – Deputy Head of Chief Directorate Anti-corruption – Romania, Bransa Genadie, Deputy Head of the Analysis Directorate of the National centre for fighting corruption in the Republic of Moldova and Senior Commissary Rumen Ganev – director of Directorate Internal Security with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Bulgaria.

The purpose of the visit was discussing the opportunities for joint work with the University of Ruse and initiating a joint project in the field of Nationalo Security between Bulgaria, Romania and Moldova.

The Rector of the University of Ruse, COR MEM Prof. Hristo Beloev, DTSc assured the visitors that our university is the right choice of partner. The successful projects in the field of national security, implemented by the University under the Framework Programmes of the European Commission, as well as the 18 projects under the Cross-border cooperation Bulgaria-Romania during the two programme periods serve as evidence of the preparedness of our academic community for the new partnership.

At the end of the visit the guests were shown around the university facilities.
28 March 2019, Thursday
Regional forum with international participation "Good educational and professional practices in the field of social work" is held at the University of Ruse
Today, 28 March (Thursday), a two-day regional forum with international participation "Good educational and professional practices in the field of social work" starts at the University of Ruse. The discussion topic of the event is "The social worker profession in XXI c. – challenges and opportunities for development".

The Rector, COR. MEM. Prof. Hristo Beloev, DTSc, welcomed the guests and noted that it is an honour for the academic management of the University to host the international forum. The University of Ruse has been offering the degree programme Social work for a relatively short time but it has marked fast development and significant achievements. The first position it was awarded in the professional field Social work in the annual rating of higher schools of the Ministry of Education and Science is evidence for its high quality. With its over 30 presentations, the forum is a prerequisite for further development and the University of Ruse aims at being a driving force in this area, concluded Prof. Beloev.

Assoc. prof. Sasho Nunev noted that the forum has been held for three years in a row, but this time it is different. This year, the Municipality of Ruse is co-organiser. Another difference is the participation of assoc. prof. Ana Radulescu, PhD, president of the European Branch of the International Association of Social Workers and prof. Florin Lazar, PhD, a member of the Executive Committee of the European Association of the Social Work Schools and regional coordinator for Bulgaria. The forum was greeted by the vice-minister of labour and social policy, Ms. Zornitsa Rusinova, the Governor of Ruse region, Mr. Galin Grigorov, the Mayor of Ruse – Mr. Plamen Stoilov, Ms. Svetlana Angelova, director of Regional directorate for social assistance - Ruse. The guests were greeted by Ms. Katya Petrova, Head of Department "Social work" with the Municipality of Ruse and Georgi Georgiev, Chairperson of the Board of directors "National alliance for social responsibility.

Assoc. Prof. Ana Radulescu, PhD was satisfied with the fact that the forum was attended by users of social services as well because their opinion is extremely important for improving these services and facilitating the work of social workers. She made an appeal for more humane relationships at all levels of our society.

NGOs suppliers of social services have exhibited their crafts with materials made by them and the users for charity purposes.
21 March 2019, Thursday
The Social Worker Club with the University of Ruse celebrated Social Work World Day
On 19 March 2019, at the lobby of Building 2 of the University of Ruse, students and lecturers from the Social Worker Club in professional field Social Work celebrated Social Work World Day.
First, the Chairperson of the club, assoc. prof. Sasho Nunev pointed out the significance of this day for the professional and academic communities of social workers all over the world. He put an emphasis on the topic of this year's World Day – promoting the significance of human relationships in people's everyday life, the professional activities of social workers and the training of their future colleagues.
Teams of students from the degree programme Social Work presented their posters, dedicated to the celebration, revealing their ideas in the context of the topic. They composed a colourful interactive mural from their posters. After that, in a flashmob, they expressed their position that the barriers in human relationships must be overcome. In this way, the young people declared their empathy and active attitude to the importance and necessity to develop human relationships. A video prepared by the Club was uploaded to the European Association of Schools of Social Work website (https://www.eassw.org/happy-wswd-by-university-of-ruse/), as a greeting address to their colleagues from over 300 schools and organisations in Europe – members of the Association.
20 March 2019, Wednesday
The International Francophony Day celebrated for a third time at the University of Ruse
On 20 March 2019 The International Francophony Day was celebrated for a third time at the University of Ruse. The initiative was realised in the framework of the active membership of the higher school in the University Francophony Agency.

The Rector of the university, COR MEM Prof. Hristo Beloev, DTSc, opened the event and pointed out that the university organises annually different events with the participation of students from the degree programmes "Bulgarian and French" and "European and Global Studies", who study French. He expressed the readiness of our Alma Mater to support and cooperate in all events, woven into the goals of the University Francophony Ahency. The Director of the High School for European Languages, Ms. Dobromira Nikolova was also a guest of the event.
During the event, students who participated in the Essay competition and the competition for projects were awarded. There was a poetic recital by students and flute performance by a lecturer, Petya Stefanova, PhD as well.
A special accent in the programme was the participation of 15 Erasmus+ students for the summer semester from a French Higher School in Electronics in Paris, who sang 2 popular French songs.

In July 2018, the University of Ruse hosted a National seminar of Francophony universities on the topic of "Improvement of university systems for quality assurance through good practices and internationalisation of education" while in December, the Rector of the University vowed to the Director of the French Institute in Bulgaria, Mr. Fabien Flоri, to revive Alliance Frances in Ruse.
14 March 2019, Thursday
Work meeting under the INNOVENTER – a Project for Innovative Professional Entrepreneurship trainings
Today 14 March 2019, (Thursday) a work meeting was held under the INNOVENTER – a Project for Innovative Professional Entrepreneurship trainings, financed by the Transnational programme INTERREG Balkans - Mediterranean 2014-2020.

The Rector of the University, COR MEM Prof. Hristo Beloev, DTSc welcomed the guests to the University of Ruse. He pointed out the fact that the higher school has always created a favourable environment for various institutions to meet and discuss ideas, good practices and challenges faced by society today. He wished the participants success in implementing the project because social entrepreneurship is topical and a need is felt for purposeful activities in this direction.
The main idea of the project is to create professionally oriented training in social entrepreneurship for small and medium-sized enterprises so that they can implement innovations while at the same time they employ disadvantaged people. In the workshop participated representatives of schools and other educational institutions from Sofia, Plovdiv, Razgrad and the University of Ruse "Angel Kanchev", Association Maria Curie -MSA (Bulgaria), Community help in Albania, Cyprus Chamber of Commerce and Industry, DYEKO – a network supporting entrepreneurship and social economy (Greece), Association for Management Consulting (BURM).
13 March 2019, Wednesday
Training seminar "Application of digital training materials in engineering education"
Today, 13 March, 2019 (Wednesday), at the University of Ruse was held a training seminar " Application of digital training materials in engineering education ". The event was organised in the framework of the project „Engineering Student Centered Learning Approaches" (ESCOLA), financed by the ЕRASMUS+, КА203 Programme. The main goal of the project is to develop an electronic training platform for supporting the education of students from engineering degree programmes.

The Rector of the University, COR MEM Prof. Hristo Beloev, DTSC greeted the guests and wished them efficient work with the hope that the exchange of ideas will be instrumental for achieving the project goal. He pointed out the fact that the higher school has had a long-standing experience in the projects about digitalization of education in Bulgaria and shared his satisfaction with the growing number of teams, working on this crucial task – digitization of modern society.

Teachers from several schools in Ruse – Vassil Levski Comprehensive school, the professional high schools of Electronics, of Construction and Architecture, of Industrial Technologies, lecturers from the universities in Gabrovo and Shumen, employees of the Regional Directorate of Employment and the Science and Technology Unions – Ruse, took part in the seminar. Experts from the Nuclear Power Station in Kozlodui, the Regional Management of Education – Ruse, as well as representatives of business – Fotolitics LtD. Dianel LtD, ELSI LtD and Activ El Engineering LtD were also guests of the event.
The leading partner of the project is the Aegean University (EGE), Turkey and the partner organisations are from Denmark, Poland, the Netherlands, Ireland, Spain and a team from the University of Ruse, led by Prof. Nikolai Mihailov, PhD, DHC.
11 March 2019, Monday
The East and the West are meeting at the University of Ruse
On 12 March 2019 (Tuesday), the Rector of the University of Ruse, COR. MEM. Prof. Hristo Beloev, DTSc, opened the first partner meeting under the project MODERNISATION OF HIGHER EDUCATION IN CENTRAL ASIA THROUGH NEW TECHNOLOGIES with the words:
„We are proud that the European Commission ranked the project of this large Euro-Asian consortium second. The University of Ruse has focused its efforts on the diditization of higher education since the beginning of the 21 century. So far, our Alma Mater is the initiator and coordinator of 5 large-scale European projects with the participation of dozens of universities from almost all European countries. We would like to express our gratitude to our long-standing partners from Italy (28-year old cooperation and three joint thematic networks in the field of education), Luxemburg (10 years of cooperation) and Portugal (12-year old cooperation and a joint project for distance learning). We hope to fulfil our function as the coordinator of this project, drawing on our experience so far. I welcome our new colleagues and friends from Kazakhstan, Kirgiztan., Tadjikistan, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan".

On behalf of the Mayor of Ruse, Mr. Plamen Stoilov, the Deputy Mayor, Strahil Karapchanski, PhD also offered words of welcome. First, he mentioned that Ruse is famous for two things – one is that it is known as the little Vienna and two – it is the city of free spirit. He reminded that during her visit to the University of Ruse, European Commissioner Maria Gabriel was acquainted with the Concept of the higher school for digitization of education and, not accidentally, the university experts have been assigned with the task to prepare the programme on a national level.

Mr. Davlatzoda Saifiddin – deputy Minister of education and science of Tajikistan admitted that he was not familiar with the trends in Bulgaria, but in Central Asia, the young people prefer to graduate in Law, Economics and Engineering. In the sphere of culture and pedagogical science there is a gap, which he hopes to be filled as a result of this project.

At the opening were present H.E. Temirtai Izbastin, Ambassador of Kazakhstan to Bulgaria, Prof. Kurmanbek Abdildaev – Rector of Issik-Kulski State University, 9 vice rectors, as well as Deans and Heads of Departments.
8 March 2019, Friday
79 international students arrived at the University of Ruse under the Erasmus+ exchange programme
79 international students arrived at the University of Ruse under the Erasmus+ exchange programme for the summer semester. They are going to study or have practical training in the higher school.
On 07 March 2019 (Thursday), a welcome party was organized for them by the University's Erasmus office. On behalf of the academic management, Prof. Plamen Kangalov, Vice Rector in Education and Prof. Juliana Popova, Vice Rector in internationalisation and communication policy greeted the students. Coordinators and lecturers from the University of Ruse were also introduced. In turn, the Erasmus students have prepared short presentations about their countries.

The Erasmus+ is financed by the European Commission and the participants are both EU member states and some partner countries from all over the world. The Erasmus students for this semester come to the University of Ruse from 11 countries. The biggest numbers come from Romania – 18 and France - 15. The other countries are represented as follows: Turkey – 8, Italy – 7, China - 7, Armenia – 6, Georgia – 6, Spain - 5, Vietnam -2, Northern Macedonia – 2 and Azerbaijan - 2.

The students will study or train in all faculties of the University of Ruse and the branch in Razgrad. Hald of them (38) have enrolled in the Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Electronics and Automation.
22 February 2019, Friday
Civil dialogue on the topic "Digital technologies: opportunities and challenges" with the participation of Mariya Gabriel, European commissioner for Digital Economy and Society
„In the history of Bulgaria and Europe, the University of Ruse "Angel Kanchev"has a special place. Love of knowledge, values from the past experience and clear vision for the future:
Keep on making us proud of you! Digital Europe needs you!"
Mariya Gabriel
Today the University of Ruse hosted a Civil dialogue on the topic "Digital technologies: opportunities and challenges" with the participation of Mariya Gabriel, European commissioner for Digital Economy and Society.

The European Commissioner presented the first programme in the field of digital technologies for Europe, which will be funded with 9,2 billion Euro by the next long-term budget of the European Commission for the period 2021—2027. The Commission's proposal is directed to five areas: Supercomputers; Artificial Intelligence; Cyber security and trust; Digital skills and Ensuring widespread digital technologies in the economy and society.

The challenges we face with the development of the means of communication and the necessity for all to bear responsibility in distributing information have been discussed. During the discussion, the role of Digital innovation hubs was outlined, as well as the perspective for creating such structures in every area of the European Union. „Ruse is turning into one such hub in Bulgaria quite rightfully" – said Ms. Gabriel.
The participants in the civil dialogue had the chance to test their digital skills by using and electronic platform to ask and answer questions via their smart phones.

Digital transformation provides a unique opportunity for economic growth, innovations and new job vacancies and in this aspect, the University of Ruse puts a strong accent on digitization in the field of education and adapting the study content to the digital generation.
19 February 2019, Tuesday
Lantern Festival 2019 at the University of Ruse
Confucius study room at the University of Ruse has organised a Chinese Lantern Festival for a second year, decorating colourfully the connection passage between the Main Building and Building 2.

Prof. Juliana Popova, Vice-rector in Internationalisation and communication policy, greeted the organisers of the event on behalf of the Academic management of the University of Ruse.
International Erasmus students were guests of the event, of whom 5 students from Shanghai Polytechnic University.

The visitors of the festival took part in the traditional Chinese puzzle game – The puzzle of the lantern. Each lantern from the decoration has a puzzle and when you solve it, you receive a prize. The game dates back to the Song dynasty, when games of wisdom became popular.
4 February 2019, Monday
Third Partner Meeting in Szczecin, Poland under the Project „Engineering Student-Centered Learning Approaches"
In the period 14-16 January, 2019, in the Computer Sciences and IT of the University of West Pomerania, Szczecin the third partner meeting under the project "Engineering Student Centered Learning Approaches (ESCOLA)" was held. The University of Ruse was represented by assoc. prof. Tsvetelina Georgieva, PhD, assoc. prof. Boris Evstatiev, PhD, Sen. Assistant Seher Kadirova, PhD, and Sen. Assistant Tsvetelin Georgiev, PhD.
During the event the five main modules from the electronic learning platform were presented and discussed, namely: Digital Inclusion, Innovative Learning, Distance Learning, Video and 3D Simulations for LABs, Joint Learning in Virtual Environments.
The project is financed by the ERASMUS+, key activity ERASMUS+, key activity КА2, Cooperation for innovations and exchange of good practices (2014-2020),Agreement №: 2017-1-TR01-KA203-045955 and is with a duration of 24 months. The deadline for implementation of the activities is the end of September, 2019.
For additional information: prof. Nikola Mihailov, PhD, DHC, Project leader for the University of Ruse, tel. 0888539388

18 January 2019, Friday
The Rector of the Silesian University of Technology visited the University of The Rector of the Silesian University of Technology visited the University of Ruse
The Rector of the Silesian University of Technology in Gliwice, Poland, Prof. Arkadiusz Mezyk, DSc, was a guest of the University of Ruse for a day.

The visit started with a meeting of the academic governance and the faculty deans. The Rector, Cor. Mem. Prof. Hristo Beloev, DTSc presented briefly the University of Ruse and mentioned the fact that the contacts with the Silesian University of Technology have a long history. One of the first Doctors Honoris Causa of our university is Prof Leszek Dobrzanski, DTSc, who donated to the university the symbolic rector's regalia - gown, hat, staff, necklace and ring.

Cor. Mem. Prof. Hristo Beloev, DTSc described the University of Ruse as an institution, working for the economic development of North Bulgaria with its multi-profile nature and strong international relations with partners from all over the world.

In his presentation, Prof. Arkadiusz Mezyk, DSc noted that just like the University of Ruse, the Silesian University of Technology was founded in 1945. It is located in the Southern part of Poland, in the special economic zone of Katowice in the city of Gliwice, which provides a competitive advantage in the opportunities for excellent contacts and joint activities with the businesses in this territory.

The opportunities for joint projects, student and lecturer exchange and joint degree programmes were discussed during the meeting.
During the visit a bilateral frame agreement was signed, regulating the cooperation between the University of Ruse and the Silesian University of Technology.
15 January 2019, Tuesday
A new project starts at the University of Ruse "Live, interactive and virtual environments for the museums of the lower Danube cross-border area between Romania and Bulgaria"
At a press conference today, the project "Live, interactive and virtual environments for the museums of the lower Danube cross-border area between Romania and Bulgaria" LIVE was presented. It is implemented under the Interreg V-A Romania-Bulgaria Programme, financed by the European Regional Development Fund(ERDF) under aim European Territorial Cooperation (ETC) for the participating member states.

The University of Ruse is a Lead beneficiary of the project. Representatives of all four remaining partners were present: Regional Museum of History – Ruse, Regional Museum of History – Silistra, Regional Museum of History – Calaras, and Regional Museum of History – Drobeta-Turnu Severin.
The press conference was opened by the Rector of the University of Ruse, Cor. Mem. Prof. Hristo Beloev. The Project leader, assoc. prof. Plamen Zahariev gave a brief presentation of the main goals and activities.
The project is under Priority Axis 2 of the Interreg V-A Romania-Bulgaria Programme: Green region; Specific goal 2.1: Improving sustainable use of natural heritage, resources and cultural heritage.
The main goal is to make a significant step forward in preserving and promoting the natural and cultural heritage through developing complex pilit solutions of various ICT systems, which will provide to the beneficiaries advanced technologies for online presentation of events and new forms of content sharing and visualisation.
With the aim to multiply the effect a number of events for promotion and distribution of project results have been planned. Among them probably the most effective will be the two 3D mapping shows in Bulgaria and Romania, respectively. Representatives of all museums and cultural institutions in the cross-border region will be acquainted with the opportunities to use the complex ICT solutions. Within the framework of the project a strategy "The Path of the Danube Museums" will be developed.
The project value is 479,655.05 Euro, of which 407,706.78 Euro from ERDF;